import json import requests import io import os import uuid import base64 from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.types import * from dotenv import load_dotenv # Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at # # You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this. # Use this token to access the HTTP API: # Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot. # For a description of the Bot API, see this page: load_dotenv() API_ID = os.environ.get("API_ID", None) API_HASH = os.environ.get("API_HASH", None) TOKEN = os.environ.get("TOKEN", None) SD_URL = os.environ.get("SD_URL", None) print(SD_URL) app = Client("stable", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=TOKEN) #default params steps_value_default = 40 def process_input_string(string): ng_delimiter = "ng:" steps_delimiter = "steps:" ng_index = string.find(ng_delimiter) steps_index = string.find(steps_delimiter) if ng_index != -1 and steps_index != -1: if ng_index < steps_index: positive = string[:ng_index].strip() negative = string[ng_index + len(ng_delimiter):steps_index].strip() steps_str = string[steps_index + len(steps_delimiter):].strip().split()[0] else: positive = string[:steps_index].strip() negative = string[steps_index + len(steps_delimiter):ng_index].strip() steps_str = string[ng_index + len(ng_delimiter):].strip().split()[0] elif ng_index != -1: positive = string[:ng_index].strip() negative = string[ng_index + len(ng_delimiter):].strip() steps_str = None elif steps_index != -1: positive = string[:steps_index].strip() negative = None steps_str = string[steps_index + len(steps_delimiter):].strip().split()[0] else: positive = string.strip() negative = None steps_str = None try: steps_value = int(steps_str) #limit steps to range if not 1 <= steps_value <= 70: steps_value = steps_value_default except (ValueError, TypeError): steps_value = None return positive, negative, steps_value @app.on_message(filters.command(["draw"])) def draw(client, message): msgs = message.text.split(" ", 1) if len(msgs) == 1: message.reply_text( "Format :\n/draw < text to image >\nng: < negative (optional) >\nsteps: < steps value (1-70, optional) >" ) return positive, negative, steps_value = process_input_string(msgs[1]) payload = { "prompt": positive, } if negative is not None: payload["negative_prompt"] = negative if steps_value is not None: payload["steps"] = steps_value print(payload) # The rest of the draw function remains unchanged K = message.reply_text("Please Wait 10-15 Second") r ="{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/txt2img", json=payload).json() def genr(): unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:7] return f"{message.from_user.first_name}-{unique_id}" word = genr() for i in r["images"]: image =",", 1)[0]))) png_payload = {"image": "data:image/png;base64," + i} response2 ="{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/png-info", json=png_payload) pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() pnginfo.add_text("parameters", response2.json().get("info"))"{word}.png", pnginfo=pnginfo) message.reply_photo( photo=f"{word}.png", caption=( f"Prompt - **{positive}**\n" f"Negative Prompt - **{negative if negative is not None else 'None'}**\n" f"Steps - **{steps_value if steps_value != steps_value_default else 'Default'}**\n" f"**[{message.from_user.first_name}-Kun](tg://user?id={})**" ), ) # os.remove(f"{word}.png") K.delete() @app.on_message(filters.command(["getmodels"])) async def get_models(client, message): response = requests.get(url=f"{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/sd-models") if response.status_code == 200: models_json = response.json() # create buttons for each model name buttons = [] for model in models_json: buttons.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( model["title"], callback_data=model["model_name"] ) ] ) # send the message await message.reply_text( text="Select a model [checkpoint] to use", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) @app.on_callback_query() async def process_callback(client, callback_query): # if a model button is clicked, set sd_model_checkpoint to the selected model's title sd_model_checkpoint = # The sd_model_checkpoint needs to be set to the title from /sdapi/v1/sd-models # post using /sdapi/v1/options options = {"sd_model_checkpoint": sd_model_checkpoint} # post the options response ="{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/options", json=options) if response.status_code == 200: # if the post was successful, send a message await callback_query.message.reply_text( "checpoint set to " + sd_model_checkpoint ) else: # if the post was unsuccessful, send an error message await callback_query.message.reply_text("Error setting options") @app.on_message(filters.command(["start"], prefixes=["/", "!"])) async def start(client, message): # Photo = "" buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "Add to your group", url="" ) ] ] await message.reply_text( # photo=Photo, text=f"Hello!\nask me to imagine anything\n\n/draw text to image", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), )