2024-05-26 09:00:32 +03:00

348 lines
13 KiB

import os
import re
import io
import uuid
import base64
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Load environment variables
API_ID = os.environ.get("API_ID")
API_HASH = os.environ.get("API_HASH")
TOKEN = os.environ.get("TOKEN_givemtxt2img")
SD_URL = os.environ.get("SD_URL")
app = Client("stable", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=TOKEN)
IMAGE_PATH = 'images'
# Ensure IMAGE_PATH directory exists
os.makedirs(IMAGE_PATH, exist_ok=True)
# Model-specific embeddings for negative prompts
model_negative_prompts = {
"Anything-Diffusion": "",
"Deliberate": "",
"Dreamshaper": "",
"DreamShaperXL_Lightning": "",
"icbinp": "",
"realisticVisionV60B1_v51VAE": "realisticvision-negative-embedding",
"v1-5-pruned-emaonly": ""
def encode_file_to_base64(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
return base64.b64encode('utf-8')
def decode_and_save_base64(base64_str, save_path):
with open(save_path, "wb") as file:
# Set default payload values
default_payload = {
"prompt": "",
"seed": -1, # Random seed
"negative_prompt": "extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, deformed, ugly, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, skinny, glitchy, double torso, extra arms, extra hands, mangled fingers, missing lips, ugly face, distorted face, extra legs",
"enable_hr": False,
"Sampler": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"denoising_strength": 0.35,
"batch_size": 1,
"n_iter": 1,
"steps": 35,
"cfg_scale": 7,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"restore_faces": False,
"override_settings": {},
"override_settings_restore_afterwards": True,
def update_negative_prompt(model_name):
if model_name in model_negative_prompts:
suffix = model_negative_prompts[model_name]
default_payload["negative_prompt"] += f", {suffix}"
def parse_input(input_string):
payload = default_payload.copy()
prompt = []
include_info = "info:" in input_string
input_string = input_string.replace("info:", "").strip()
matches = re.finditer(r"(\w+):", input_string)
last_index = 0
script_args = [0, "", [], 0, "", [], 0, "", [], True, False, False, False, False, False, False, 0, False]
script_name = None
slot_mapping = {0: (0, 1), 1: (3, 4), 2: (6, 7)}
slot_index = 0
for match in matches:
key =
value_start_index = match.end()
if last_index != match.start():
prompt.append(input_string[last_index: match.start()].strip())
last_index = value_start_index
value_end_match ="(?=\s+\w+:|$)", input_string[value_start_index:])
if value_end_match:
value_end_index = value_end_match.start() + value_start_index
value_end_index = len(input_string)
value = input_string[value_start_index: value_end_index].strip()
if key == "ds":
key = "denoising_strength"
if key == "ng":
key = "negative_prompt"
if key == "cfg":
key = "cfg_scale"
if key in default_payload:
payload[key] = value
elif key in ["xsr", "xsteps", "xds", "xcfg", "nl", "ks", "rs"]:
script_name = "x/y/z plot"
if slot_index < 3:
script_slot = slot_mapping[slot_index]
if key == "xsr":
script_args[script_slot[0]] = 7 # Enum value for xsr
script_args[script_slot[1]] = value
elif key == "xsteps":
script_args[script_slot[0]] = 4 # Enum value for xsteps
script_args[script_slot[1]] = value
elif key == "xds":
script_args[script_slot[0]] = 22 # Enum value for xds
script_args[script_slot[1]] = value
elif key == "xcfg":
script_args[script_slot[0]] = 6 # Enum value for CFG Scale
script_args[script_slot[1]] = value
slot_index += 1
elif key == "nl":
script_args[9] = False # Draw legend
elif key == "ks":
script_args[10] = True # Keep sub images
elif key == "rs":
script_args[11] = True # Set random seed to sub images
last_index = value_end_index
payload["prompt"] = " ".join(prompt).strip()
if not payload["prompt"]:
payload["prompt"] = input_string.strip()
if script_name:
payload["script_name"] = script_name
payload["script_args"] = script_args
return payload, include_info
def create_caption(payload, user_name, user_id, info, include_info):
caption = f"**[{user_name}](tg://user?id={user_id})**\n\n"
prompt = payload["prompt"]
# Define a regular expression pattern to match the seed value
seed_pattern = r"Seed: (\d+)"
# Search for the pattern in the info string
match =, info)
# Check if a match was found and extract the seed value
if match:
seed_value =
caption += f"**{seed_value}**\n"
print("Seed value not found in the info string.")
caption += f"**{prompt}**\n"
if include_info:
caption += f"\nFull Payload:\n`{payload}`\n"
if len(caption) > 1024:
caption = caption[:1021] + "..."
return caption
def call_api(api_endpoint, payload):
response ='{SD_URL}/{api_endpoint}', json=payload)
return response.json()
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f"API call failed: {e}")
return None
def process_images(images, user_id, user_name):
def generate_unique_name():
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:7]
return f"{user_name}-{unique_id}"
word = generate_unique_name()
for i in images:
image =",", 1)[0])))
png_payload = {"image": "data:image/png;base64," + i}
response2 ="{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/png-info", json=png_payload)
pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
pnginfo.add_text("parameters", response2.json().get("info"))"{IMAGE_PATH}/{word}.png", pnginfo=pnginfo)
return word, response2.json().get("info")
def draw(client, message):
msgs = message.text.split(" ", 1)
if len(msgs) == 1:
message.reply_text("Format :\n/draw < text to image >\nng: < negative (optional) >\nsteps: < steps value (1-70, optional) >")
payload, include_info = parse_input(msgs[1])
# Check if xds is used in the payload
if "xds" in msgs[1].lower():
message.reply_text("`xds` key cannot be used in the `/draw` command. Use `/img` instead.")
K = message.reply_text("Please Wait 10-15 Seconds")
r = call_api('sdapi/v1/txt2img', payload)
if r:
for i in r["images"]:
word, info = process_images([i],, message.from_user.first_name)
caption = create_caption(payload, message.from_user.first_name,, info, include_info)
message.reply_photo(photo=f"{IMAGE_PATH}/{word}.png", caption=caption)
message.reply_text("Failed to generate image. Please try again later.")
def img2img(client, message):
if not message.reply_to_message or not
message.reply_text("Reply to an image with\n`/img < prompt > ds:0-1.0`\n\nds stands for `Denoising_strength` parameter. Set that low (like 0.2) if you just want to slightly change things. defaults to 0.35\n\nExample: `/img murder on the dance floor ds:0.2`")
msgs = message.text.split(" ", 1)
if len(msgs) == 1:
message.reply_text("dont FAIL in life")
payload, include_info = parse_input(msgs[1])
photo =
photo_file = app.download_media(photo)
init_image = encode_file_to_base64(photo_file)
os.remove(photo_file) # Clean up downloaded image file
payload["init_images"] = [init_image]
K = message.reply_text("Please Wait 10-15 Seconds")
r = call_api('sdapi/v1/img2img', payload)
if r:
for i in r["images"]:
word, info = process_images([i],, message.from_user.first_name)
caption = create_caption(payload, message.from_user.first_name,, info, include_info)
message.reply_photo(photo=f"{IMAGE_PATH}/{word}.png", caption=caption)
message.reply_text("Failed to process image. Please try again later.")
async def get_models(client, message):
response = requests.get(f"{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/sd-models")
models_json = response.json()
buttons = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(model["title"], callback_data=model["model_name"])]
for model in models_json
await message.reply_text("Select a model [checkpoint] to use", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))
except requests.RequestException as e:
await message.reply_text(f"Failed to get models: {e}")
async def process_callback(client, callback_query):
sd_model_checkpoint =
options = {"sd_model_checkpoint": sd_model_checkpoint}
response ="{SD_URL}/sdapi/v1/options", json=options)
# Update the negative prompt based on the selected model
await callback_query.message.reply_text(f"Checkpoint set to {sd_model_checkpoint}")
except requests.RequestException as e:
await callback_query.message.reply_text(f"Failed to set checkpoint: {e}")
print(f"Error setting checkpoint: {e}")
async def info(client, message):
await message.reply_text("""
**Stable Diffusion Bot Commands and Options:**
1. **/draw <prompt> [options]**
- Generates an image based on the provided text prompt.
- **Options:**
- `ng:<negative_prompt>` - Add a negative prompt to avoid specific features.
- `steps:<value>` - Number of steps for generation (1-70).
- `ds:<value>` - Denoising strength (0-1.0).
- `cfg:<value>` - CFG scale (1-30).
- `info:` - Include full payload information in the caption.
**Example:** `/draw beautiful sunset ng:ugly steps:30 ds:0.5 info:`
2. **/img <prompt> [options]**
- Generates an image based on an existing image and the provided text prompt.
- **Options:**
- `ds:<value>` - Denoising strength (0-1.0).
- `steps:<value>` - Number of steps for generation (1-70).
- `cfg:<value>` - CFG scale (1-30).
- `info:` - Include full payload information in the caption.
**Example:** Reply to an image with `/img modern art ds:0.2 info:`
3. **/getmodels**
- Retrieves and lists all available models for the user to select.
- User can then choose a model to set as the current model for image generation.
4. **/info_sd_bot**
- Provides detailed information about the bot's commands and options.
**Additional Options for Advanced Users:**
- **x/y/z plot options** for advanced generation:
- `xsr:<value>` - Search and replace text/emoji in the prompt.
- `xsteps:<value>` - Steps value for x/y/z plot.
- `xds:<value>` - Denoising strength for x/y/z plot.
- `xcfg:<value>` - CFG scale for x/y/z plot.
- `nl` - No legend in x/y/z plot.
- `ks` - Keep sub-images in x/y/z plot.
- `rs` - Set random seed for sub-images in x/y/z plot.
- Use lower step values (10-20) for large x/y/z plots to avoid long processing times.
- Use `info:` option to include full payload details in the caption of generated images for better troubleshooting and analysis.
**Example for Advanced Users:** `/draw beautiful landscape xsteps:10 xds:0.5 xcfg:7 nl ks rs info:`
For more details, visit the [Stable Diffusion Wiki](
Enjoy creating with Stable Diffusion Bot!
""", disable_web_page_preview=True)