Windows does not provide Visual Studio ``*.sln`` file directly and requires CMake to build. Firstly, CMake can be used across multiple platforms, it is easy to configure and can be maintained in a sustainable way. Secondly, the third-party codes (Glog, OpenCV) are built using CMake.
There is currently no binary installer available, which requires you to compile from source. It is also the process of configuring the development environment.
CMake (provide build)
*`CMake <>`_,used to build and compile (necessary).
*`Git <>`_, used to get code (optional).
*`Doxygen <>`_, used to generate documents (optional).
After you install the above tools, confirm that you can run this command in CMD (Command Prompt):
..code-block:: bat
>cmake --version
cmake version 3.10.1
>git --version
git version
>doxygen --version
Visual Studio (provide compilation)
*`Visual Studio <>`_
*`Visual Studio 2017 < Studio 2017>`_
*`Visual Studio 2015 < Studio 2015>`_
In Visual Studio command Prompt, you can use the compile command ``cl````link````lib````msbuild``, etc.(need finish ``MSYS2``and ``Getting Source Code`` steps first)
The official OpenCV provides the ``exe`` for installation. If you want to compile from the source code, see the Official document `Installation in Windows <>`_ . or refer to the following command:
If OpenCV is installed in a custom directory or wants to specify a version, you can set the path as follows before compiling:
..code-block:: bat
# OpenCV_DIR is hte path where OpenCVConfig.cmake in
set OpenCV_DIR=C:\opencv
Otherwise, CMake will prompt that OpenCV could not be found. If you don't want to rely on OpenCV, read :ref:`sdk_without_opencv` .
Build and install:
..code-block:: bat
cd <sdk>
make install
Finally, the SDK will install in ``<sdk>/_install`` by default.
Building samples
..code-block:: bat
cd <sdk>
make samples
Run samples:
..code-block:: bat
For tutorial samples, please read :ref:`data` and :ref:`ctrl` .
All compiled sample programs ``exe`` will have a corresponding ``bat``. ``bat`` will temporarily set system environment variables and then run ``exe``. So it is recommended to run ``bat``.
If you run``exe`` directly, it may prompt that cannot find ``dll``. Then you should add ``<sdk>\\_install\\bin````%OPENCV_DIR%\\bin`` to ``PATH`` in system environment variable.
How to set the environment variable for OpenCV, refer to the official document `Set the OpenCV environment variable and add it to the systems path <>`_ .
Building tools
..code-block:: bat
cd <sdk>
make tools
The usage of tools and scripts will be introduced later.
The script is based on Python. You need to install Python and its package management tool pip first, and then install the dependencies as follows:
..code-block:: bat
cd <sdk>\tools
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Python is also in MSYS2, but fail install Matplotlib in test.
If your project will use SDK, you can refer to the settings in ``samples/CMakeLists.txt`` for CMake. Or just import the head file and dynamic library in the installation directory.