@extern "mynteye_types.yaml"

# Device class to communicate with MYNT® EYE device
device = interface +c {
  # Create the device instance
  static create(info: device_usb_info): device;

  # Get the model
  get_model(): model;

  # Supports the stream or not
  supports_stream(stream: stream): bool;
  # Supports the capability or not
  supports_capability(capabilities: capability): bool;
  # Supports the option or not
  supports_option(option: option): bool;
  # Supports the addon or not
  supports_addon(addon: addon): bool;

  # Get all stream requests
  get_stream_requests(): list<stream_request>;
  # Config the stream request
  config_stream_request(request: stream_request);

  # Get the device info
  get_info(info: info): string;

  # Get the intrinsics of stream
  get_intrinsics(stream: stream): intrinsics;
  # Get the extrinsics of stream
  get_extrinsics(from: stream, to: stream): extrinsics;

  # Get the intrinsics of motion
  get_motion_intrinsics(): motion_intrinsics;
  # Get the extrinsics from one stream to motion
  get_motion_extrinsics(from: stream): extrinsics;

  # Get the option info
  get_option_info(option: option): option_info;

  # Get the option value
  get_option_value(option: option): i32;
  # Set the option value
  set_option_value(option: option, value: i32);

  # Run the option value
  run_option_action(option: option): bool;

  # Start capturing the source
  start(source: source);
  # Stop capturing the source
  stop(source: source);

  # Wait the streams are ready

  # Get the latest data of stream
  get_stream_data(stream: stream): stream_data;
  # Get the datas of stream
  get_stream_datas(stream: stream): list<stream_data>;

  # Enable cache motion datas until get them, otherwise using callback instead
  enable_motion_datas(max_size: i32);
  # Get the motion datas
  get_motion_datas(): list<motion_data>;