// Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // http://ceres-solver.org/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Author: sameeragarwal@google.com (Sameer Agarwal) // // Various algorithms that operate on undirected graphs. #ifndef CERES_INTERNAL_GRAPH_ALGORITHMS_H_ #define CERES_INTERNAL_GRAPH_ALGORITHMS_H_ #include #include #include #include "ceres/collections_port.h" #include "ceres/graph.h" #include "ceres/wall_time.h" #include "glog/logging.h" namespace ceres { namespace internal { // Compare two vertices of a graph by their degrees, if the degrees // are equal then order them by their ids. template class VertexTotalOrdering { public: explicit VertexTotalOrdering(const Graph& graph) : graph_(graph) {} bool operator()(const Vertex& lhs, const Vertex& rhs) const { if (graph_.Neighbors(lhs).size() == graph_.Neighbors(rhs).size()) { return lhs < rhs; } return graph_.Neighbors(lhs).size() < graph_.Neighbors(rhs).size(); } private: const Graph& graph_; }; template class VertexDegreeLessThan { public: explicit VertexDegreeLessThan(const Graph& graph) : graph_(graph) {} bool operator()(const Vertex& lhs, const Vertex& rhs) const { return graph_.Neighbors(lhs).size() < graph_.Neighbors(rhs).size(); } private: const Graph& graph_; }; // Order the vertices of a graph using its (approximately) largest // independent set, where an independent set of a graph is a set of // vertices that have no edges connecting them. The maximum // independent set problem is NP-Hard, but there are effective // approximation algorithms available. The implementation here uses a // breadth first search that explores the vertices in order of // increasing degree. The same idea is used by Saad & Li in "MIQR: A // multilevel incomplete QR preconditioner for large sparse // least-squares problems", SIMAX, 2007. // // Given a undirected graph G(V,E), the algorithm is a greedy BFS // search where the vertices are explored in increasing order of their // degree. The output vector ordering contains elements of S in // increasing order of their degree, followed by elements of V - S in // increasing order of degree. The return value of the function is the // cardinality of S. template int IndependentSetOrdering(const Graph& graph, std::vector* ordering) { const HashSet& vertices = graph.vertices(); const int num_vertices = vertices.size(); CHECK_NOTNULL(ordering); ordering->clear(); ordering->reserve(num_vertices); // Colors for labeling the graph during the BFS. const char kWhite = 0; const char kGrey = 1; const char kBlack = 2; // Mark all vertices white. HashMap vertex_color; std::vector vertex_queue; for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); ++it) { vertex_color[*it] = kWhite; vertex_queue.push_back(*it); } std::sort(vertex_queue.begin(), vertex_queue.end(), VertexTotalOrdering(graph)); // Iterate over vertex_queue. Pick the first white vertex, add it // to the independent set. Mark it black and its neighbors grey. for (int i = 0; i < vertex_queue.size(); ++i) { const Vertex& vertex = vertex_queue[i]; if (vertex_color[vertex] != kWhite) { continue; } ordering->push_back(vertex); vertex_color[vertex] = kBlack; const HashSet& neighbors = graph.Neighbors(vertex); for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it) { vertex_color[*it] = kGrey; } } int independent_set_size = ordering->size(); // Iterate over the vertices and add all the grey vertices to the // ordering. At this stage there should only be black or grey // vertices in the graph. for (typename std::vector::const_iterator it = vertex_queue.begin(); it != vertex_queue.end(); ++it) { const Vertex vertex = *it; DCHECK(vertex_color[vertex] != kWhite); if (vertex_color[vertex] != kBlack) { ordering->push_back(vertex); } } CHECK_EQ(ordering->size(), num_vertices); return independent_set_size; } // Same as above with one important difference. The ordering parameter // is an input/output parameter which carries an initial ordering of // the vertices of the graph. The greedy independent set algorithm // starts by sorting the vertices in increasing order of their // degree. The input ordering is used to stabilize this sort, i.e., if // two vertices have the same degree then they are ordered in the same // order in which they occur in "ordering". // // This is useful in eliminating non-determinism from the Schur // ordering algorithm over all. template int StableIndependentSetOrdering(const Graph& graph, std::vector* ordering) { CHECK_NOTNULL(ordering); const HashSet& vertices = graph.vertices(); const int num_vertices = vertices.size(); CHECK_EQ(vertices.size(), ordering->size()); // Colors for labeling the graph during the BFS. const char kWhite = 0; const char kGrey = 1; const char kBlack = 2; std::vector vertex_queue(*ordering); std::stable_sort(vertex_queue.begin(), vertex_queue.end(), VertexDegreeLessThan(graph)); // Mark all vertices white. HashMap vertex_color; for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); ++it) { vertex_color[*it] = kWhite; } ordering->clear(); ordering->reserve(num_vertices); // Iterate over vertex_queue. Pick the first white vertex, add it // to the independent set. Mark it black and its neighbors grey. for (int i = 0; i < vertex_queue.size(); ++i) { const Vertex& vertex = vertex_queue[i]; if (vertex_color[vertex] != kWhite) { continue; } ordering->push_back(vertex); vertex_color[vertex] = kBlack; const HashSet& neighbors = graph.Neighbors(vertex); for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it) { vertex_color[*it] = kGrey; } } int independent_set_size = ordering->size(); // Iterate over the vertices and add all the grey vertices to the // ordering. At this stage there should only be black or grey // vertices in the graph. for (typename std::vector::const_iterator it = vertex_queue.begin(); it != vertex_queue.end(); ++it) { const Vertex vertex = *it; DCHECK(vertex_color[vertex] != kWhite); if (vertex_color[vertex] != kBlack) { ordering->push_back(vertex); } } CHECK_EQ(ordering->size(), num_vertices); return independent_set_size; } // Find the connected component for a vertex implemented using the // find and update operation for disjoint-set. Recursively traverse // the disjoint set structure till you reach a vertex whose connected // component has the same id as the vertex itself. Along the way // update the connected components of all the vertices. This updating // is what gives this data structure its efficiency. template Vertex FindConnectedComponent(const Vertex& vertex, HashMap* union_find) { typename HashMap::iterator it = union_find->find(vertex); DCHECK(it != union_find->end()); if (it->second != vertex) { it->second = FindConnectedComponent(it->second, union_find); } return it->second; } // Compute a degree two constrained Maximum Spanning Tree/forest of // the input graph. Caller owns the result. // // Finding degree 2 spanning tree of a graph is not always // possible. For example a star graph, i.e. a graph with n-nodes // where one node is connected to the other n-1 nodes does not have // a any spanning trees of degree less than n-1.Even if such a tree // exists, finding such a tree is NP-Hard. // We get around both of these problems by using a greedy, degree // constrained variant of Kruskal's algorithm. We start with a graph // G_T with the same vertex set V as the input graph G(V,E) but an // empty edge set. We then iterate over the edges of G in decreasing // order of weight, adding them to G_T if doing so does not create a // cycle in G_T} and the degree of all the vertices in G_T remains // bounded by two. This O(|E|) algorithm results in a degree-2 // spanning forest, or a collection of linear paths that span the // graph G. template WeightedGraph* Degree2MaximumSpanningForest(const WeightedGraph& graph) { // Array of edges sorted in decreasing order of their weights. std::vector > > weighted_edges; WeightedGraph* forest = new WeightedGraph(); // Disjoint-set to keep track of the connected components in the // maximum spanning tree. HashMap disjoint_set; // Sort of the edges in the graph in decreasing order of their // weight. Also add the vertices of the graph to the Maximum // Spanning Tree graph and set each vertex to be its own connected // component in the disjoint_set structure. const HashSet& vertices = graph.vertices(); for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); ++it) { const Vertex vertex1 = *it; forest->AddVertex(vertex1, graph.VertexWeight(vertex1)); disjoint_set[vertex1] = vertex1; const HashSet& neighbors = graph.Neighbors(vertex1); for (typename HashSet::const_iterator it2 = neighbors.begin(); it2 != neighbors.end(); ++it2) { const Vertex vertex2 = *it2; if (vertex1 >= vertex2) { continue; } const double weight = graph.EdgeWeight(vertex1, vertex2); weighted_edges.push_back( std::make_pair(weight, std::make_pair(vertex1, vertex2))); } } // The elements of this vector, are pairs. Sorting it using the reverse iterators gives us the edges // in decreasing order of edges. std::sort(weighted_edges.rbegin(), weighted_edges.rend()); // Greedily add edges to the spanning tree/forest as long as they do // not violate the degree/cycle constraint. for (int i =0; i < weighted_edges.size(); ++i) { const std::pair& edge = weighted_edges[i].second; const Vertex vertex1 = edge.first; const Vertex vertex2 = edge.second; // Check if either of the vertices are of degree 2 already, in // which case adding this edge will violate the degree 2 // constraint. if ((forest->Neighbors(vertex1).size() == 2) || (forest->Neighbors(vertex2).size() == 2)) { continue; } // Find the id of the connected component to which the two // vertices belong to. If the id is the same, it means that the // two of them are already connected to each other via some other // vertex, and adding this edge will create a cycle. Vertex root1 = FindConnectedComponent(vertex1, &disjoint_set); Vertex root2 = FindConnectedComponent(vertex2, &disjoint_set); if (root1 == root2) { continue; } // This edge can be added, add an edge in either direction with // the same weight as the original graph. const double edge_weight = graph.EdgeWeight(vertex1, vertex2); forest->AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2, edge_weight); forest->AddEdge(vertex2, vertex1, edge_weight); // Connected the two connected components by updating the // disjoint_set structure. Always connect the connected component // with the greater index with the connected component with the // smaller index. This should ensure shallower trees, for quicker // lookup. if (root2 < root1) { std::swap(root1, root2); } disjoint_set[root2] = root1; } return forest; } } // namespace internal } // namespace ceres #endif // CERES_INTERNAL_GRAPH_ALGORITHMS_H_