// Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // http://ceres-solver.org/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Author: sameeragarwal@google.com (Sameer Agarwal) // This include must come before any #ifndef check on Ceres compile options. #include "ceres/internal/port.h" #ifndef CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE #include "ceres/visibility_based_preconditioner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Eigen/Dense" #include "ceres/block_random_access_sparse_matrix.h" #include "ceres/block_sparse_matrix.h" #include "ceres/canonical_views_clustering.h" #include "ceres/collections_port.h" #include "ceres/graph.h" #include "ceres/graph_algorithms.h" #include "ceres/internal/scoped_ptr.h" #include "ceres/linear_solver.h" #include "ceres/schur_eliminator.h" #include "ceres/single_linkage_clustering.h" #include "ceres/visibility.h" #include "glog/logging.h" namespace ceres { namespace internal { using std::make_pair; using std::pair; using std::set; using std::swap; using std::vector; // TODO(sameeragarwal): Currently these are magic weights for the // preconditioner construction. Move these higher up into the Options // struct and provide some guidelines for choosing them. // // This will require some more work on the clustering algorithm and // possibly some more refactoring of the code. static const double kCanonicalViewsSizePenaltyWeight = 3.0; static const double kCanonicalViewsSimilarityPenaltyWeight = 0.0; static const double kSingleLinkageMinSimilarity = 0.9; VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::VisibilityBasedPreconditioner( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs, const Preconditioner::Options& options) : options_(options), num_blocks_(0), num_clusters_(0), factor_(NULL) { CHECK_GT(options_.elimination_groups.size(), 1); CHECK_GT(options_.elimination_groups[0], 0); CHECK(options_.type == CLUSTER_JACOBI || options_.type == CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL) << "Unknown preconditioner type: " << options_.type; num_blocks_ = bs.cols.size() - options_.elimination_groups[0]; CHECK_GT(num_blocks_, 0) << "Jacobian should have atleast 1 f_block for " << "visibility based preconditioning."; // Vector of camera block sizes block_size_.resize(num_blocks_); for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks_; ++i) { block_size_[i] = bs.cols[i + options_.elimination_groups[0]].size; } const time_t start_time = time(NULL); switch (options_.type) { case CLUSTER_JACOBI: ComputeClusterJacobiSparsity(bs); break; case CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL: ComputeClusterTridiagonalSparsity(bs); break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown preconditioner type"; } const time_t structure_time = time(NULL); InitStorage(bs); const time_t storage_time = time(NULL); InitEliminator(bs); const time_t eliminator_time = time(NULL); // Allocate temporary storage for a vector used during // RightMultiply. tmp_rhs_ = CHECK_NOTNULL(ss_.CreateDenseVector(NULL, m_->num_rows(), m_->num_rows())); const time_t init_time = time(NULL); VLOG(2) << "init time: " << init_time - start_time << " structure time: " << structure_time - start_time << " storage time:" << storage_time - structure_time << " eliminator time: " << eliminator_time - storage_time; } VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::~VisibilityBasedPreconditioner() { if (factor_ != NULL) { ss_.Free(factor_); factor_ = NULL; } if (tmp_rhs_ != NULL) { ss_.Free(tmp_rhs_); tmp_rhs_ = NULL; } } // Determine the sparsity structure of the CLUSTER_JACOBI // preconditioner. It clusters cameras using their scene // visibility. The clusters form the diagonal blocks of the // preconditioner matrix. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ComputeClusterJacobiSparsity( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs) { vector > visibility; ComputeVisibility(bs, options_.elimination_groups[0], &visibility); CHECK_EQ(num_blocks_, visibility.size()); ClusterCameras(visibility); cluster_pairs_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num_clusters_; ++i) { cluster_pairs_.insert(make_pair(i, i)); } } // Determine the sparsity structure of the CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL // preconditioner. It clusters cameras using using the scene // visibility and then finds the strongly interacting pairs of // clusters by constructing another graph with the clusters as // vertices and approximating it with a degree-2 maximum spanning // forest. The set of edges in this forest are the cluster pairs. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ComputeClusterTridiagonalSparsity( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs) { vector > visibility; ComputeVisibility(bs, options_.elimination_groups[0], &visibility); CHECK_EQ(num_blocks_, visibility.size()); ClusterCameras(visibility); // Construct a weighted graph on the set of clusters, where the // edges are the number of 3D points/e_blocks visible in both the // clusters at the ends of the edge. Return an approximate degree-2 // maximum spanning forest of this graph. vector > cluster_visibility; ComputeClusterVisibility(visibility, &cluster_visibility); scoped_ptr > cluster_graph( CHECK_NOTNULL(CreateClusterGraph(cluster_visibility))); scoped_ptr > forest( CHECK_NOTNULL(Degree2MaximumSpanningForest(*cluster_graph))); ForestToClusterPairs(*forest, &cluster_pairs_); } // Allocate storage for the preconditioner matrix. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::InitStorage( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs) { ComputeBlockPairsInPreconditioner(bs); m_.reset(new BlockRandomAccessSparseMatrix(block_size_, block_pairs_)); } // Call the canonical views algorithm and cluster the cameras based on // their visibility sets. The visibility set of a camera is the set of // e_blocks/3D points in the scene that are seen by it. // // The cluster_membership_ vector is updated to indicate cluster // memberships for each camera block. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ClusterCameras( const vector >& visibility) { scoped_ptr > schur_complement_graph( CHECK_NOTNULL(CreateSchurComplementGraph(visibility))); HashMap membership; if (options_.visibility_clustering_type == CANONICAL_VIEWS) { vector centers; CanonicalViewsClusteringOptions clustering_options; clustering_options.size_penalty_weight = kCanonicalViewsSizePenaltyWeight; clustering_options.similarity_penalty_weight = kCanonicalViewsSimilarityPenaltyWeight; ComputeCanonicalViewsClustering(clustering_options, *schur_complement_graph, ¢ers, &membership); num_clusters_ = centers.size(); } else if (options_.visibility_clustering_type == SINGLE_LINKAGE) { SingleLinkageClusteringOptions clustering_options; clustering_options.min_similarity = kSingleLinkageMinSimilarity; num_clusters_ = ComputeSingleLinkageClustering(clustering_options, *schur_complement_graph, &membership); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown visibility clustering algorithm."; } CHECK_GT(num_clusters_, 0); VLOG(2) << "num_clusters: " << num_clusters_; FlattenMembershipMap(membership, &cluster_membership_); } // Compute the block sparsity structure of the Schur complement // matrix. For each pair of cameras contributing a non-zero cell to // the schur complement, determine if that cell is present in the // preconditioner or not. // // A pair of cameras contribute a cell to the preconditioner if they // are part of the same cluster or if the the two clusters that they // belong have an edge connecting them in the degree-2 maximum // spanning forest. // // For example, a camera pair (i,j) where i belonges to cluster1 and // j belongs to cluster2 (assume that cluster1 < cluster2). // // The cell corresponding to (i,j) is present in the preconditioner // if cluster1 == cluster2 or the pair (cluster1, cluster2) were // connected by an edge in the degree-2 maximum spanning forest. // // Since we have already expanded the forest into a set of camera // pairs/edges, including self edges, the check can be reduced to // checking membership of (cluster1, cluster2) in cluster_pairs_. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ComputeBlockPairsInPreconditioner( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs) { block_pairs_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks_; ++i) { block_pairs_.insert(make_pair(i, i)); } int r = 0; const int num_row_blocks = bs.rows.size(); const int num_eliminate_blocks = options_.elimination_groups[0]; // Iterate over each row of the matrix. The block structure of the // matrix is assumed to be sorted in order of the e_blocks/point // blocks. Thus all row blocks containing an e_block/point occur // contiguously. Further, if present, an e_block is always the first // parameter block in each row block. These structural assumptions // are common to all Schur complement based solvers in Ceres. // // For each e_block/point block we identify the set of cameras // seeing it. The cross product of this set with itself is the set // of non-zero cells contibuted by this e_block. // // The time complexity of this is O(nm^2) where, n is the number of // 3d points and m is the maximum number of cameras seeing any // point, which for most scenes is a fairly small number. while (r < num_row_blocks) { int e_block_id = bs.rows[r].cells.front().block_id; if (e_block_id >= num_eliminate_blocks) { // Skip the rows whose first block is an f_block. break; } set f_blocks; for (; r < num_row_blocks; ++r) { const CompressedRow& row = bs.rows[r]; if (row.cells.front().block_id != e_block_id) { break; } // Iterate over the blocks in the row, ignoring the first block // since it is the one to be eliminated and adding the rest to // the list of f_blocks associated with this e_block. for (int c = 1; c < row.cells.size(); ++c) { const Cell& cell = row.cells[c]; const int f_block_id = cell.block_id - num_eliminate_blocks; CHECK_GE(f_block_id, 0); f_blocks.insert(f_block_id); } } for (set::const_iterator block1 = f_blocks.begin(); block1 != f_blocks.end(); ++block1) { set::const_iterator block2 = block1; ++block2; for (; block2 != f_blocks.end(); ++block2) { if (IsBlockPairInPreconditioner(*block1, *block2)) { block_pairs_.insert(make_pair(*block1, *block2)); } } } } // The remaining rows which do not contain any e_blocks. for (; r < num_row_blocks; ++r) { const CompressedRow& row = bs.rows[r]; CHECK_GE(row.cells.front().block_id, num_eliminate_blocks); for (int i = 0; i < row.cells.size(); ++i) { const int block1 = row.cells[i].block_id - num_eliminate_blocks; for (int j = 0; j < row.cells.size(); ++j) { const int block2 = row.cells[j].block_id - num_eliminate_blocks; if (block1 <= block2) { if (IsBlockPairInPreconditioner(block1, block2)) { block_pairs_.insert(make_pair(block1, block2)); } } } } } VLOG(1) << "Block pair stats: " << block_pairs_.size(); } // Initialize the SchurEliminator. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::InitEliminator( const CompressedRowBlockStructure& bs) { LinearSolver::Options eliminator_options; eliminator_options.elimination_groups = options_.elimination_groups; eliminator_options.num_threads = options_.num_threads; eliminator_options.e_block_size = options_.e_block_size; eliminator_options.f_block_size = options_.f_block_size; eliminator_options.row_block_size = options_.row_block_size; eliminator_.reset(SchurEliminatorBase::Create(eliminator_options)); eliminator_->Init(eliminator_options.elimination_groups[0], &bs); } // Update the values of the preconditioner matrix and factorize it. bool VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::UpdateImpl(const BlockSparseMatrix& A, const double* D) { const time_t start_time = time(NULL); const int num_rows = m_->num_rows(); CHECK_GT(num_rows, 0); // We need a dummy rhs vector and a dummy b vector since the Schur // eliminator combines the computation of the reduced camera matrix // with the computation of the right hand side of that linear // system. // // TODO(sameeragarwal): Perhaps its worth refactoring the // SchurEliminator::Eliminate function to allow NULL for the rhs. As // of now it does not seem to be worth the effort. Vector rhs = Vector::Zero(m_->num_rows()); Vector b = Vector::Zero(A.num_rows()); // Compute a subset of the entries of the Schur complement. eliminator_->Eliminate(&A, b.data(), D, m_.get(), rhs.data()); // Try factorizing the matrix. For CLUSTER_JACOBI, this should // always succeed modulo some numerical/conditioning problems. For // CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL, in general the preconditioner matrix as // constructed is not positive definite. However, we will go ahead // and try factorizing it. If it works, great, otherwise we scale // all the cells in the preconditioner corresponding to the edges in // the degree-2 forest and that guarantees positive // definiteness. The proof of this fact can be found in Lemma 1 in // "Visibility Based Preconditioning for Bundle Adjustment". // // Doing the factorization like this saves us matrix mass when // scaling is not needed, which is quite often in our experience. LinearSolverTerminationType status = Factorize(); if (status == LINEAR_SOLVER_FATAL_ERROR) { return false; } // The scaling only affects the tri-diagonal case, since // ScaleOffDiagonalBlocks only pays attenion to the cells that // belong to the edges of the degree-2 forest. In the CLUSTER_JACOBI // case, the preconditioner is guaranteed to be positive // semidefinite. if (status == LINEAR_SOLVER_FAILURE && options_.type == CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL) { VLOG(1) << "Unscaled factorization failed. Retrying with off-diagonal " << "scaling"; ScaleOffDiagonalCells(); status = Factorize(); } VLOG(2) << "Compute time: " << time(NULL) - start_time; return (status == LINEAR_SOLVER_SUCCESS); } // Consider the preconditioner matrix as meta-block matrix, whose // blocks correspond to the clusters. Then cluster pairs corresponding // to edges in the degree-2 forest are off diagonal entries of this // matrix. Scaling these off-diagonal entries by 1/2 forces this // matrix to be positive definite. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ScaleOffDiagonalCells() { for (set >::const_iterator it = block_pairs_.begin(); it != block_pairs_.end(); ++it) { const int block1 = it->first; const int block2 = it->second; if (!IsBlockPairOffDiagonal(block1, block2)) { continue; } int r, c, row_stride, col_stride; CellInfo* cell_info = m_->GetCell(block1, block2, &r, &c, &row_stride, &col_stride); CHECK(cell_info != NULL) << "Cell missing for block pair (" << block1 << "," << block2 << ")" << " cluster pair (" << cluster_membership_[block1] << " " << cluster_membership_[block2] << ")"; // Ah the magic of tri-diagonal matrices and diagonal // dominance. See Lemma 1 in "Visibility Based Preconditioning // For Bundle Adjustment". MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride); m.block(r, c, block_size_[block1], block_size_[block2]) *= 0.5; } } // Compute the sparse Cholesky factorization of the preconditioner // matrix. LinearSolverTerminationType VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::Factorize() { // Extract the TripletSparseMatrix that is used for actually storing // S and convert it into a cholmod_sparse object. cholmod_sparse* lhs = ss_.CreateSparseMatrix( down_cast( m_.get())->mutable_matrix()); // The matrix is symmetric, and the upper triangular part of the // matrix contains the values. lhs->stype = 1; // TODO(sameeragarwal): Refactor to pipe this up and out. std::string status; // Symbolic factorization is computed if we don't already have one handy. if (factor_ == NULL) { factor_ = ss_.BlockAnalyzeCholesky(lhs, block_size_, block_size_, &status); } const LinearSolverTerminationType termination_type = (factor_ != NULL) ? ss_.Cholesky(lhs, factor_, &status) : LINEAR_SOLVER_FATAL_ERROR; ss_.Free(lhs); return termination_type; } void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::RightMultiply(const double* x, double* y) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(x); CHECK_NOTNULL(y); SuiteSparse* ss = const_cast(&ss_); const int num_rows = m_->num_rows(); memcpy(CHECK_NOTNULL(tmp_rhs_)->x, x, m_->num_rows() * sizeof(*x)); // TODO(sameeragarwal): Better error handling. std::string status; cholmod_dense* solution = CHECK_NOTNULL(ss->Solve(factor_, tmp_rhs_, &status)); memcpy(y, solution->x, sizeof(*y) * num_rows); ss->Free(solution); } int VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::num_rows() const { return m_->num_rows(); } // Classify camera/f_block pairs as in and out of the preconditioner, // based on whether the cluster pair that they belong to is in the // preconditioner or not. bool VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::IsBlockPairInPreconditioner( const int block1, const int block2) const { int cluster1 = cluster_membership_[block1]; int cluster2 = cluster_membership_[block2]; if (cluster1 > cluster2) { swap(cluster1, cluster2); } return (cluster_pairs_.count(make_pair(cluster1, cluster2)) > 0); } bool VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::IsBlockPairOffDiagonal( const int block1, const int block2) const { return (cluster_membership_[block1] != cluster_membership_[block2]); } // Convert a graph into a list of edges that includes self edges for // each vertex. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ForestToClusterPairs( const WeightedGraph& forest, HashSet >* cluster_pairs) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(cluster_pairs)->clear(); const HashSet& vertices = forest.vertices(); CHECK_EQ(vertices.size(), num_clusters_); // Add all the cluster pairs corresponding to the edges in the // forest. for (HashSet::const_iterator it1 = vertices.begin(); it1 != vertices.end(); ++it1) { const int cluster1 = *it1; cluster_pairs->insert(make_pair(cluster1, cluster1)); const HashSet& neighbors = forest.Neighbors(cluster1); for (HashSet::const_iterator it2 = neighbors.begin(); it2 != neighbors.end(); ++it2) { const int cluster2 = *it2; if (cluster1 < cluster2) { cluster_pairs->insert(make_pair(cluster1, cluster2)); } } } } // The visibilty set of a cluster is the union of the visibilty sets // of all its cameras. In other words, the set of points visible to // any camera in the cluster. void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::ComputeClusterVisibility( const vector >& visibility, vector >* cluster_visibility) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(cluster_visibility)->resize(0); cluster_visibility->resize(num_clusters_); for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks_; ++i) { const int cluster_id = cluster_membership_[i]; (*cluster_visibility)[cluster_id].insert(visibility[i].begin(), visibility[i].end()); } } // Construct a graph whose vertices are the clusters, and the edge // weights are the number of 3D points visible to cameras in both the // vertices. WeightedGraph* VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::CreateClusterGraph( const vector >& cluster_visibility) const { WeightedGraph* cluster_graph = new WeightedGraph; for (int i = 0; i < num_clusters_; ++i) { cluster_graph->AddVertex(i); } for (int i = 0; i < num_clusters_; ++i) { const set& cluster_i = cluster_visibility[i]; for (int j = i+1; j < num_clusters_; ++j) { vector intersection; const set& cluster_j = cluster_visibility[j]; set_intersection(cluster_i.begin(), cluster_i.end(), cluster_j.begin(), cluster_j.end(), back_inserter(intersection)); if (intersection.size() > 0) { // Clusters interact strongly when they share a large number // of 3D points. The degree-2 maximum spanning forest // alorithm, iterates on the edges in decreasing order of // their weight, which is the number of points shared by the // two cameras that it connects. cluster_graph->AddEdge(i, j, intersection.size()); } } } return cluster_graph; } // Canonical views clustering returns a HashMap from vertices to // cluster ids. Convert this into a flat array for quick lookup. It is // possible that some of the vertices may not be associated with any // cluster. In that case, randomly assign them to one of the clusters. // // The cluster ids can be non-contiguous integers. So as we flatten // the membership_map, we also map the cluster ids to a contiguous set // of integers so that the cluster ids are in [0, num_clusters_). void VisibilityBasedPreconditioner::FlattenMembershipMap( const HashMap& membership_map, vector* membership_vector) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(membership_vector)->resize(0); membership_vector->resize(num_blocks_, -1); HashMap cluster_id_to_index; // Iterate over the cluster membership map and update the // cluster_membership_ vector assigning arbitrary cluster ids to // the few cameras that have not been clustered. for (HashMap::const_iterator it = membership_map.begin(); it != membership_map.end(); ++it) { const int camera_id = it->first; int cluster_id = it->second; // If the view was not clustered, randomly assign it to one of the // clusters. This preserves the mathematical correctness of the // preconditioner. If there are too many views which are not // clustered, it may lead to some quality degradation though. // // TODO(sameeragarwal): Check if a large number of views have not // been clustered and deal with it? if (cluster_id == -1) { cluster_id = camera_id % num_clusters_; } const int index = FindWithDefault(cluster_id_to_index, cluster_id, cluster_id_to_index.size()); if (index == cluster_id_to_index.size()) { cluster_id_to_index[cluster_id] = index; } CHECK_LT(index, num_clusters_); membership_vector->at(camera_id) = index; } } } // namespace internal } // namespace ceres #endif // CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE