// Copyright 2018 Slightech Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef MYNTEYE_API_PROCESSOR_RECTIFY_PROCESSOR_H_ #define MYNTEYE_API_PROCESSOR_RECTIFY_PROCESSOR_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "mynteye/types.h" #include "mynteye/api/processor.h" #include "mynteye/device/device.h" #include "mynteye/api/camera_models/equidistant_camera.h" #include #include MYNTEYE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class Device; class RectifyProcessor : public Processor { public: static const char NAME[]; RectifyProcessor( std::shared_ptr intr_left, std::shared_ptr intr_right, std::shared_ptr extr, std::int32_t proc_period = 0); virtual ~RectifyProcessor(); std::string Name() override; void ReloadImageParams( std::shared_ptr intr_left, std::shared_ptr intr_right, std::shared_ptr extr); void ReloadImageParams() { InitParams(in_left_cur, in_right_cur, ex_right_to_left_cur); } cv::Mat R1, P1, R2, P2, Q; cv::Mat map11, map12, map21, map22; inline std::shared_ptr getCameraROSMsgInfoPair() { return calib_infos; } bool SetRectifyAlpha(float alpha); protected: Object *OnCreateOutput() override; bool OnProcess( Object *const in, Object *const out, std::shared_ptr const parent) override; // inline Processor::process_type ProcessOutputConnection() override { // return Processor::WITHOUT_CLONE; // } // inline Processor::process_type ProcessInputConnection() override { // return Processor::WITHOUT_CLONE; // } private: void InitParams(IntrinsicsEquidistant in_left, IntrinsicsEquidistant in_right, Extrinsics ex_right_to_left); cv::Mat rectifyrad(const cv::Mat& R); void stereoRectify(models::CameraPtr leftOdo, models::CameraPtr rightOdo, const CvMat* K1, const CvMat* K2, const CvMat* D1, const CvMat* D2, CvSize imageSize, const CvMat* matR, const CvMat* matT, CvMat* _R1, CvMat* _R2, CvMat* _P1, CvMat* _P2, double* T_mul_f, double *cx1_min_cx2, int flags = cv::CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, double alpha = -1, CvSize newImgSize = cvSize(0,0)); // Eigen::Matrix4d loadT(const mynteye::Extrinsics& in); // subEigen models::Matrix4d loadT(const mynteye::Extrinsics &in); void loadCameraMatrix(cv::Mat& K, cv::Mat& D, // NOLINT cv::Size& image_size, // NOLINT struct CameraROSMsgInfo& calib_data); // NOLINT struct CameraROSMsgInfo getCalibMatData( const mynteye::IntrinsicsEquidistant& in); std::shared_ptr stereoRectify( models::CameraPtr leftOdo, models::CameraPtr rightOdo, mynteye::IntrinsicsEquidistant in_left, mynteye::IntrinsicsEquidistant in_right, mynteye::Extrinsics ex_right_to_left); models::CameraPtr generateCameraFromIntrinsicsEquidistant( const mynteye::IntrinsicsEquidistant & in); CalibrationModel calib_model; std::shared_ptr calib_infos; double _alpha; IntrinsicsEquidistant in_left_cur; IntrinsicsEquidistant in_right_cur; Extrinsics ex_right_to_left_cur; }; MYNTEYE_END_NAMESPACE #endif // MYNTEYE_API_PROCESSOR_RECTIFY_PROCESSOR_H_