# How to use MYNT® EYE S SDK with Visual Studio 2017 This tutorial will create a project with Visual Studio 2017 to start using MYNT® EYE S SDK. ## Preparation Install the win pack of MYNT® EYE S SDK. ## Create Project Open Visual Studio 2017, then `File > New > Project`, ![](images/1_new_pro.png) Select "Windows Console Application", set the project's name and location, click "OK", ![](images/2_new_pro.png) Finally, you will see the new project like this, ![](images/3_new_pro.png) ## Config Properties Right click the project, and open its "Properties" window, ![](images/4_config.png) Change "Configuration" to "All Configurations", then add the following paths to "Additional Include Directories", ```bash $(MYNTEYES_SDK_ROOT)\include $(MYNTEYES_SDK_ROOT)\3rdparty\opencv\build\include ``` ![](images/5_config_include.png) Add the following paths to "Additional Library Directories", ```bash $(MYNTEYES_SDK_ROOT)\lib $(MYNTEYES_SDK_ROOT)\3rdparty\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib ``` ![](images/6_config_lib_dir.png) Add the following libs to "Additional Dependencies", ```bash mynteye.lib opencv_world343.lib ``` ![](images/7_config_lib.png) If you wanna debug, could change "Configuration" to "Debug" and add these debug libs, ```bash mynteyed.lib opencv_world343d.lib ``` ![](images/8_config_debug_lib.png) ## Start using SDK Include the headers of SDK and start using its APIs, ![](images/9_run_x64.png) Select "Release x64" or "Debug x64" to run the project.