/** * EnvVarUpdate.nsh * : Environmental Variables: append, prepend, and remove entries * * WARNING: If you use StrFunc.nsh header then include it before this file * with all required definitions. This is to avoid conflicts * * Usage: * ${EnvVarUpdate} "ResultVar" "EnvVarName" "Action" "RegLoc" "PathString" * * Credits: * Version 1.0 * * Cal Turney (turnec2) * * Amir Szekely (KiCHiK) and e-circ for developing the forerunners of this * function: AddToPath, un.RemoveFromPath, AddToEnvVar, un.RemoveFromEnvVar, * WriteEnvStr, and un.DeleteEnvStr * * Diego Pedroso (deguix) for StrTok * * Kevin English (kenglish_hi) for StrContains * * Hendri Adriaens (Smile2Me), Diego Pedroso (deguix), and Dan Fuhry * (dandaman32) for StrReplace * * Version 1.1 (compatibility with StrFunc.nsh) * * techtonik * * http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Environmental_Variables:_append%2C_prepend%2C_and_remove_entries * */ !ifndef ENVVARUPDATE_FUNCTION !define ENVVARUPDATE_FUNCTION !verbose push !verbose 3 !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "WinMessages.NSH" !include "StrFunc.nsh" ; ---- Fix for conflict if StrFunc.nsh is already includes in main file ----------------------- !macro _IncludeStrFunction StrFuncName !ifndef ${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED ${${StrFuncName}} !endif !ifndef Un${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED ${Un${StrFuncName}} !endif !define un.${StrFuncName} "${Un${StrFuncName}}" !macroend !insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrTok !insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrStr !insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrRep ; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions ---------------------------------------- !macro _EnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString Push "${EnvVarName}" Push "${Action}" Push "${RegLoc}" Push "${PathString}" Call EnvVarUpdate Pop "${ResultVar}" !macroend !define EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_EnvVarUpdateConstructor"' !macro _unEnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString Push "${EnvVarName}" Push "${Action}" Push "${RegLoc}" Push "${PathString}" Call un.EnvVarUpdate Pop "${ResultVar}" !macroend !define un.EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_unEnvVarUpdateConstructor"' ; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions end------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate start---------------------------------------- !define hklm_all_users 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"' !define hkcu_current_user 'HKCU "Environment"' !macro EnvVarUpdate UN Function ${UN}EnvVarUpdate Push $0 Exch 4 Exch $1 Exch 3 Exch $2 Exch 2 Exch $3 Exch Exch $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Push $R0 /* After this point: ------------------------- $0 = ResultVar (returned) $1 = EnvVarName (input) $2 = Action (input) $3 = RegLoc (input) $4 = PathString (input) $5 = Orig EnvVar (read from registry) $6 = Len of $0 (temp) $7 = tempstr1 (temp) $8 = Entry counter (temp) $9 = tempstr2 (temp) $R0 = tempChar (temp) */ ; Step 1: Read contents of EnvVarName from RegLoc ; ; Check for empty EnvVarName ${If} $1 == "" SetErrors DetailPrint "ERROR: EnvVarName is blank" Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} ; Check for valid Action ${If} $2 != "A" ${AndIf} $2 != "P" ${AndIf} $2 != "R" SetErrors DetailPrint "ERROR: Invalid Action - must be A, P, or R" Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} ${If} $3 == HKLM ReadRegStr $5 ${hklm_all_users} $1 ; Get EnvVarName from all users into $5 ${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU ReadRegStr $5 ${hkcu_current_user} $1 ; Read EnvVarName from current user into $5 ${Else} SetErrors DetailPrint 'ERROR: Action is [$3] but must be "HKLM" or HKCU"' Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} ; Check for empty PathString ${If} $4 == "" SetErrors DetailPrint "ERROR: PathString is blank" Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} ;;khc - here check if length is going to be greater then max string length ;; and abort if so - also abort if original path empty - may mean ;; it was too long as well- write message to say set it by hand Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 StrLen $7 $4 StrLen $6 $5 IntOp $8 $6 + $7 ${If} $5 == "" ${OrIf} $8 >= ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} SetErrors DetailPrint "Current $1 length ($6) too long to modify in NSIS; set manually if needed" Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 ;;khc ; Make sure we've got some work to do ${If} $5 == "" ${AndIf} $2 == "R" SetErrors DetailPrint "$1 is empty - Nothing to remove" Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ${EndIf} ; Step 2: Scrub EnvVar ; StrCpy $0 $5 ; Copy the contents to $0 ; Remove spaces around semicolons (NOTE: spaces before the 1st entry or ; after the last one are not removed here but instead in Step 3) ${If} $0 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ... ${Do} ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 " ;" ${If} $7 == "" ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 " ;" ";" ; Remove ';' ${Loop} ${Do} ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 "; " ${If} $7 == "" ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 "; " ";" ; Remove ';' ${Loop} ${Do} ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 ";;" ${If} $7 == "" ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 ";;" ";" ${Loop} ; Remove a leading or trailing semicolon from EnvVar StrCpy $7 $0 1 0 ${If} $7 == ";" StrCpy $0 $0 "" 1 ; Change ';' to '' ${EndIf} StrLen $6 $0 IntOp $6 $6 - 1 StrCpy $7 $0 1 $6 ${If} $7 == ";" StrCpy $0 $0 $6 ; Change ';' to '' ${EndIf} ; DetailPrint "Scrubbed $1: [$0]" ; Uncomment to debug ${EndIf} /* Step 3. Remove all instances of the target path/string (even if "A" or "P") $6 = bool flag (1 = found and removed PathString) $7 = a string (e.g. path) delimited by semicolon(s) $8 = entry counter starting at 0 $9 = copy of $0 $R0 = tempChar */ ${If} $5 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ... StrCpy $9 $0 StrCpy $0 "" StrCpy $8 0 StrCpy $6 0 ${Do} ${${UN}StrTok} $7 $9 ";" $8 "0" ; $7 = next entry, $8 = entry counter ${If} $7 == "" ; If we've run out of entries, ${ExitDo} ; were done ${EndIf} ; ; Remove leading and trailing spaces from this entry (critical step for Action=Remove) ${Do} StrCpy $R0 $7 1 ${If} $R0 != " " ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} StrCpy $7 $7 "" 1 ; Remove leading space ${Loop} ${Do} StrCpy $R0 $7 1 -1 ${If} $R0 != " " ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} StrCpy $7 $7 -1 ; Remove trailing space ${Loop} ${If} $7 == $4 ; If string matches, remove it by not appending it StrCpy $6 1 ; Set 'found' flag ${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match ${AndIf} $0 == "" ; and the 1st string being added to $0, StrCpy $0 $7 ; copy it to $0 without a prepended semicolon ${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match ${AndIf} $0 != "" ; and this is NOT the 1st string to be added to $0, StrCpy $0 $0;$7 ; append path to $0 with a prepended semicolon ${EndIf} ; IntOp $8 $8 + 1 ; Bump counter ${Loop} ; Check for duplicates until we run out of paths ${EndIf} ; Step 4: Perform the requested Action ; ${If} $2 != "R" ; If Append or Prepend ${If} $6 == 1 ; And if we found the target DetailPrint "Target is already present in $1. It will be removed and" ${EndIf} ${If} $0 == "" ; If EnvVar is (now) empty StrCpy $0 $4 ; just copy PathString to EnvVar ${If} $6 == 0 ; If found flag is either 0 ${OrIf} $6 == "" ; or blank (if EnvVarName is empty) DetailPrint "$1 was empty and has been updated with the target" ${EndIf} ${ElseIf} $2 == "A" ; If Append (and EnvVar is not empty), StrCpy $0 $0;$4 ; append PathString ${If} $6 == 1 DetailPrint "appended to $1" ${Else} DetailPrint "Target was appended to $1" ${EndIf} ${Else} ; If Prepend (and EnvVar is not empty), StrCpy $0 $4;$0 ; prepend PathString ${If} $6 == 1 DetailPrint "prepended to $1" ${Else} DetailPrint "Target was prepended to $1" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Else} ; If Action = Remove ${If} $6 == 1 ; and we found the target DetailPrint "Target was found and removed from $1" ${Else} DetailPrint "Target was NOT found in $1 (nothing to remove)" ${EndIf} ${If} $0 == "" DetailPrint "$1 is now empty" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; Step 5: Update the registry at RegLoc with the updated EnvVar and announce the change ; ClearErrors ${If} $3 == HKLM WriteRegExpandStr ${hklm_all_users} $1 $0 ; Write it in all users section ${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU WriteRegExpandStr ${hkcu_current_user} $1 $0 ; Write it to current user section ${EndIf} IfErrors 0 +4 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Could not write updated $1 to $3" DetailPrint "Could not write updated $1 to $3" Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars ; "Export" our change SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000 EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars: ; ; Restore the user's variables and return ResultVar Pop $R0 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Push $0 ; Push my $0 (ResultVar) Exch Pop $0 ; Restore his $0 FunctionEnd !macroend ; EnvVarUpdate UN !insertmacro EnvVarUpdate "" !insertmacro EnvVarUpdate "un." ;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate end---------------------------------------- !verbose pop !endif