2018-04-15 21:32:14 +08:00

419 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
from __future__ import print_function
def isiter_not_str(obj):
return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, basestring)
class What(object):
img_left = "img_left"
img_right = "img_right"
imu = "imu"
temp = "temp"
class DataError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(DataError, self).__init__()
self.message = message
class Data(object):
def __init__(self):
self._timestamp = 0
def timestamp(self):
return self._timestamp
def timestamp(self, value):
self._timestamp = value
def __str__(self):
return "timestamp: {:f}".format(self.timestamp)
class Image(Data):
def __init__(self):
super(Image, self).__init__()
self._data = None
def data(self):
return self._data
def data(self, data):
self._data = data
def width(self):
return 0
def height(self):
return 0
class IMU(Data):
def __init__(self):
super(IMU, self).__init__()
self._accel_x = 0
self._accel_y = 0
self._accel_z = 0
self._gyro_x = 0
self._gyro_y = 0
self._gyro_z = 0
def accel(self):
return self._accel_x, self._accel_y, self._accel_z
def accel_x(self):
return self._accel_x
def accel_x(self, accel_x):
self._accel_x = accel_x
def accel_y(self):
return self._accel_y
def accel_y(self, accel_y):
self._accel_y = accel_y
def accel_z(self):
return self._accel_z
def accel_z(self, accel_z):
self._accel_z = accel_z
def gyro(self):
return self._gyro_x, self._gyro_y, self._gyro_z
def gyro_x(self):
return self._gyro_x
def gyro_x(self, gyro_x):
self._gyro_x = gyro_x
def gyro_y(self):
return self._gyro_y
def gyro_y(self, gyro_y):
self._gyro_y = gyro_y
def gyro_z(self):
return self._gyro_z
def gyro_z(self, gyro_z):
self._gyro_z = gyro_z
def __str__(self):
return super(IMU, self).__str__() + \
"\naccel: {:f}, {:f}, {:f}".format(*self.accel) + \
"\ngyro: {:f}, {:f}, {:f}".format(*self.gyro)
class Temp(Data):
def __init__(self):
super(Temp, self).__init__()
self._value = 0
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, value):
self._value = value
def __str__(self):
return super(Temp, self).__str__() + \
"\ntemp: {:f}".format(self.value)
class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def generate(self, *what): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise DataError('DataError: method not implemented')
def iterate(self, action, *what):
for result in self.generate(*what):
if isinstance(result, dict): # dict > **kwds
elif isiter_not_str(result): # iterable > *args
def collect(self, *what):
results = {}
for result in self.generate(*what):
for key in result.keys():
if key not in what:
if key not in results:
results[key] = []
return results
def timebeg(self):
raise DataError('DataError: method not implemented')
def timeend(self):
raise DataError('DataError: method not implemented')
def duration(self):
raise DataError('DataError: method not implemented')
class ROSBag(Dataset):
def __init__(self, path, **config):
super(ROSBag, self).__init__(path)
self.topic_img_left = config['topic_img_left'] \
if 'topic_img_left' in config else None
self.topic_img_right = config['topic_img_right'] \
if 'topic_img_right' in config else None
self.topic_imu = config['topic_imu'] \
if 'topic_imu' in config else None
self.topic_temp = config['topic_temp'] \
if 'topic_temp' in config else None
import yaml
from rosbag.bag import Bag
# pylint: disable=protected-access
self._info = yaml.load(Bag(self.path, 'r')._get_yaml_info())
def generate(self, *what):
import rosbag
hit_img_left = What.img_left in what
hit_img_right = What.img_right in what
hit_imu = What.imu in what
hit_temp = What.temp in what
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag(self.path).read_messages():
result = {}
stamp = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
if hit_img_left and topic == self.topic_img_left:
img = Image()
img.timestamp = stamp
# pylint: disable=fixme
# TODO: data with cv_bridge
result[What.img_left] = img
elif hit_img_right and topic == self.topic_img_right:
img = Image()
img.timestamp = stamp
# TODO: data with cv_bridge
result[What.img_right] = img
elif hit_imu and topic == self.topic_imu:
imu = IMU()
imu.timestamp = stamp
imu.accel_x = msg.linear_acceleration.x
imu.accel_y = msg.linear_acceleration.y
imu.accel_z = msg.linear_acceleration.z
imu.gyro_x = msg.angular_velocity.x
imu.gyro_y = msg.angular_velocity.y
imu.gyro_z = msg.angular_velocity.z
result[What.imu] = imu
elif hit_temp and topic == self.topic_temp:
temp = Temp()
temp.timestamp = stamp
temp.value =
result[What.temp] = temp
# raise DataError('DataError: not proper topics in the rosbag')
yield result
def info(self):
return self._info
def timebeg(self):
return self._info['start']
def timeend(self):
return self._info['end']
def duration(self):
return self._info['duration']
class MYNTEYE(Dataset):
# pylint: disable=no-member
def __init__(self, path):
super(MYNTEYE, self).__init__(path)
self._info = self._get_info()
def _get_info(self):
import os
import sys
from os import path
info = type('', (), {})()
info.img_left_dir = path.join(self.path, 'left')
info.img_left_txt = path.join(info.img_left_dir, 'stream.txt')
info.has_img_left = path.isfile(info.img_left_txt)
info.img_right_dir = path.join(self.path, 'right')
info.img_right_txt = path.join(info.img_right_dir, 'stream.txt')
info.has_img_right = path.isfile(info.img_right_txt)
info.imu_txt = path.join(self.path, 'motion.txt')
info.has_imu = path.isfile(info.imu_txt)
if info.has_img_left:
info_txt = info.img_left_txt
elif info.has_img_right:
info_txt = info.img_right_txt
elif info.has_imu:
info_txt = info.img_left_txt
sys.exit('Error: Dataset is empty or unexpected format')
with open(info_txt, 'rb') as f:
fields = [_.strip() for _ in f.readline().split(',')]
first = f.readline(), os.SEEK_END)
while != b'\n':, os.SEEK_CUR)
last = f.readline()
index = -1
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
if field == 'timestamp':
index = i
if index == -1:
sys.exit('Error: Dataset is unexpected format, timestamp not found')
# unit from 0.01ms to 1s
info.timebeg = float(first.split(',')[index].strip()) * 0.00001
info.timeend = float(last.split(',')[index].strip()) * 0.00001
# print('time: [{}, {}]'.format(info.timebeg, info.timeend))
return info
def generate(self, *what):
hit_img_left = What.img_left in what
hit_img_right = What.img_right in what
hit_imu = What.imu in what
hit_temp = What.temp in what
def get_fields(f):
fields = {}
for i, field in enumerate(_.strip() for _ in f.readline().split(',')):
fields[field] = i
return fields
if hit_img_left and self._info.has_img_left:
with open(self._info.img_left_txt) as f:
fields = get_fields(f)
for line in f:
values = [_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')]
img = Image()
img.timestamp = float(values[fields['timestamp']]) * 0.00001
yield {What.img_left: img}
if hit_img_right and self._info.has_img_right:
with open(self._info.img_right_txt) as f:
fields = get_fields(f)
for line in f:
values = [_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')]
img = Image()
img.timestamp = float(values[fields['timestamp']]) * 0.00001
yield {What.img_right: img}
if (hit_imu or hit_temp) and self._info.has_imu:
with open(self._info.imu_txt) as f:
fields = get_fields(f)
for line in f:
values = [_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')]
imu = IMU()
imu.timestamp = float(values[fields['timestamp']]) * 0.00001
imu.accel_x = float(values[fields['accel_x']])
imu.accel_y = float(values[fields['accel_y']])
imu.accel_z = float(values[fields['accel_z']])
imu.gyro_x = float(values[fields['gyro_x']])
imu.gyro_y = float(values[fields['gyro_y']])
imu.gyro_z = float(values[fields['gyro_z']])
temp = Temp()
temp.timestamp = imu.timestamp
temp.value = float(values[fields['temperature']])
yield {What.imu: imu, What.temp: temp}
def timebeg(self):
return self._info.timebeg
def timeend(self):
return self._info.timeend
def duration(self):
return self.timeend - self.timebeg
if __name__ == '__main__':
class DataA(Dataset):
def generate(self, *what):
yield 'a'
yield 'b'
class DataB(Dataset):
def generate(self, *what):
yield 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'
yield 'b1', 'b2', 'b3'
print('DataA, generate')
for x in DataA('path').generate("what"):
print('\nDataA, iterate')
DataA('path').iterate(print, "what")
print('\nDataB, generate')
for x in DataB('path').generate("what"):
print(', '.join(x))
print('\nDataB, iterate')
DataB('path').iterate(lambda *x: print(', '.join(x)), "what")