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#!/usr/bin/env python
Parse the job layout specification file.
- SimpleParse 2.1 or higher
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See http://www.fsf.org for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import string
from simpleparse.parser import Parser
import config
import jobs
declaration = r'''
file := (commentline/nullline/rowspec)+
rowspec := ts, 'Row', ws, '{'!, ts, comment?, '\n', rowjob+, ts, '}'!, ts, comment?, '\n'
rowjob := jobspec/colspec/commentline/nullline
colspec := ts, 'Col', ws, '{'!, ts, comment?, '\n', coljob+, ts, '}'!, ts, comment?, '\n'
coljob := jobspec/rowspec/commentline/nullline
jobspec := ts, (paneljobspec/basicjobspec), ts, comment?, '\n'
basicjobspec := id, (rotation)?
paneljobspec := 'Not yet implemented'
#paneljobspec := int, [xX], int, ws, basicjobspec
comment := ([#;]/'//'), -'\n'*
commentline := ts, comment, '\n'
nullline := ts, '\n'
rotation := ws, 'Rotate', ('90'/'180'/'270')?
ws := [ \t]+
ts := [ \t]*
id := [a-zA-Z0-9], [a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
int := [0-9]+
class Panel: # Meant to be subclassed as either a Row() or Col()
def __init__(self):
self.x = None
self.y = None
self.jobs = [] # List (left-to-right or bottom-to-top) of JobLayout() or Row()/Col() objects
def canonicalize(self): # Return plain list of JobLayout objects at the roots of all trees
L = []
for job in self.jobs:
L = L + job.canonicalize()
return L
def addjob(self, job): # Either a JobLayout class or Panel (sub)class
assert isinstance(job, Panel) or isinstance(job, jobs.JobLayout)
def addwidths(self):
"Return width in inches"
width = 0.0
for job in self.jobs:
width += job.width_in() + config.Config['xspacing']
width -= config.Config['xspacing']
return width
def maxwidths(self):
"Return maximum width in inches of any one subpanel"
width = 0.0
for job in self.jobs:
width = max(width,job.width_in())
return width
def addheights(self):
"Return height in inches"
height = 0.0
for job in self.jobs:
height += job.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing']
height -= config.Config['yspacing']
return height
def maxheights(self):
"Return maximum height in inches of any one subpanel"
height = 0.0
for job in self.jobs:
height = max(height,job.height_in())
return height
def writeGerber(self, fid, layername):
for job in self.jobs:
job.writeGerber(fid, layername)
def writeExcellon(self, fid, tool):
for job in self.jobs:
job.writeExcellon(fid, tool)
def writeDrillHits(self, fid, tool, toolNum):
for job in self.jobs:
job.writeDrillHits(fid, tool, toolNum)
def writeCutLines(self, fid, drawing_code, X1, Y1, X2, Y2):
for job in self.jobs:
job.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
def drillhits(self, tool):
hits = 0
for job in self.jobs:
hits += job.drillhits(tool)
return hits
def jobarea(self):
area = 0.0
for job in self.jobs:
area += job.jobarea()
return area
class Row(Panel):
def __init__(self):
self.LR = 1 # Horizontal arrangement
def width_in(self):
return self.addwidths()
def height_in(self):
return self.maxheights()
def setPosition(self, x, y): # In inches
self.x = x
self.y = y
for job in self.jobs:
x += job.width_in() + config.Config['xspacing']
class Col(Panel):
def __init__(self):
self.LR = 0 # Vertical arrangement
def width_in(self):
return self.maxwidths()
def height_in(self):
return self.addheights()
def setPosition(self, x, y): # In inches
self.x = x
self.y = y
for job in self.jobs:
y += job.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing']
def canonicalizePanel(panel):
L = []
for job in panel:
L = L + job.canonicalize()
return L
def findJob(jobname, rotated, Jobs=config.Jobs):
Find a job in config.Jobs, possibly rotating it
If job not in config.Jobs add it for future reference
Return found job
if rotated == 90:
fullname = jobname + '*rotated90'
elif rotated == 180:
fullname = jobname + '*rotated180'
elif rotated == 270:
fullname = jobname + '*rotated270'
fullname = jobname
for existingjob in Jobs.keys():
if existingjob.lower() == fullname.lower(): ## job names are case insensitive
job = Jobs[existingjob]
return jobs.JobLayout(job)
# Perhaps we just don't have a rotated job yet
if rotated:
for existingjob in Jobs.keys():
if existingjob.lower() == jobname.lower(): ## job names are case insensitive
job = Jobs[existingjob]
raise RuntimeError, "Job name '%s' not found" % jobname
raise RuntimeError, "Job name '%s' not found" % jobname
# Make a rotated job
job = jobs.rotateJob(job, rotated)
Jobs[fullname] = job
return jobs.JobLayout(job)
def parseJobSpec(spec, data):
for jobspec in spec:
if jobspec[0] in ('ts','comment'): continue
assert jobspec[0] in ('paneljobspec','basicjobspec')
if jobspec[0] == 'basicjobspec':
namefield = jobspec[3][0]
jobname = data[namefield[1]:namefield[2]]
if len(jobspec[3]) > 1:
rotationfield = jobspec[3][1]
rotation = data[ rotationfield[1] + 1: rotationfield[2] ]
if (rotation == "Rotate") or (rotation == "Rotate90"):
rotated = 90
elif rotation == "Rotate180":
rotated = 180
elif rotation == "Rotate270":
rotated = 270
raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported rotation: %s" % rotation
rotated = 0
return findJob(jobname, rotated)
raise RuntimeError, "Matrix panels not yet supported"
def parseColSpec(spec, data):
jobs = Col()
for coljob in spec:
if coljob[0] in ('ts','ws','comment'): continue
assert coljob[0] == 'coljob'
job = coljob[3][0]
if job[0] in ('commentline','nullline'): continue
assert job[0] in ('jobspec','rowspec')
if job[0] == 'jobspec':
return jobs
def parseRowSpec(spec, data):
jobs = Row()
for rowjob in spec:
if rowjob[0] in ('ts','ws','comment'): continue
assert rowjob[0] == 'rowjob'
job = rowjob[3][0]
if job[0] in ('commentline','nullline'): continue
assert job[0] in ('jobspec','colspec')
if job[0] == 'jobspec':
return jobs
def parseLayoutFile(fname):
"""config.Jobs is a dictionary of ('jobname', Job Object).
The return value is a nested array. The primary dimension
of the array is one row:
[ Row1, Row2, Row3 ]
Each row element consists of a list of jobs or columns (i.e.,
JobLayout or Col objects).
Each column consists of a list of either jobs or rows.
These are recursive, so it can look like:
Row([JobLayout(), Col([ Row([JobLayout(), JobLayout()]),
JobLayout() ]), JobLayout() ]), # That was row 0
Row([JobLayout(), JobLayout()]) # That was row 1
This is a panel with two rows. In the first row there is
a job, a column, and another job, from left to right. In the
second row there are two jobs, from left to right.
The column in the first row has two jobs side by side, then
another one above them.
fid = file(fname, 'rt')
except Exception, detail:
raise RuntimeError, "Unable to open layout file: %s\n %s" % (fname, str(detail))
data = fid.read()
parser = Parser(declaration, "file")
# Replace all CR's in data with nothing, to convert DOS line endings
# to unix format (all LF's).
data = string.replace(data, '\x0D', '')
tree = parser.parse(data)
# Last element of tree is number of characters parsed
if not tree[0]:
raise RuntimeError, "Layout file cannot be parsed"
if tree[2] != len(data):
raise RuntimeError, "Parse error at character %d in layout file" % tree[2]
Rows = []
for rowspec in tree[1]:
if rowspec[0] in ('nullline', 'commentline'): continue
assert rowspec[0]=='rowspec'
Rows.append(parseRowSpec(rowspec[3], data))
return Rows
if __name__=="__main__":
fid = file(sys.argv[1])
testdata = fid.read()
parser = Parser(declaration, "file")
import pprint