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2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Search for an optimum tiling using brute force exhaustive search
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import time
import config
import tiling
import gerbmerge
_StartTime = 0.0 # Start time of tiling
_CkpointTime = 0.0 # Next time to print stats
_Placements = 0L # Number of placements attempted
_PossiblePermutations = 0L # Number of different ways of ordering jobs
_Permutations = 0L # Number of different job orderings already computed
_TBestTiling = None # Best tiling so far
_TBestScore = float(sys.maxint) # Smallest area so far
_PrintStats = 1 # Print statistics every 3 seconds
def printTilingStats():
global _CkpointTime
_CkpointTime = time.time() + 3
if _TBestTiling:
area = _TBestTiling.area()
utilization = _TBestTiling.usedArea() / area * 100.0
area = 999999.0
utilization = 0.0
percent = 100.0*_Permutations/_PossiblePermutations
print "\r %5.2f%% complete / %ld/%ld Perm/Place / Smallest area: %.1f sq. in. / Best utilization: %.1f%%" % \
(percent, _Permutations, _Placements, area, utilization),
if gerbmerge.GUI is not None:
def bestTiling():
return _TBestTiling
def _tile_search1(Jobs, TSoFar, firstAddPoint, cfg=config.Config):
"""This recursive function does the following with an existing tiling TSoFar:
* For each 4-tuple (Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob) in Jobs, the non-rotated 'job' is selected
* For the non-rotated job, the list of valid add-points is found
* For each valid add-point, the job is placed at this point in a new,
cloned tiling.
* The function then calls its recursively with the remaining list of
* The rotated job is then selected and the list of valid add-points is
found. Again, for each valid add-point the job is placed there in
a new, cloned tiling.
* Once again, the function calls itself recursively with the remaining
list of jobs.
* The best tiling encountered from all recursive calls is returned.
If TSoFar is None it means this combination of jobs is not tileable.
The side-effect of this function is to set _TBestTiling and _TBestScore
to the best tiling encountered so far. _TBestTiling could be None if
no valid tilings have been found so far.
global _StartTime, _CkpointTime, _Placements, _TBestTiling, _TBestScore, _Permutations, _PrintStats
if not TSoFar:
return (None, float(sys.maxint))
if not Jobs:
# Update the best tiling and score. If the new tiling matches
# the best score so far, compare on number of corners, trying to
# minimize them.
score = TSoFar.area()
if score < _TBestScore:
_TBestTiling,_TBestScore = TSoFar,score
elif score == _TBestScore:
if TSoFar.corners() < _TBestTiling.corners():
_TBestTiling,_TBestScore = TSoFar,score
_Placements += 1
if firstAddPoint:
_Permutations += 1
xspacing = cfg['xspacing']
yspacing = cfg['yspacing']
minInletSize = tiling.minDimension(Jobs)
for job_ix in range(len(Jobs)):
# Pop off the next job and construct remaining_jobs, a sub-list
# of Jobs with the job we've just popped off excluded.
Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob = Jobs[job_ix]
remaining_jobs = Jobs[:job_ix]+Jobs[job_ix+1:]
if 0:
print "Level %d (%s)" % (level,
for J in remaining_jobs:
print J[2].name, ", ",
print '-'*75
# Construct add-points for the non-rotated and rotated job.
# As an optimization, do not construct add-points for the rotated
# job if the job is a square (duh).
addpoints1 = TSoFar.validAddPoints(Xdim+xspacing,Ydim+yspacing) # unrotated job
if Xdim != Ydim:
addpoints2 = TSoFar.validAddPoints(Ydim+xspacing,Xdim+yspacing) # rotated job
addpoints2 = []
# Recursively construct tilings for the non-rotated job and
# update the best-tiling-so-far as we do so.
if addpoints1:
for ix in addpoints1:
# Clone the tiling we're starting with and add the job at this
# add-point.
T = TSoFar.clone()
T.addJob(ix, Xdim+xspacing, Ydim+yspacing, job)
# Recursive call with the remaining jobs and this new tiling. The
# point behind the last parameter is simply so that _Permutations is
# only updated once for each permutation, not once per add-point.
# A permutation is some ordering of jobs (N! choices) and some
# ordering of non-rotated and rotated within that ordering (2**N
# possibilities per ordering).
_tile_search1(remaining_jobs, T, firstAddPoint and ix==addpoints1[0])
elif firstAddPoint:
# Premature prune due to not being able to put this job anywhere. We
# have pruned off 2^M permutations where M is the length of the remaining
# jobs.
_Permutations += 2L**len(remaining_jobs)
if addpoints2:
for ix in addpoints2:
# Clone the tiling we're starting with and add the job at this
# add-point. Remember that the job is rotated so swap X and Y
# dimensions.
T = TSoFar.clone()
T.addJob(ix, Ydim+xspacing, Xdim+yspacing, rjob)
# Recursive call with the remaining jobs and this new tiling.
_tile_search1(remaining_jobs, T, firstAddPoint and ix==addpoints2[0])
elif firstAddPoint:
# Premature prune due to not being able to put this job anywhere. We
# have pruned off 2^M permutations where M is the length of the remaining
# jobs.
_Permutations += 2L**len(remaining_jobs)
# If we've been at this for 3 seconds, print some status information
if _PrintStats and time.time() > _CkpointTime:
# Check for timeout
if (config.SearchTimeout > 0) and (time.time() - _StartTime > config.SearchTimeout):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
gerbmerge.updateGUI("Performing automatic layout...")
# end for each job in job list
def factorial(N):
if (N <= 1): return 1L
prod = long(N)
while (N > 2):
N -= 1
prod *= N
return prod
def initialize(printStats=1):
global _StartTime, _CkpointTime, _Placements, _TBestTiling, _TBestScore, _Permutations, _PossiblePermutations, _PrintStats
_PrintStats = printStats
_Placements = 0L
_Permutations = 0L
_TBestTiling = None
_TBestScore = float(sys.maxint)
def tile_search1(Jobs, X, Y):
"""Wrapper around _tile_search1 to handle keyboard interrupt, etc."""
global _StartTime, _CkpointTime, _Placements, _TBestTiling, _TBestScore, _Permutations, _PossiblePermutations
_StartTime = time.time()
_CkpointTime = _StartTime + 3
# There are (2**N)*(N!) possible permutations where N is the number of jobs.
# This is assuming all jobs are unique and each job has a rotation (i.e., is not
# square). Practically, these assumptions make no difference because the software
# currently doesn't optimize for cases of repeated jobs.
_PossiblePermutations = (2L**len(Jobs))*factorial(len(Jobs))
#print "Possible permutations:", _PossiblePermutations
print '='*70
print "Starting placement using exhaustive search."
print "There are %ld possible permutations..." % _PossiblePermutations,
if _PossiblePermutations < 1e4:
print "this'll take no time at all."
elif _PossiblePermutations < 1e5:
print "surf the web for a few minutes."
elif _PossiblePermutations < 1e6:
print "take a long lunch."
elif _PossiblePermutations < 1e7:
print "come back tomorrow."
print "don't hold your breath."
print "Press Ctrl-C to stop and use the best placement so far."
print "Estimated maximum possible utilization is %.1f%%." % (tiling.maxUtilization(Jobs)*100)
_tile_search1(Jobs, tiling.Tiling(X,Y), 1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Interrupted."
computeTime = time.time() - _StartTime
print "Computed %ld placements in %d seconds / %.1f placements/second" % (_Placements, computeTime, _Placements/computeTime)
print '='*70
return _TBestTiling