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2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
Manage apertures, read aperture table, etc.
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import re
import string
import config
import amacro
import util
# Recognized apertures and re pattern that matches its definition Thermals and
# annuli are generated using macros (see the eagle.def file) but only on inner
# layers. Octagons are also generated as macros (%AMOC8) but we handle these
# specially as the Eagle macro uses a replaceable macro parameter ($1) and
# GerbMerge doesn't handle these yet...only fixed macros (no parameters) are
# currently supported.
Apertures = (
('Rectangle', re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)R,([^X]+)X([^*]+)\*%$'), '%%AD%sR,%.5fX%.5f*%%\n'),
('Circle', re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)C,([^*]+)\*%$'), '%%AD%sC,%.5f*%%\n'),
('Oval', re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)O,([^X]+)X([^*]+)\*%$'), '%%AD%sO,%.5fX%.5f*%%\n'),
('Octagon', re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)OC8,([^*]+)\*%$'), '%%AD%sOC8,%.5f*%%\n'), # Specific to Eagle
('Macro', re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)([^*]+)\*%$'), '%%AD%s%s*%%\n')
# This loop defines names in this module like 'Rectangle',
# which are element 0 of the Apertures list above. So code
# will be like:
# import aptable
# A = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Rectangle, ......)
for ap in Apertures:
globals()[ap[0]] = ap
class Aperture:
def __init__(self, aptype, code, dimx, dimy=None):
assert aptype in Apertures
self.apname, self.pat, self.format = aptype
self.code = code
self.dimx = dimx # Macro name for Macro apertures
self.dimy = dimy # None for Macro apertures
if self.apname in ('Circle', 'Octagon', 'Macro'):
assert (dimy is None)
def isRectangle(self):
return self.apname == 'Rectangle'
def rectangleAsRect(self, X, Y):
"""Return a 4-tuple (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) describing the area covered by
this Rectangle aperture when flashed at center co-ordinates (X,Y)"""
dx = util.in2gerb(self.dimx)
dy = util.in2gerb(self.dimy)
if dx & 1: # Odd-sized: X extents are (dx+1)/2 on the left and (dx-1)/2 on the right
xm = (dx+1)/2
xp = xm-1
else: # Even-sized: X extents are X-dx/2 and X+dx/2
xm = xp = dx/2
if dy & 1: # Odd-sized: Y extents are (dy+1)/2 below and (dy-1)/2 above
ym = (dy+1)/2
yp = ym-1
else: # Even-sized: Y extents are Y-dy/2 and Y+dy/2
ym = yp = dy/2
return (X-xm, Y-ym, X+xp, Y+yp)
def getAdjusted(self, minimum):
Adjust aperture properties to conform to minimum feature dimensions
Return new aperture if required, else return False
dimx = dimy = None
# Check for X and Y dimensions less than minimum
if (self.dimx != None) and (self.dimx < minimum):
dimx = minimum
if (self.dimy != None) and (self.dimx < minimum):
dimy = minimum
# Return new aperture if needed
if (dimx != None) or (dimy != None):
if dimx==None: dimx=self.dimx
if dimy==None: dimy=self.dimy
return Aperture( (self.apname, self.pat, self.format), self.code, dimx, dimy )
return False ## no new aperture needs to be created
def rotate(self, RevGAMT):
if self.apname in ('Macro',):
# Construct a rotated macro, see if it's in the GAMT, and set self.dimx
# to its name if so. If not, add the rotated macro to the GAMT and set
# self.dimx to the new name. Recall that GAMT maps name to macro
# (e.g., GAMT['M9'] = ApertureMacro(...)) while RevGAMT maps hash to
# macro name (e.g., RevGAMT[hash] = 'M9')
AMR = config.GAMT[self.dimx].rotated()
hash = AMR.hash()
self.dimx = RevGAMT[hash]
except KeyError:
AMR = amacro.addToApertureMacroTable(AMR) # adds to GAMT and modifies name to global name
self.dimx = RevGAMT[hash] =
elif self.dimy is not None: # Rectangles and Ovals have a dimy setting and need to be rotated
t = self.dimx
self.dimx = self.dimy
self.dimy = t
def rotated(self, RevGAMT):
# deepcopy doesn't work on re patterns for some reason so we copy ourselves manually
APR = Aperture((self.apname, self.pat, self.format), self.code, self.dimx, self.dimy)
return APR
def dump(self, fid=sys.stdout):
def __str__(self):
return '%s: %s' % (self.code, self.hash())
#if 0:
# if self.dimy:
# return ('%s: %s (%.4f x %.4f)' % (self.code, self.apname, self.dimx, self.dimy))
# else:
# if self.apname in ('Macro'):
# return ('%s: %s (%s)' % (self.code, self.apname, self.dimx))
# else:
# return ('%s: %s (%.4f)' % (self.code, self.apname, self.dimx))
def hash(self):
if self.dimy:
return ('%s (%.5f x %.5f)' % (self.apname, self.dimx, self.dimy))
if self.apname in ('Macro',):
return ('%s (%s)' % (self.apname, self.dimx))
return ('%s (%.5f)' % (self.apname, self.dimx))
def writeDef(self, fid):
if self.dimy:
fid.write(self.format % (self.code, self.dimx, self.dimy))
fid.write(self.format % (self.code, self.dimx))
# Parse the aperture definition in line 's'. macroNames is an aperture macro dictionary
# that translates macro names local to this file to global names in the GAMT. We make
# the translation right away so that the return value from this function is an aperture
# definition with a global macro name, e.g., 'ADD10M5'
def parseAperture(s, knownMacroNames):
for ap in Apertures:
match = ap[1].match(s)
if match:
dimy = None
if ap[0] in ('Circle', 'Octagon', 'Macro'):
code, dimx = match.groups()
code, dimx, dimy = match.groups()
if ap[0] in ('Macro',):
if knownMacroNames.has_key(dimx):
dimx = knownMacroNames[dimx] # dimx is now GLOBAL, permanent macro name (e.g., 'M2')
raise RuntimeError, 'Aperture Macro name "%s" not defined' % dimx
dimx = float(dimx)
if dimy:
dimy = float(dimy)
raise RuntimeError, "Illegal floating point aperture size"
return Aperture(ap, code, dimx, dimy)
return None
# This function returns a dictionary where each key is an
# aperture code string (e.g., "D11") and the value is the
# Aperture object that represents it. For example:
# %ADD12R,0.0630X0.0630*%
# from a Gerber file would result in the dictionary entry:
# "D12": Aperture(ap, 'D10', 0.063, 0.063)
# The input fileList is a list of pathnames which will be read to construct the
# aperture table for a job. All the files in the given list will be so
# examined, and a global aperture table will be constructed as a dictionary.
# Same goes for the global aperture macro table.
tool_pat = re.compile(r'^(?:G54)?D\d+\*$')
def constructApertureTable(fileList):
# First we construct a dictionary where each key is the
# string representation of the aperture. Then we go back and assign
# numbers. For aperture macros, we construct their final version
# (i.e., 'M1', 'M2', etc.) right away, as they are parsed. Thus,
# we translate from 'THX10N' or whatever to 'M2' right away.
GAT = config.GAT # Global Aperture Table
GAMT = config.GAMT # Global Aperture Macro Table
RevGAMT = {} # Dictionary keyed by aperture macro hash and returning macro name
AT = {} # Aperture Table for this file
for fname in fileList:
#print 'Reading apertures from %s ...' % fname
knownMacroNames = {}
fid = file(fname,'rt')
for line in fid:
# Get rid of CR
line = line.replace('\x0D', '')
if tool_pat.match(line):
break # When tools start, no more apertures are being defined
# If this is an aperture macro definition, add its string
# representation to the dictionary. It might already exist.
# Ignore %AMOC8* from Eagle for now as it uses a macro parameter.
if line[:7]=='%AMOC8*':
# parseApertureMacro() sucks up all macro lines up to terminating '%'
AM = amacro.parseApertureMacro(line, fid)
if AM:
# Has this macro definition already been defined (perhaps by another name
# in another layer)?
# If this macro has already been encountered anywhere in any job,
# RevGAMT will map the macro hash to the global macro name. Then,
# make the local association knownMacroNames[localMacroName] = globalMacroName.
knownMacroNames[] = RevGAMT[AM.hash()]
except KeyError:
# No, so define the global macro and do the translation. Note that
# addToApertureMacroTable() MODIFIES to the new M-name.
localMacroName =
AM = amacro.addToApertureMacroTable(AM)
knownMacroNames[localMacroName] =
RevGAMT[AM.hash()] =
A = parseAperture(line, knownMacroNames)
# If this is an aperture definition, add the string representation
# to the dictionary. It might already exist.
if A:
AT[A.hash()] = A
# Now, go through and assign sequential codes to all apertures
code = 10
for val in AT.values():
key = 'D%d' % code
GAT[key] = val
val.code = key
code += 1
if 0:
keylist = config.GAT.keys()
print 'Apertures'
print '========='
for key in keylist:
print '%s' % config.GAT[key]
def findHighestApertureCode(keys):
"Find the highest integer value in a list of aperture codes: ['D10', 'D23', 'D35', ...]"
# Must sort keys by integer value, not string since 99 comes before 100
# as an integer but not a string.
keys = [int(K[1:]) for K in keys]
return keys[-1]
def addToApertureTable(AP):
GAT = config.GAT
lastCode = findHighestApertureCode(GAT.keys())
code = 'D%d' % (lastCode+1)
GAT[code] = AP
AP.code = code
return code
def findInApertureTable(AP):
"""Return 'D10', for example in response to query for an object
of type Aperture()"""
hash = AP.hash()
for key, val in config.GAT.items():
if hash==val.hash():
return key
return None
def findOrAddAperture(AP):
"""If the aperture exists in the GAT, modify the AP.code field to reflect the global code
and return the code. Otherwise, create a new aperture in the GAT and return the new code
for it."""
code = findInApertureTable(AP)
if code:
AP.code = code
return code
return addToApertureTable(AP)
if __name__=="__main__":
keylist = config.GAMT.keys()
print 'Aperture Macros'
print '==============='
for key in keylist:
print '%s' % config.GAMT[key]
keylist = config.GAT.keys()
print 'Apertures'
print '========='
for key in keylist:
print '%s' % config.GAT[key]