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2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
Define and manage aperture macros (%AM command). Currently,
only macros without replaceable parameters (e.g., $1, $2, etc.)
are supported.
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import re
import string
import copy
import config
_macro_pat = re.compile(r'^%AM([^*]+)\*$')
# This list stores the expected types of parameters for each primitive type
# (e.g., outline, line, circle, polygon, etc.). None is used for undefined
# primitives. Each entry corresponds to the defined primitive code, and
# comprises a tuple of conversion functions (i.e., built-in int() and float()
# functions) that apply to all parameters AFTER the primitive code. For example,
# code 1 (circle) may be instantiated as:
# 1,1,0.025,0.0,0.0
# (the parameters are code, exposure type, diameter, X center, Y center).
# After the integer code, we expect an int for exposure type, then floats
# for the remaining three parameters. Thus, the entry for code 1 is
# (int, float, float, float).
PrimitiveParmTypes = (
None, # Code 0 -- undefined
(int, float, float, float), # Code 1 -- circle
(int, float, float, float, float, float, float), # Code 2 -- line (vector)
None, # Code 3 -- end-of-file for .DES files
(int, int, float, float, float, float, float), # Code 4 -- outline...takes any number of additional floats
(int, int, float, float, float, float), # Code 5 -- regular polygon
(float, float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float), # Code 6 -- moire
(float, float, float, float, float, float), # Code 7 -- thermal
None, # Code 8 -- undefined
None, # Code 9 -- undefined
None, # Code 10 -- undefined
None, # Code 11 -- undefined
None, # Code 12 -- undefined
None, # Code 13 -- undefined
None, # Code 14 -- undefined
None, # Code 15 -- undefined
None, # Code 16 -- undefined
None, # Code 17 -- undefined
None, # Code 18 -- undefined
None, # Code 19 -- undefined
(int, float, float, float, float, float), # Code 20 -- line (vector)...alias for code 2
(int, float, float, float, float, float), # Code 21 -- line (center)
(int, float, float, float, float, float) # Code 22 -- line (lower-left)
def rotatexy(x,y):
# Rotate point (x,y) counterclockwise 90 degrees about the origin
return (-y,x)
def rotatexypair(L, ix):
# Rotate list items L[ix],L[ix+1] by 90 degrees
L[ix],L[ix+1] = rotatexy(L[ix],L[ix+1])
def swapxypair(L, ix):
# Swap two list elements
L[ix],L[ix+1] = L[ix+1],L[ix]
def rotatetheta(th):
# Increase angle th in degrees by +90 degrees (counterclockwise).
# Handle modulo 360 issues
th += 90
if th >= 360:
th -= 360
return th
def rotatethelem(L, ix):
# Increase angle th by +90 degrees for a list element
L[ix] = rotatetheta(L[ix])
class ApertureMacroPrimitive:
def __init__(self, code=-1, fields=None):
self.code = code
self.parms = []
if fields is not None:
self.setFromFields(code, fields)
def setFromFields(self, code, fields):
# code is an integer describing the primitive type, and fields is
# a list of STRINGS for each parameter
self.code = code
# valids will be one of the PrimitiveParmTypes tuples above. Some are
# None to indicate illegal codes. We also set valids to None to indicate
# the macro primitive code is outside the range of known types.
valids = PrimitiveParmTypes[code]
valids = None
if valids is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'Undefined aperture macro primitive code %d' % code
# We expect exactly the number of fields required, except for macro
# type 4 which is an outline and has a variable number of points.
# For outlines, the second parameter indicates the number of points,
# each of which has an (X,Y) co-ordinate. Thus, we expect an Outline
# specification to have 1+1+2*N+1=3+2N fields:
# - first field is exposure
# - second field is number of points
# - 2*N fields for X,Y points
# - last field is rotation
if self.code==4:
if len(fields) < 2:
raise RuntimeError, 'Outline macro primitive has way too few fields'
N = int(fields[1])
raise RuntimeError, 'Outline macro primitive has non-integer number of points'
if len(fields) != (3+2*N):
raise RuntimeError, 'Outline macro primitive has %d fields...expecting %d fields' % (len(fields), 3+2*N)
if len(fields) != len(valids):
raise RuntimeError, 'Macro primitive has %d fields...expecting %d fields' % (len(fields), len(valids))
# Convert each parameter on the input line to an entry in the self.parms
# list, using either int() or float() conversion.
for parmix in range(len(fields)):
converter = valids[parmix]
converter = float # To handle variable number of points in Outline type
raise RuntimeError, 'Aperture macro primitive parameter %d has incorrect type' % (parmix+1)
def setFromLine(self, line):
# Account for DOS line endings and get rid of line ending and '*' at the end
line = line.replace('\x0D', '')
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.rstrip('*')
fields = line.split(',')
code = int(fields[0])
raise RuntimeError, 'Illegal aperture macro primitive code "%s"' % fields[0]
self.setFromFields(code, fields[1:])
print '='*20
print "==> ", line
print '='*20
def rotate(self):
if self.code == 1: # Circle: nothing to do
elif self.code in (2,20): # Line (vector): fields (2,3) and (4,5) must be rotated, no need to
# rotate field 6
rotatexypair(self.parms, 2)
rotatexypair(self.parms, 4)
elif self.code == 21: # Line (center): fields (3,4) must be rotated, and field 5 incremented by +90
rotatexypair(self.parms, 3)
rotatethelem(self.parms, 5)
elif self.code == 22: # Line (lower-left): fields (3,4) must be rotated, and field 5 incremented by +90
rotatexypair(self.parms, 3)
rotatethelem(self.parms, 5)
elif self.code == 4: # Outline: fields (2,3), (4,5), etc. must be rotated, the last field need not be incremented
ix = 2
for pts in range(self.parms[1]): # parms[1] is the number of points
rotatexypair(self.parms, ix)
ix += 2
#rotatethelem(self.parms, ix)
elif self.code == 5: # Polygon: fields (2,3) must be rotated, and field 5 incremented by +90
rotatexypair(self.parms, 2)
rotatethelem(self.parms, 5)
elif self.code == 6: # Moire: fields (0,1) must be rotated, and field 8 incremented by +90
rotatexypair(self.parms, 0)
rotatethelem(self.parms, 8)
elif self.code == 7: # Thermal: fields (0,1) must be rotated, and field 5 incremented by +90
rotatexypair(self.parms, 0)
rotatethelem(self.parms, 5)
def __str__(self):
# Construct a string with ints as ints and floats as floats
s = '%d' % self.code
for parmix in range(len(self.parms)):
valids = PrimitiveParmTypes[self.code]
format = ',%f'
if valids[parmix] is int:
format = ',%d'
pass # '%f' is OK for Outline extra points
s += format % self.parms[parmix]
return s
def writeDef(self, fid):
fid.write('%s*\n' % str(self))
class ApertureMacro:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.prim = []
def add(self, prim):
def rotate(self):
for prim in self.prim:
def rotated(self):
# Return copy of ourselves, rotated. Replace 'R' as the first letter of the
# macro name. We don't append because we like to be able to count the
# number of aperture macros by stripping off the leading character.
M = copy.deepcopy(self)
M.rotate() = 'R'[1:]
return M
def dump(self, fid=sys.stdout):
def __str__(self):
s = '%s:\n' %
s += self.hash()
return s
def hash(self):
s = ''
for prim in self.prim:
s += ' '+str(prim)+'\n'
return s
def writeDef(self, fid):
fid.write('%%AM%s*\n' %
for prim in self.prim:
def parseApertureMacro(s, fid):
match = _macro_pat.match(s)
if match:
name =
M = ApertureMacro(name)
for line in fid:
if line[0]=='%':
return M
P = ApertureMacroPrimitive()
raise RuntimeError, "Premature end-of-file while parsing aperture macro"
return None
# This function adds the new aperture macro AM to the global aperture macro
# table. The return value is the modified macro (name modified to be its global
# name). macro.
def addToApertureMacroTable(AM):
GAMT = config.GAMT
# Must sort keys by integer value, not string since 99 comes before 100
# as an integer but not a string.
keys = map(int, map(lambda K: K[1:], GAMT.keys()))
if len(keys):
lastCode = keys[-1]
lastCode = 0
mcode = 'M%d' % (lastCode+1) = mcode
GAMT[mcode] = AM
return AM
if __name__=="__main__":
# Create a funky aperture macro with all the fixins, and make sure
# it rotates properly.
M = ApertureMacro('TEST')
# X and Y axes
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(2, ('1', '0.0025', '0.0', '-0.1', '0.0', '0.1', '0.0')))
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(2, ('1', '0.0025', '0.0', '-0.1', '0.0', '0.1', '90.0')))
# A circle in the top-right quadrant, touching the axes
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(1, ('1', '0.02', '0.01', '0.01')))
# A line of slope -1 centered on the above circle, of thickness 5mil, length 0.05
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(2, ('1', '0.005', '0.0', '0.02', '0.02', '0.0', '0.0')))
# A narrow vertical rectangle centered on the circle of width 2.5mil
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(21, ('1', '0.0025', '0.03', '0.01', '0.01', '0.0')))
# A 45-degree line in the third quadrant, not quite touching the origin
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(22, ('1', '0.02', '0.01', '-0.03', '-0.03', '45')))
# A right triangle in the second quadrant
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(4, ('1', '4', '-0.03', '0.01', '-0.03', '0.03', '-0.01', '0.01', '-0.03', '0.01', '0.0')))
# A pentagon in the fourth quadrant, rotated by 15 degrees
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(5, ('1', '5', '0.03', '-0.03', '0.02', '15')))
# A moire in the first quadrant, beyond the circle, with 2 annuli
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(6, ('0.07', '0.07', '0.04', '0.005', '0.01', '2', '0.005', '0.04', '0.0')))
# A thermal in the second quadrant, beyond the right triangle
M.add(ApertureMacroPrimitive(7, ('-0.07', '0.07', '0.03', '0.02', '0.005', '15')))
MR = M.rotated()
# Generate the Gerber so we can view it
fid = file('amacro.ger', 'wt')
print >> fid, \
print >> fid, \
print M
print MR