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2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This file handles the writing of the fabrication drawing Gerber file
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import string
import config
import makestroke
import util
def writeDrillHits(fid, Place, Tools):
toolNumber = -1
for tool in Tools:
toolNumber += 1
size = config.GlobalToolMap[tool]
raise RuntimeError, "INTERNAL ERROR: Tool code %s not found in global tool list" % tool
#for row in Layout:
# row.writeDrillHits(fid, size, toolNumber)
for job in
job.writeDrillHits(fid, size, toolNumber)
def writeBoundingBox(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent):
x = util.in2gerb(OriginX)
y = util.in2gerb(OriginY)
X = util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent)
Y = util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)
makestroke.drawPolyline(fid, [(x,y), (X,y), (X,Y), (x,Y), (x,y)], 0, 0)
def writeDrillLegend(fid, Tools, OriginY, MaxXExtent):
# This is the spacing from the right edge of the board to where the
# drill legend is to be drawn, in inches. Remember we have to allow
# for dimension arrows, too.
dimspace = 0.5 # inches
# This is the spacing from the drill hit glyph to the drill size
# in inches.
glyphspace = 0.1 # inches
# Convert to Gerber 2.5 units
dimspace = util.in2gerb(dimspace)
glyphspace = util.in2gerb(glyphspace)
# Construct a list of tuples (toolSize, toolNumber) where toolNumber
# is the position of the tool in Tools and toolSize is in inches.
L = []
toolNumber = -1
for tool in Tools:
toolNumber += 1
L.append((config.GlobalToolMap[tool], toolNumber))
# Now sort the list from smallest to largest
# And reverse to go from largest to smallest, so we can write the legend
# from the bottom up
# For each tool, draw a drill hit marker then the size of the tool
# in inches.
posY = util.in2gerb(OriginY)
posX = util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent) + dimspace
maxX = 0
for size,toolNum in L:
# Determine string to write and midpoint of string
s = '%.3f"' % size
ll, ur = makestroke.boundingBox(s, posX+glyphspace, posY) # Returns lower-left point, upper-right point
midpoint = (ur[1]+ll[1])/2
# Keep track of maximum extent of legend
maxX = max(maxX, ur[0])
makestroke.drawDrillHit(fid, posX, midpoint, toolNum)
makestroke.writeString(fid, s, posX+glyphspace, posY, 0)
posY += int(round((ur[1]-ll[1])*1.5))
# Return value is lower-left of user text area, without any padding.
return maxX, util.in2gerb(OriginY)
def writeDimensionArrow(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent):
x = util.in2gerb(OriginX)
y = util.in2gerb(OriginY)
X = util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent)
Y = util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)
# This constant is how far away from the board the centerline of the dimension
# arrows should be, in inches.
dimspace = 0.2
# Convert it to Gerber (0.00001" or 2.5) units
dimspace = util.in2gerb(dimspace)
# Draw an arrow above the board, on the left side and right side
makestroke.drawDimensionArrow(fid, x, Y+dimspace, makestroke.FacingLeft)
makestroke.drawDimensionArrow(fid, X, Y+dimspace, makestroke.FacingRight)
# Draw arrows to the right of the board, at top and bottom
makestroke.drawDimensionArrow(fid, X+dimspace, Y, makestroke.FacingUp)
makestroke.drawDimensionArrow(fid, X+dimspace, y, makestroke.FacingDown)
# Now draw the text. First, horizontal text above the board.
s = '%.3f"' % (MaxXExtent - OriginX)
ll, ur = makestroke.boundingBox(s, 0, 0)
s_width = ur[0]-ll[0] # Width in 2.5 units
s_height = ur[1]-ll[1] # Height in 2.5 units
# Compute the position in 2.5 units where we should draw this. It should be
# centered horizontally and also vertically about the dimension arrow centerline.
posX = x + (x+X)/2
posX -= s_width/2
posY = Y + dimspace - s_height/2
makestroke.writeString(fid, s, posX, posY, 0)
# Finally, draw the extending lines from the text to the arrows.
posY = Y + dimspace
posX1 = posX - util.in2gerb(0.1) # 1000
posX2 = posX + s_width + util.in2gerb(0.1) # 1000
makestroke.drawLine(fid, x, posY, posX1, posY)
makestroke.drawLine(fid, posX2, posY, X, posY)
# Now do the vertical text
s = '%.3f"' % (MaxYExtent - OriginY)
ll, ur = makestroke.boundingBox(s, 0, 0)
s_width = ur[0]-ll[0]
s_height = ur[1]-ll[1]
# As above, figure out where to draw this. Rotation will be -90 degrees
# so new origin will be top-left of bounding box after rotation.
posX = X + dimspace - s_height/2
posY = y + (y+Y)/2
posY += s_width/2
makestroke.writeString(fid, s, posX, posY, -90)
# Draw extending lines
posX = X + dimspace
posY1 = posY + util.in2gerb(0.1) # 1000
posY2 = posY - s_width - util.in2gerb(0.1) # 1000
makestroke.drawLine(fid, posX, Y, posX, posY1)
makestroke.drawLine(fid, posX, posY2, posX, y)
def writeUserText(fid, X, Y):
fname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingtext']
if not fname: return
tfile = file(fname, 'rt')
except Exception, detail:
raise RuntimeError, "Could not open fabrication drawing text file '%s':\n %s" % (fname,str(detail))
lines = tfile.readlines()
lines.reverse() # We're going to print from bottom up
# Offset X position to give some clearance from drill legend
X += util.in2gerb(0.2) # 2000
for line in lines:
# Get rid of CR
line = string.replace(line, '\x0D', '')
# Chop off \n
#if line[-1] in string.whitespace:
# line = line[:-1]
# Strip off trailing whitespace
line = string.rstrip(line)
# Blank lines still need height, so must have at least one character
if not line:
line = ' '
ll, ur = makestroke.boundingBox(line, X, Y)
makestroke.writeString(fid, line, X, Y, 0)
Y += int(round((ur[1]-ll[1])*1.5))
# Main entry point. Gerber file has already been opened, header written
# out, 1mil tool selected.
def writeFabDrawing(fid, Place, Tools, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent):
# Write out all the drill hits
writeDrillHits(fid, Place, Tools)
# Draw a bounding box for the project
writeBoundingBox(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
# Write out the drill hit legend off to the side. This function returns
# (X,Y) lower-left origin where user text is to begin, in Gerber units
# and without any padding.
X,Y = writeDrillLegend(fid, Tools, OriginY, MaxXExtent)
# Write out the dimensioning arrows
writeDimensionArrow(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
# Finally, write out user text
writeUserText(fid, X, Y)