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2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This file handles the writing of the scoring lines Gerber file
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import config
import util
import makestroke
# Add a horizontal line if its within the extents of the panel. Also, trim
# start and/or end points to the extents.
def addHorizontalLine(Lines, x1, x2, y, extents):
assert (x1 < x2)
# For a horizontal line, y must be above extents[1] and below extents[3].
if extents[1] < y < extents[3]:
# Now trim endpoints to be greater than extents[0] and below extents[2]
line = (max(extents[0], x1), y, min(extents[2], x2), y)
# Add a vertical line if its within the extents of the panel. Also, trim
# start and/or end points to the extents.
def addVerticalLine(Lines, x, y1, y2, extents):
assert (y1 < y2)
# For a vertical line, x must be above extents[0] and below extents[2].
if extents[0] < x < extents[2]:
# Now trim endpoints to be greater than extents[1] and below extents[3]
line = (x, max(extents[1], y1), x, min(extents[3], y2))
def isHorizontal(line):
return line[1]==line[3]
def isVertical(line):
return line[0]==line[2]
def clusterOrdinates(values):
"""Create a list of tuples where each tuple is a variable-length list of items
from 'values' that are all within 2 mils of each other."""
# First, make sure the values are sorted. Then, take the first one and go along
# the list clustering as many as possible.
currCluster = None
L = []
for val in values:
if currCluster is None:
currCluster = (val,)
if (val - currCluster[0]) <= 0.002:
currCluster = currCluster + (val,)
currCluster = (val,)
if currCluster is not None:
return L
def mergeHLines(Lines):
"""Lines is a list of 4-tuples (lines) that have nearly the same Y ordinate and are to be
optimized by combining overlapping lines."""
# First, make sure lines are sorted by starting X ordinate and that all lines
# proceed to the right.
for line in Lines:
assert line[0] < line[2]
# Obtain the average value of the Y ordinate and use that as the Y ordinate for
# all lines.
yavg = 0.0
for line in Lines:
yavg += line[1]
yavg /= len(Lines)
NewLines = []
# Now proceed to pick off one line at a time and try to merge it with
# the next one in sequence.
currLine = None
for line in Lines:
if currLine is None:
currLine = line
# If the line to examine starts to the left of (within 0.002") the end
# of the current line, extend the current line.
if line[0] <= currLine[2]+0.002:
currLine = (currLine[0], yavg, max(line[2],currLine[2]), yavg)
currLine = line
return NewLines
def sortByY(A,B):
"Helper function to sort two lines (4-tuples) by their starting Y ordinate"
return cmp(A[1], B[1])
def mergeVLines(Lines):
"""Lines is a list of 4-tuples (lines) that have nearly the same X ordinate and are to be
optimized by combining overlapping lines."""
# First, make sure lines are sorted by starting Y ordinate and that all lines
# proceed up.
for line in Lines:
assert line[1] < line[3]
# Obtain the average value of the X ordinate and use that as the X ordinate for
# all lines.
xavg = 0.0
for line in Lines:
xavg += line[0]
xavg /= len(Lines)
NewLines = []
# Now proceed to pick off one line at a time and try to merge it with
# the next one in sequence.
currLine = None
for line in Lines:
if currLine is None:
currLine = line
# If the line to examine starts below (within 0.002") the end
# of the current line, extend the current line.
if line[1] <= currLine[3]+0.002:
currLine = (xavg, currLine[1], xavg, max(line[3],currLine[3]))
currLine = line
return NewLines
def mergeLines(Lines):
# All lines extend up (vertical) and to the right (horizontal). First, do
# simple merges. Sort all lines, which will order the lines with starting
# points in increasing X order (i.e., to the right).
# Now sort the lines into horizontal lines and vertical lines. For each
# ordinate, group all lines by that ordinate in a dictionary. Thus, all
# horizontal lines will be grouped together by Y ordinate, and all
# vertical lines will be grouped together by X ordinate.
HLines = {}
VLines = {}
for line in Lines:
if isHorizontal(line):
except KeyError:
HLines[line[1]] = [line]
except KeyError:
VLines[line[0]] = [line]
# I don't think the next two blocks of code are necessary (merging lines
# that are at exactly the same ordinate) since the last two blocks of
# code do the same thing more generically by merging lines at close-enough
# ordinates.
# Extend horizontal lines
NewHLines = {}
for yval,lines in HLines.items():
# yval is the Y ordinate of this group of lines. lines is the set of all
# lines with this Y ordinate.
NewHLines[yval] = []
# Try to extend the first element of this list, which will be the leftmost.
xline = lines[0]
for line in lines[1:]:
# If this line's left edge is within 2 mil of the right edge of the line
# we're currently trying to grow, then grow it.
if abs(line[0] - xline[2]) <= 0.002: # Arbitrary 2mil?
# Extend...
xline = (xline[0], xline[1], line[2], xline[1])
# ...otherwise, append the currently-extended line and make this
# line the new one we try to extend.
xline = line
# Extend vertical lines
NewVLines = {}
for xval,lines in VLines.items():
# xval is the X ordinate of this group of lines. lines is the set of all
# lines with this X ordinate.
NewVLines[xval] = []
# Try to extend the first element of this list, which will be the bottom-most.
xline = lines[0]
for line in lines[1:]:
# If this line's bottom edge is within 2 mil of the top edge of the line
# we're currently trying to grow, then grow it.
if abs(line[1] - xline[3]) <= 0.002: # Arbitrary 2mil?
# Extend...
xline = (xline[0], xline[1], xline[0], line[3])
# ...otherwise, append the currently-extended line and make this
# line the new one we try to extend.
xline = line
HLines = NewHLines
VLines = NewVLines
NewHLines = []
NewVLines = []
# Now combine lines that have their endpoints either very near each other
# or within each other. We will have to sort all horizontal lines by their
# Y ordinates and group them according to Y ordinates that are close enough
# to each other.
yvals = HLines.keys()
clusters = clusterOrdinates(yvals) # A list of clustered tuples containing yvals
for cluster in clusters:
clusterLines = []
for yval in cluster:
# clusterLines is now a list of lines (4-tuples) that all have nearly the same
# Y ordinate. Merge them together.
xvals = VLines.keys()
clusters = clusterOrdinates(xvals)
for cluster in clusters:
clusterLines = []
for xval in cluster:
# clusterLines is now a list of lines (4-tuples) that all have nearly the same
# X ordinate. Merge them together.
Lines = NewHLines + NewVLines
return Lines
# Main entry point. Gerber file has already been opened, header written
# out, 1mil tool selected.
def writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent):
# For each job, write out 4 score lines, above, to the right, below, and
# to the left. After we collect all potential scoring lines, we worry
# about merging, etc.
dx = config.Config['xspacing']/2.0
dy = config.Config['yspacing']/2.0
extents = (OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
Lines = []
for layout in
x = layout.x - dx
y = layout.y - dy
X = layout.x + layout.width_in() + dx
Y = layout.y + layout.height_in() + dy
# Just so we don't get 3.75000000004 and 3.75000000009, we round to
# 2.5 limits.
x,y,X,Y = [round(val,5) for val in [x,y,X,Y]]
if 0: # Scoring lines go all the way across the panel now
addHorizontalLine(Lines, x, X, Y, extents) # above job
addVerticalLine(Lines, X, y, Y, extents) # to the right of job
addHorizontalLine(Lines, x, X, y, extents) # below job
addVerticalLine(Lines, x, y, Y, extents) # to the left of job
addHorizontalLine(Lines, OriginX, MaxXExtent, Y, extents) # above job
addVerticalLine(Lines, X, OriginY, MaxYExtent, extents) # to the right of job
addHorizontalLine(Lines, OriginX, MaxXExtent, y, extents) # below job
addVerticalLine(Lines, x, OriginY, MaxYExtent, extents) # to the left of job
# Combine disparate lines into single lines
Lines = mergeLines(Lines)
#for line in Lines:
# print [round(x,3) for x in line]
# Write 'em out
for line in Lines:
makestroke.drawPolyline(fid, [(util.in2gerb(line[0]),util.in2gerb(line[1])), \
(util.in2gerb(line[2]),util.in2gerb(line[3]))], 0, 0)
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