addded 4pin header for 12+ and I2C, not routed

This commit is contained in:
yair reshef 2014-12-16 08:18:28 +02:00
parent 3e8c97ce32
commit da17da617a
2 changed files with 219 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -271,6 +271,44 @@ chip</description>
<rectangle x1="-1.0668" y1="-0.6985" x2="-0.4168" y2="0.7015" layer="21"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.5001" x2="0.1999" y2="0.5001" layer="35"/>
<package name="1X04-BIG">
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<library name="ATtami">
@ -527,6 +565,7 @@ design rules under a new name.
<element name="SJ4" library="microbuilder" package="SOLDERJUMPER_CLOSEDWIRE" value="" x="5.08" y="12.573" smashed="yes" rot="R90">
<attribute name="VALUE" x="6.731" y="11.049" size="0.4064" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90"/>
<element name="CN1" library="adafruit" package="1X04-BIG" value="1X4-BIG" x="15.24" y="27.94" smashed="yes" rot="R180"/>
<signal name="GND">
@ -548,6 +587,7 @@ design rules under a new name.
<wire x1="2.168025" y1="23.231975" x2="1.27" y2="24.13" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="BRK1" pad="10"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="CN1" pad="2"/>
<signal name="VCC">
<contactref element="J3" pad="1"/>
@ -567,6 +607,8 @@ design rules under a new name.
<contactref element="J2" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="19.05" y1="24.13" x2="21.59" y2="21.59" width="0.8128" layer="1" curve="-90"/>
<contactref element="BRK1" pad="9"/>
<contactref element="CN1" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="15.24" y1="27.94" x2="17.78" y2="24.13" width="0.8128" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="17.78" y1="24.13" x2="19.05" y2="24.13" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<signal name="PB0">
@ -591,9 +633,13 @@ design rules under a new name.
<signal name="PB3">
<contactref element="J1" pad="5"/>
<contactref element="CN1" pad="4"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="13.97" x2="7.62" y2="27.94" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<signal name="PB4">
<contactref element="J1" pad="6"/>
<contactref element="CN1" pad="3"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="11.43" x2="10.16" y2="27.94" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<signal name="PB5">
<contactref element="R1" pad="2"/>

View File

@ -2339,6 +2339,90 @@ type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description>
<rectangle x1="-1.64" y1="-0.7" x2="-0.41" y2="0.71" layer="31"/>
<rectangle x1="0.4" y1="-0.7" x2="1.64" y2="0.7" layer="31"/>
<package name="FPC_0.5MM-4">
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<wire x1="2.75" y1="-1.15" x2="3.25" y2="-1.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.25" y1="-1.65" x2="3.25" y2="-5.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.25" y1="-5.65" x2="-3" y2="-5.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-3" y1="-4.5" x2="-3" y2="-1.7" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3" y1="-1.7" x2="-2.45" y2="-1.15" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<smd name="2" x="-0.25" y="-0.45" dx="1.25" dy="0.3" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="3" x="0.25" y="-0.45" dx="1.25" dy="0.3" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="4" x="0.75" y="-0.45" dx="1.25" dy="0.3" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-2.5" y="-7.35" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<package name="1X04-BIG">
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<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X04-CLEANBIG">
<pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="1.27" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.778" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-2.54" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="3.556" y1="-0.254" x2="4.064" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="1.016" y1="-0.254" x2="1.524" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-1.524" y1="-0.254" x2="-1.016" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-4.064" y1="-0.254" x2="-3.556" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X04-3.5MM">
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<wire x1="-7" y1="-2.5" x2="-7" y2="-3.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-7" y1="-3.6" x2="7" y2="-3.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="7" y1="3.4" x2="-7" y2="3.4" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-7" y1="-2.5" x2="7" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="3" x="1.75" y="0" drill="1" diameter="2.1844"/>
<pad name="2" x="-1.75" y="0" drill="1" diameter="2.1844"/>
<pad name="1" x="-5.25" y="0" drill="1" diameter="2.1844"/>
<text x="6.12" y="-5.81" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R180">&gt;NAME</text>
<symbol name="R-US">
@ -2356,6 +2440,18 @@ type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description>
<pin name="2" x="5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="1" x="-5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1"/>
<symbol name="1X4">
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<wire x1="5.08" y1="-7.62" x2="0" y2="-7.62" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
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<text x="0" y="-10.16" size="1.27" layer="96" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<pin name="1" x="-5.08" y="2.54" length="middle"/>
<pin name="2" x="-5.08" y="0" length="middle"/>
<pin name="3" x="-5.08" y="-2.54" length="middle"/>
<pin name="4" x="-5.08" y="-5.08" length="middle"/>
<deviceset name="R-US_" prefix="R" uservalue="yes">
@ -2996,6 +3092,58 @@ type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description>
<deviceset name="1X4" prefix="CN">
<description>4-pin connector</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="1X4" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="FPC0.5" package="FPC_0.5MM-4">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-BIG" package="1X04-BIG">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-CLEANBIG" package="1X04-CLEANBIG">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-3.5MM" package="1X04-3.5MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<library name="ATtami">
@ -3119,6 +3267,8 @@ type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description>
<part name="SJ3" library="microbuilder" deviceset="SOLDERJUMPER_CLOSED" device=""/>
<part name="BRK1" library="ATtami" deviceset="STEPPERDRIVER_A4988" device="" value="A4988_driver"/>
<part name="SJ4" library="microbuilder" deviceset="SOLDERJUMPER_CLOSED" device=""/>
<part name="CN1" library="adafruit" deviceset="1X4" device="-BIG"/>
<part name="GND4" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
@ -3203,6 +3353,8 @@ see</text>
<instance part="SJ4" gate="G$1" x="99.06" y="68.58" smashed="yes">
<attribute name="VALUE" x="96.52" y="64.77" size="1.778" layer="96"/>
<instance part="CN1" gate="G$1" x="99.06" y="38.1"/>
<instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="86.36" y="48.26" rot="MR180"/>
@ -3240,6 +3392,12 @@ see</text>
<pinref part="BRK1" gate="G$1" pin="GND@2"/>
<pinref part="JP1" gate="A" pin="1"/>
<pinref part="GND4" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
<wire x1="86.36" y1="45.72" x2="86.36" y2="38.1" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="CN1" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
<wire x1="86.36" y1="38.1" x2="93.98" y2="38.1" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="VCC" class="0">
@ -3284,6 +3442,12 @@ see</text>
<wire x1="137.16" y1="86.36" x2="152.4" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="137.16" y="86.36" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<pinref part="CN1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<wire x1="93.98" y1="40.64" x2="91.44" y2="40.64" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="91.44" y1="40.64" x2="91.44" y2="45.72" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="91.44" y="45.72" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<net name="PB0" class="0">
@ -3306,22 +3470,28 @@ see</text>
<net name="PB2" class="0">
<pinref part="J1" gate="A" pin="4"/>
<wire x1="60.96" y1="58.42" x2="68.58" y2="58.42" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="68.58" y="58.42" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="60.96" y1="58.42" x2="68.58" y2="58.42" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="PB3" class="0">
<pinref part="J1" gate="A" pin="5"/>
<wire x1="68.58" y1="55.88" x2="60.96" y2="55.88" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="68.58" y="55.88" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="60.96" y1="55.88" x2="78.74" y2="55.88" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="CN1" gate="G$1" pin="4"/>
<wire x1="93.98" y1="33.02" x2="78.74" y2="33.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="78.74" y1="33.02" x2="78.74" y2="55.88" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="PB4" class="0">
<pinref part="J1" gate="A" pin="6"/>
<wire x1="68.58" y1="53.34" x2="60.96" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="68.58" y="53.34" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="81.28" y1="53.34" x2="60.96" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="CN1" gate="G$1" pin="3"/>
<wire x1="81.28" y1="35.56" x2="93.98" y2="35.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="81.28" y1="53.34" x2="81.28" y2="35.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="PB5" class="0">