2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00

378 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A tiling is an arrangement of jobs, where each job may
be a copy of another and may be rotated. A tiling consists
of two things:
- a list of where each job is located (the lower-left of
each job is the origin)
- a list of points that begins at (0,Ymax) and ends at
(Xmax,0). These points describe the outside boundary
of the tiling.
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import math
import config
import jobs
# Helper functions to determine if points are right-of, left-of, above, and
# below each other. These definitions assume that points are on a line that
# is vertical or horizontal.
def left_of(p1,p2):
return p1[0]<p2[0] and p1[1]==p2[1]
def right_of(p1,p2):
return p1[0]>p2[0] and p1[1]==p2[1]
def above(p1,p2):
return p1[1]>p2[1] and p1[0]==p2[0]
def below(p1,p2):
return p1[1]<p2[1] and p1[0]==p2[0]
class Tiling:
def __init__(self, Xmax, Ymax):
# Make maximum dimensions bigger by inter-job spacing so that
# we allow jobs (which are seated at the lower left of their cells)
# to just fit on the panel, and not disqualify them because their
# spacing area slightly exceeds the panel edge.
self.xmax = Xmax + config.Config['xspacing']
self.ymax = Ymax + config.Config['yspacing']
self.points = [(0,Ymax), (0,0), (Xmax,0)] # List of (X,Y) co-ordinates = [] # List of 3-tuples: ((Xbl,Ybl),(Xtr,Ytr),Job) where
# (Xbl,Ybl) is bottom left, (Xtr,Ytr) is top-right of the cell.
# The actual job has dimensions (Xtr-Xbl-Config['xspacing'],Ytr-Ybl-Config['yspacing'])
# and is located at the lower-left of the cell.
def canonicalize(self, OriginX, OriginY):
"""Return a list of JobLayout objects, after setting each job's (X,Y) origin"""
L = []
for job in
J = jobs.JobLayout(job[2])
J.setPosition(job[0][0]+OriginX, job[0][1]+OriginY)
return L
def corners(self):
return len(self.points)-2
def clone(self):
T = Tiling(self.xmax-config.Config['xspacing'], self.ymax-config.Config['yspacing'])
T.points = self.points[:] =[:]
return T
def dump(self, fid=sys.stdout):
fid.write("Points:\n ")
count = 0
for XY in self.points:
fid.write("%s " % str(XY))
count += 1
if count==8:
fid.write("\n ")
if count:
for bl,tr,Job in
fid.write(" %s: %s\n" % (str(Job), str(bl)))
def joblist(self, fid=sys.stdout):
for bl,tr,Job in
fid.write("%s@(%.1f,%.1f) " % (,bl[0],bl[1]))
def isOverlap(self, ix, X, Y, cfg=config.Config):
"""Determines if a new job with actual dimensions X-by-Y located at self.points[ix]
overlaps any existing job or exceeds the boundaries of the panel.
If it's an L-point, the new job will have position
and top-right co-ordinate:
If it's a mirror-L point, the new job will have position
and top-right co-ordinate:
For a test job defined by t_bl and t_tr, the given job overlaps
p.left_edge<t.right_edge and p.right_edge>t.left_edge
p.bottom_edge<t.top_edge and p.top_edge>t.bottom_edge
if self.isL(ix):
p_bl = self.points[ix]
p_tr = (p_bl[0]+X, p_bl[1]+Y)
if p_tr[0]>self.xmax or p_tr[1]>self.ymax:
return 1
p_bl = (self.points[ix][0]-X,self.points[ix][1])
p_tr = (self.points[ix][0],self.points[ix][1]+Y)
if p_bl[0]<0 or p_tr[1]>self.ymax:
return 1
for t_bl,t_tr,Job in
if p_bl[0]<t_tr[0] and p_tr[0]>t_bl[0] \
and \
p_bl[1]<t_tr[1] and p_tr[1]>t_bl[1]:
return 1
return 0
def isL(self, ix):
"""True if self.points[ix] represents an L-shaped corner where there
is free space above and to the right, like this:
+------+ _____ this point is an L-shaped corner
| | /
| +______+
| |
| |
. .
. .
. .
pts = self.points
# This is an L-point if:
# Previous point X co-ordinates are the same, and
# previous point Y co-ordinate is higher, and
# next point Y co-ordinate is the same, and
# next point X co-ordinate is to the right
return pts[ix-1][0]==pts[ix][0] \
and pts[ix-1][1]>pts[ix][1] \
and pts[ix+1][1]==pts[ix][1] \
and pts[ix+1][0]>pts[ix][0]
def isMirrorL(self, ix):
"""True if self.points[ix] represents a mirrored L-shaped corner where there
is free space above and to the left, like this:
mirrored-L corner __ | |
\ | |
+______+ |
| |
| |
. .
. .
. .
pts = self.points
# This is a mirrored L-point if:
# Previous point Y co-ordinates are the same, and
# previous point X co-ordinate is lower, and
# next point X co-ordinate is the same, and
# next point X co-ordinate is higher
return pts[ix-1][1]==pts[ix][1] \
and pts[ix-1][0]<pts[ix][0] \
and pts[ix+1][0]==pts[ix][0] \
and pts[ix+1][1]>pts[ix][1]
def validAddPoints(self, X, Y):
"""Return a list of all valid indices into self.points at which we can add
the job with dimensions X-by-Y). Only points which are either L-points or
mirrored-L-points and which would support the given job with no overlaps
are returned.
return [ix for ix in range(1,len(self.points)-1) if (self.isL(ix) or self.isMirrorL(ix)) and not self.isOverlap(ix,X,Y)]
def mergePoints(self, ix):
"""Inspect points self.points[ix] and self.points[ix+1] as well
as self.points[ix+3] and self.points[ix+4]. If they are the same, delete
both points, thus merging lines formed when the corners of two jobs coincide.
# Do farther-on points first so we can delete things right from the list
if self.points[ix+3]==self.points[ix+4]:
del self.points[ix+3:ix+5]
if self.points[ix]==self.points[ix+1]:
del self.points[ix:ix+2]
# Experimental
def removeInlets(self, minSize):
"""Find sequences of 3 points that define an "inlet", either a left/right-going gap:
...---------------+ +--------.....
| |
| |
+------------+ +------------+
| |
+----------------------+ +--------------------+
| |
. .
. .
. .
or a down-going gap: +-------.....
...-----------+ ...-------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| +-----.... | |
| | | |
| | | |
+--+ +--+
that are too small for any job to fit in (as defined by minSize). These inlets
can be deleted to form corners where new jobs can be placed.
pt = self.points
done = 0
while not done:
# Repeat this loop each time there is a change
for ix in range(0, len(pt)-3):
# Check for horizontal left-going inlet
if right_of(pt[ix],pt[ix+1]) and above(pt[ix+1],pt[ix+2]) and left_of(pt[ix+2],pt[ix+3]):
# Make sure minSize requirement is met
if pt[ix][1]-pt[ix+3][1] < minSize:
# Get rid of middle two points, extend Y-value of highest point down to lowest point
pt[ix] = (pt[ix][0],pt[ix+3][1])
del pt[ix+1:ix+3]
# Check for horizontal right-going inlet
if left_of(pt[ix],pt[ix+1]) and below(pt[ix+1],pt[ix+2]) and right_of(pt[ix+2],pt[ix+3]):
# Make sure minSize requirement is met
if pt[ix+3][1]-pt[ix][1] < minSize:
# Get rid of middle two points, exten Y-value of highest point down to lowest point
pt[ix+3] = (pt[ix+3][0], pt[ix][1])
del pt[ix+1:ix+3]
# Check for vertical inlets
if above(pt[ix],pt[ix+1]) and left_of(pt[ix+1],pt[ix+2]) and below(pt[ix+2],pt[ix+3]):
# Make sure minSize requirement is met
if pt[ix+3][0]-pt[ix][0] < minSize:
# Is right side lower or higher?
if pt[ix+3][1]>=pt[ix][1]: # higher?
pt[ix] = (pt[ix+3][0], pt[ix][1]) # Move first point to the right
else: # lower?
pt[ix+3] = (pt[ix][0], pt[ix+3][1]) # Move last point to the left
del pt[ix+1:ix+3]
done = 1
def addLJob(self, ix, X, Y, Job, cfg=config.Config):
"""Add a job to the tiling at L-point self.points[ix] with actual dimensions X-by-Y.
The job is added with its lower-left corner at the point. The existing point
is removed from the tiling and new points are added at the top-left, top-right
and bottom-right of the new job, with extra space added for inter-job spacing.
x,y = self.points[ix]
x_tr = x+X
y_tr = y+Y
self.points[ix:ix+1] = [(x,y_tr), (x_tr,y_tr), (x_tr,y)] ((x,y),(x_tr,y_tr),Job) )
def addMirrorLJob(self, ix, X, Y, Job, cfg=config.Config):
"""Add a job to the tiling at mirror-L-point self.points[ix] with dimensions X-by-Y.
The job is added with its lower-right corner at the point. The existing point
is removed from the tiling and new points are added at the bottom-left, top-left
and top-right of the new job, with extra space added for inter-job spacing.
x_tr,y = self.points[ix]
x = x_tr-X
y_tr = y+Y
self.points[ix:ix+1] = [(x,y), (x,y_tr), (x_tr,y_tr)] ((x,y),(x_tr,y_tr),Job) )
def addJob(self, ix, X, Y, Job):
"""Add a job to the tiling at point self.points[ix] and with dimensions X-by-Y.
If the given point is an L-point, the job will be added with its lower-left
corner at the point. If the given point is a mirrored-L point, the job will
be added with its lower-right corner at the point.
if self.isL(ix):
self.addLJob(ix, X, Y, Job)
self.addMirrorLJob(ix, X, Y, Job)
def bounds(self):
"""Return 2-tuple ((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) of rectangular region defined by all jobs"""
minX = minY = float(sys.maxint)
maxX = maxY = 0.0
for bl,tr,job in
minX = min(minX,bl[0])
maxX = max(maxX,tr[0])
minY = min(minY,bl[1])
maxY = max(maxY,tr[1])
return ( (minX,minY), (maxX-config.Config['xspacing'], maxY-config.Config['yspacing']) )
def area(self):
"""Return area of rectangular region defined by all jobs."""
bl,tr = self.bounds()
DX = tr[0]-bl[0]
DY = tr[1]-bl[1]
return DX*DY
def usedArea(self):
"""Return total area of just jobs, not spaces in-between."""
area = 0.0
for job in
area += job[2].jobarea()
return area
# Function to estimate the maximum possible utilization given a list of jobs.
# Jobs list is 4-tuple (Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob).
def maxUtilization(Jobs):
xspacing = config.Config['xspacing']
yspacing = config.Config['yspacing']
usedArea = totalArea = 0.0
for Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob in Jobs:
usedArea += job.jobarea()
totalArea += job.jobarea()
totalArea += job.width_in()*xspacing + job.height_in()*yspacing + xspacing*yspacing
# Reduce total area by strip of unused spacing around top and side. Assume
# final result will be approximately square.
sq_side = math.sqrt(totalArea)
totalArea -= sq_side*xspacing + sq_side*yspacing + xspacing*yspacing
return usedArea/totalArea
# Utility function to compute the minimum dimension along any axis of all jobs.
# Used to remove inlets.
def minDimension(Jobs):
M = float(sys.maxint)
for Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob in Jobs:
M = min(M,Xdim)
M = min(M,Ydim)
return M
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