2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00

209 lines
6.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Drill clustering routines to reduce total number of drills and remap
drilling commands to the new reduced drill set.
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
_STATUS = True ## indicates status messages should be shown
_DEBUG = False ## indicates debug and status messages should be shown
def cluster(drills, tolerance, debug = _DEBUG):
Take a dictionary of drill names and sizes and cluster them
A tolerance of 0 will effectively disable clustering
Returns clustered drill dictionary
global _DEBUG
_DEBUG = debug
clusters = []
debug_print("\n " + str( len(drills) ) + " Original drills:")
debug_print( drillsToString(drills) )
debug_print("Clustering drill sizes ...", True)
# Loop through all drill sizes
sizes = drills.keys()
for size in sizes:
match = False
# See if size fits into any current clusters, else make new cluster
for index in range( len(clusters) ):
c = clusters[index]
if not len(c):
mn = min(c)
mx = max(c)
##debug_print( "Validating " + str_d(size) + " in " + str_d(c) )
##debug_print( "Possible cluster range = " + str_d(mx - 2 * tolerance) + " to " + str_d(mn + 2 * tolerance) )
if (size >= mx - 2 * tolerance) and (size <= mn + 2 * tolerance):
debug_print( str_d(size) + " belongs with " + str_d(c) )
match = True
if not match:
debug_print(str_d(size) + " belongs in a new cluster")
clusters.append( [size] )
debug_print("\n Creating new drill dictionary ...")
new_drills = {}
tool_num = 0
# Create new dictionary of clustered drills
for c in clusters:
tool_num += 1
new_drill = "T%02d" % tool_num
new_size = ( min(c) + max(c) ) / 2.0
new_drills[new_size] = new_drill
debug_print(str_d(c) + " will be represented by " + new_drill + " (" + str_d(new_size) + ")")
debug_print("\n " + str( len(new_drills) ) + " Clustered Drills:")
debug_print( drillsToString(new_drills) )
debug_print("Drill count reduced from " + str( len(drills) ) + " to " + str( len(new_drills) ), True)
return new_drills
def remap(jobs, globalToolMap, debug = _DEBUG):
Remap tools and commands in all jobs to match new tool map
Returns None
# Set global variables from parameters
global _DEBUG
_DEBUG = debug
debug_print("Remapping tools and commands ...", True)
for job in jobs:
job = job.job ##access job inside job layout
debug_print("\n Job name: " +
debug_print("\n Original job tools:")
debug_print( str(job.xdiam) )
debug_print("\n Original commands:")
debug_print( str(job.xcommands) )
new_tools = {}
new_commands = {}
for tool, diam in job.xdiam.items():
##debug_print("\n Current tool: " + tool + " (" + str_d(diam) + ")")
# Search for best matching tool
best_diam, best_tool = globalToolMap[0]
for glob_diam, glob_tool in globalToolMap:
if abs(glob_diam - diam) < abs(best_diam - diam):
best_tool = glob_tool
best_diam = glob_diam
##debug_print("Best match: " + best_tool + " (" + str_d(best_diam) + ")")
new_tools[best_tool] = best_diam
##debug_print(best_tool + " will replace " + tool)
# Append commands to existing commands if they exist
if best_tool in new_commands:
##debug_print( "Current commands: " + str( new_commands[best_tool] ) )
temp = new_commands[best_tool]
temp.extend( job.xcommands[tool] )
new_commands[best_tool] = temp
##debug_print( "All commands: " + str( new_commands[best_tool] ) )
new_commands[best_tool] = job.xcommands[tool]
debug_print("\n New job tools:")
debug_print( str(new_tools) )
debug_print("\n New commands:")
debug_print( str(new_commands) )
job.xdiam = new_tools
job.xcommands = new_commands
def debug_print(text, status = False, newLine = True):
Print debugging statemetns
Returs None, Printts text
if _DEBUG or (status and _STATUS):
if newLine:
print " ", text
print " ", text,
def str_d(drills):
Format drill sizes for printing debug and status messages
Returns drills as formatted string
string = ""
string = "%.4f" % drills
string = "["
for drill in drills:
string += ( "%.4f" % drill + ", ")
string = string[:len(string) - 2] + "]"
return string
def drillsToString(drills):
Format drill dictionary for printing debug and status messages
Returns drills as formatted string
string = ""
drills = drills.items()
for size, drill in drills:
string += drill + " = " + str_d(size) + "\n "
return string
The following code runs test drill clusterings with random drill sets.
if __name__=="__main__":
import random
print " Clustering random drills..."
old = {}
tool_num = 0
while len(old) < 99:
rand_size = round(random.uniform(.02, .04), 4)
if rand_size in old:
tool_num += 1
old[rand_size] = "T%02d" % tool_num
new = cluster(old, .0003, True)