2015-07-23 02:43:01 +03:00

1289 lines
51 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module reads all Gerber and Excellon files and stores the
data for each job.
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 3. See for details of the license.
Rugged Circuits LLC
import sys
import re
import string
import __builtin__
import copy
import types
import aptable
import config
import makestroke
import amacro
import geometry
import util
# Parsing Gerber/Excellon files is currently very brittle. A more robust
# RS274X/Excellon parser would be a good idea and allow this program to work
# robustly with more than just Eagle CAM files.
# Reminder to self:
# D01 -- move and draw line with exposure on
# D02 -- move with exposure off
# D03 -- flash aperture
# Patterns for Gerber RS274X file interpretation
apdef_pat = re.compile(r'^%AD(D\d+)([^*$]+)\*%$') # Aperture definition
apmdef_pat = re.compile(r'^%AM([^*$]+)\*$') # Aperture macro definition
comment_pat = re.compile(r'G0?4[^*]*\*') # Comment (GerbTool comment omits the 0)
tool_pat = re.compile(r'(D\d+)\*') # Aperture selection
gcode_pat = re.compile(r'G(\d{1,2})\*?') # G-codes
drawXY_pat = re.compile(r'X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*') # Drawing command
drawX_pat = re.compile(r'X([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*') # Drawing command, Y is implied
drawY_pat = re.compile(r'Y([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*') # Drawing command, X is implied
format_pat = re.compile(r'%FS(L|T)?(A|I)(N\d+)?(X\d\d)(Y\d\d)\*%') # Format statement
layerpol_pat = re.compile(r'^%LP[CD]\*%') # Layer polarity (D=dark, C=clear)
# Circular interpolation drawing commands (from Protel)
cdrawXY_pat = re.compile(r'X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)I([+-]?\d+)J([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*')
cdrawX_pat = re.compile(r'X([+-]?\d+)I([+-]?\d+)J([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*') # Y is implied
cdrawY_pat = re.compile(r'Y([+-]?\d+)I([+-]?\d+)J([+-]?\d+)D0?([123])\*') # X is implied
IgnoreList = ( \
# These are for Eagle, and RS274X files in general
re.compile(r'^%AMOC8\*$'), # Eagle's octagon defined by macro with a $1 parameter
re.compile(r'^5,1,8,0,0,1\.08239X\$1,22\.5\*$'), # Eagle's octagon, 22.5 degree rotation
re.compile(r'^5,1,8,0,0,1\.08239X\$1,0\.0\*$'), # Eagle's octagon, 0.0 degree rotation
# These additional ones are for Orcad Layout, PCB, Protel, etc.
re.compile(r'\*'), # Empty statement
re.compile(r'^%ICAS\*%'), # Not in RS274X spec.
re.compile(r'^%AD\*%'), # GerbTool empty aperture definition
re.compile(r'^%LN.*\*%') # Layer name
# Patterns for Excellon interpretation
xtool_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)$') # Tool selection
xydraw_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command
xdraw_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command, repeat last Y value
ydraw_pat = re.compile(r'^Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command, repeat last X value
xtdef_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)(?:F\d+)?(?:S\d+)?C([0-9.]+)$') # Tool+diameter definition with optional
# feed/speed (for Protel)
xtdef2_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)C([0-9.]+)(?:F\d+)?(?:S\d+)?$') # Tool+diameter definition with optional
# feed/speed at the end (for OrCAD)
xzsup_pat = re.compile(r'^INCH,([LT])Z$') # Leading/trailing zeros INCLUDED
XIgnoreList = ( \
re.compile(r'^M30$'), # End of job
re.compile(r'^M48$'), # Program header to first %
re.compile(r'^M72$') # Inches
# A Job is a single input board. It is expected to have:
# - a board outline file in RS274X format
# - several (at least one) Gerber files in RS274X format
# - a drill file in Excellon format
# The board outline and Excellon filenames must be given separately.
# The board outline file determines the extents of the job.
class Job:
def __init__(self, name): = name
# Minimum and maximum (X,Y) absolute co-ordinates encountered
# in GERBER data only (not Excellon). Note that coordinates
# are stored in hundred-thousandsths of an inch so 9999999 is 99.99999
# inches.
self.maxx = self.maxy = -9999999 # in the case all coordinates are < 0, this will prevent maxx and maxy from defaulting to 0
self.minx = self.miny = 9999999
# Aperture translation table relative to GAT. This dictionary
# has as each key a layer name for the job. Each key's value
# is itself a dictionary where each key is an aperture in the file.
# The value is the key in the GAT. Example:
# apxlat['TopCopper']['D10'] = 'D12'
# apxlat['TopCopper']['D11'] = 'D15'
# apxlat['BottomCopper']['D10'] = 'D15'
self.apxlat = {}
# Aperture macro translation table relative to GAMT. This dictionary
# has as each key a layer name for the job. Each key's value
# is itself a dictionary where each key is an aperture macro name in the file.
# The value is the key in the GAMT. Example:
# apxlat['TopCopper']['THD10X'] = 'M1'
# apxlat['BottomCopper']['AND10'] = 'M5'
self.apmxlat = {}
# Commands are one of:
# A. strings for:
# - aperture changes like "D12"
# - G-code commands like "G36"
# - RS-274X commands like "%LPD*%" that begin with '%'
# B. (X,Y,D) triples comprising X,Y integers in the range 0 through 999999
# and draw commands that are either D01, D02, or D03. The character
# D in the triple above is the integer 1, 2, or 3.
# C. (X,Y,I,J,D,s) 6-tuples comprising X,Y,I,J integers in the range 0 through 999999
# and D as with (X,Y,D) triples. The 's' integer is non-zero to indicate that
# the (I,J) tuple is a SIGNED offset (for multi-quadrant circular interpolation)
# else the tuple is unsigned.
# This variable is, as for apxlat, a dictionary keyed by layer name.
self.commands = {}
# This dictionary stores all GLOBAL apertures actually needed by this
# layer, i.e., apertures specified prior to draw commands. The dictionary
# is indexed by layer name, and each dictionary entry is a list of aperture
# code strings, like 'D12'. This dictionary helps us to figure out the
# minimum number of apertures that need to be written out in the Gerber
# header of the merged file. Once again, the list of apertures refers to
# GLOBAL aperture codes in the GAT, not ones local to this layer.
self.apertures = {}
# Excellon commands are grouped by tool number in a dictionary.
# This is to help sorting all jobs and writing out all plunge
# commands for a single tool.
# The key to this dictionary is the full tool name, e.g., T03
# as a string. Each command is an (X,Y) integer tuple.
self.xcommands = {}
# This is a dictionary mapping LOCAL tool names (e.g., T03) to diameters
# in inches for THIS JOB. This dictionary will be initially empty
# for old-style Excellon files with no embedded tool sizes. The
# main program will construct this dictionary from the global tool
# table in this case, once all jobs have been read in.
self.xdiam = {}
# This is a mapping from tool name to diameter for THIS JOB
self.ToolList = None
# How many times to replicate this job if using auto-placement
self.Repeat = 1
# How many decimal digits of precision there are in the Excellon file.
# A value greater than 0 overrides the global ExcellonDecimals setting
# for this file, allowing jobs with different Excellon decimal settings
# to be combined.
self.ExcellonDecimals = 0 # 0 means global value prevails
def width_in(self):
"Return width in INCHES"
return float(self.maxx-self.minx)*0.00001
def height_in(self):
"Return height in INCHES"
return float(self.maxy-self.miny)*0.00001
def jobarea(self):
return self.width_in()*self.height_in()
def maxdimension(self):
return max(self.width_in(),self.height_in())
def mincoordinates(self):
"Return minimum X and Y coordinate"
return self.minx, self.miny
def fixcoordinates(self, x_shift, y_shift):
"Add x_shift and y_shift to all coordinates in the job"
# Shift maximum and minimum coordinates
self.minx += x_shift
self.maxx += x_shift
self.miny += y_shift
self.maxy += y_shift
# Shift all commands
for layer, command in self.commands.iteritems():
# Loop through each command in each layer
for index in range( len(command) ):
c = command[index]
# Shift X and Y coordinate of command
if type(c) == types.TupleType: ## ensure that command is of type tuple
command_list = list(c) ## convert tuple to list
if (type( command_list[0] ) == types.IntType) \
and (type( command_list[1] ) == types.IntType): ## ensure that first two elemenst are integers
command_list[0] += x_shift
command_list[1] += y_shift
command[index] = tuple(command_list) ## convert list back to tuple
self.commands[layer] = command ## set modified command
# Shift all excellon commands
for tool, command in self.xcommands.iteritems():
# Loop through each command in each layer
for index in range( len(command) ):
c = command[index]
# Shift X and Y coordinate of command
command_list = list(c) ## convert tuple to list
if ( type( command_list[0] ) == types.IntType ) \
and ( type( command_list[1] ) == types.IntType ): ## ensure that first two elemenst are integers
command_list[0] += x_shift / 10
command_list[1] += y_shift / 10
command[index] = tuple(command_list) ## convert list back to tuple
self.xcommands[tool] = command ## set modified command
def parseGerber(self, fullname, layername, updateExtents = 0):
"""Do the dirty work. Read the Gerber file given the
global aperture table GAT and global aperture macro table GAMT"""
GAT = config.GAT
GAMT = config.GAMT
# First construct reverse GAT/GAMT, mapping definition to code
RevGAT = config.buildRevDict(GAT) # RevGAT[hash] = aperturename
RevGAMT = config.buildRevDict(GAMT) # RevGAMT[hash] = aperturemacroname
#print 'Reading data from %s ...' % fullname
fid = file(fullname, 'rt')
currtool = None
self.apxlat[layername] = {}
self.apmxlat[layername] = {}
self.commands[layername] = []
self.apertures[layername] = []
# These divisors are used to scale (X,Y) co-ordinates. We store
# everything as integers in hundred-thousandths of an inch (i.e., M.5
# format). If we get something in M.4 format, we must multiply by
# 10. If we get something in M.6 format we must divide by 10, etc.
x_div = 1.0
y_div = 1.0
# Drawing commands can be repeated with X or Y omitted if they are
# the same as before. These variables store the last X/Y value as
# integers in hundred-thousandths of an inch.
last_x = last_y = 0
# Last modal G-code. Some G-codes introduce "modes", such as circular interpolation
# mode, and we want to remember what mode we're in. We're interested in:
# G01 -- linear interpolation, cancels all circular interpolation modes
# G36 -- Turn on polygon area fill
# G37 -- Turn off polygon area fill
last_gmode = 1 # G01 by default, linear interpolation
# We want to know whether to do signed (G75) or unsigned (G74) I/J offsets. These
# modes are independent of G01/G02/G03, e.g., Protel will issue multiple G03/G01
# codes all in G75 mode.
# G74 -- Single-quadrant circular interpolation (disables multi-quadrant interpolation)
# G02/G03 codes set clockwise/counterclockwise arcs in a single quadrant only
# using X/Y/I/J commands with UNSIGNED (I,J).
# G75 -- Multi-quadrant circular interpolation --> X/Y/I/J with signed (I,J)
# G02/G03 codes set clockwise/counterclockwise arcs in all 4 quadrants
# using X/Y/I/J commands with SIGNED (I,J).
circ_signed = True # Assume G75...make sure this matches canned header we write out
# If the very first flash/draw is a shorthand command (i.e., without an Xxxxx or Yxxxx)
# component then we don't really "see" the first point X00000Y00000. To account for this
# we use the following Boolean flag as well as the isLastShorthand flag during parsing
# to manually insert the point X000000Y00000 into the command stream.
firstFlash = True
for line in fid:
# Get rid of CR characters (0x0D) and leading/trailing blanks
line = string.replace(line, '\x0D', '').strip()
# Old location of format_pat search. Now moved down into the sub-line parse loop below.
# RS-274X statement? If so, echo it. Currently, only the "LP" statement is expected
# (from Protel, of course). These will be distinguished from D-code and G-code
# commands by the fact that the first character of the string is '%'.
match = layerpol_pat.match(line)
if match:
# See if this is an aperture definition, and if so, map it.
match = apdef_pat.match(line)
if match:
if currtool:
raise RuntimeError, "File %s has an aperture definition that comes after drawing commands." % fullname
A = aptable.parseAperture(line, self.apmxlat[layername])
if not A:
raise RuntimeError, "Unknown aperture definition in file %s" % fullname
hash = A.hash()
if not RevGAT.has_key(hash):
#print line
#print self.apmxlat
#print RevGAT
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has aperture definition "%s" not in global aperture table.' % (fullname, hash)
# This says that all draw commands with this aperture code will
# be replaced by aperture self.apxlat[layername][code].
self.apxlat[layername][A.code] = RevGAT[hash]
# Ignore %AMOC8* from Eagle for now as it uses a macro parameter, which
# is not yet supported in GerbMerge.
if line[:7]=='%AMOC8*':
# See if this is an aperture macro definition, and if so, map it.
M = amacro.parseApertureMacro(line,fid)
if M:
if currtool:
raise RuntimeError, "File %s has an aperture macro definition that comes after drawing commands." % fullname
hash = M.hash()
if not RevGAMT.has_key(hash):
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has aperture macro definition not in global aperture macro table:\n%s' % (fullname, hash)
# This says that all aperture definition commands that reference this macro name
# will be replaced by aperture macro name self.apmxlat[layername][macroname].
self.apmxlat[layername][] = RevGAMT[hash]
# From this point on we may have more than one match on this line, e.g.:
# G54D11*X22400Y22300D02*X22500Y22200D01*
sub_line = line
while sub_line:
# Handle "comment" G-codes first
match = comment_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
# See if this is a format statement, and if so, map it. In version 1.3 this was moved down
# from the line-only parse checks above (see comment) to handle OrCAD lines like
# G74*%FSLAN2X34Y34*%
match = format_pat.match(sub_line) # Used to be
if match:
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
for item in match.groups():
if item is None: continue # Optional group didn't match
if item[0] in "LA": # omit leading zeroes and absolute co-ordinates
if item[0]=='T': # omit trailing zeroes
raise RuntimeError, "Trailing zeroes not supported in RS274X files"
if item[0]=='I': # incremental co-ordinates
raise RuntimeError, "Incremental co-ordinates not supported in RS274X files"
if item[0]=='N': # Maximum digits for N* commands...ignore it
if item[0]=='X': # M.N specification for X-axis.
fracpart = int(item[2])
x_div = 10.0**(5-fracpart)
if item[0]=='Y': # M.N specification for Y-axis.
fracpart = int(item[2])
y_div = 10.0**(5-fracpart)
# Parse and interpret G-codes
match = gcode_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
gcode = int(
# Determine if this is a G-Code that should be ignored because it has no effect
# (e.g., G70 specifies "inches" which is already in effect).
if gcode in [54, 70, 90]:
# Determine if this is a G-Code that we have to emit because it matters.
if gcode in [1, 2, 3, 36, 37, 74, 75]:
self.commands[layername].append("G%02d" % gcode)
# Determine if this is a G-code that sets a new mode
if gcode in [1, 36, 37]:
last_gmode = gcode
# Remember last G74/G75 code so we know whether to do signed or unsigned I/J
# offsets.
if gcode==74:
circ_signed = False
elif gcode==75:
circ_signed = True
raise RuntimeError, "G-Code 'G%02d' is not supported" % gcode
# See if this is a tool change (aperture change) command
match = tool_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
currtool =
# Protel likes to issue random D01, D02, and D03 commands instead of aperture
# codes. We can ignore D01 because it simply means to move to the current location
# while drawing. Well, that's drawing a point. We can ignore D02 because it means
# to move to the current location without drawing. Truly pointless. We do NOT want
# to ignore D03 because it implies a flash. Protel very inefficiently issues a D02
# move to a location without drawing, then a single-line D03 to flash. However, a D02
# terminates a polygon in G36 mode, so keep D02's in this case.
if currtool=='D01' or (currtool=='D02' and (last_gmode != 36)):
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
if (currtool == 'D03') or (currtool=='D02' and (last_gmode == 36)):
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
# Map it using our translation table
if not self.apxlat[layername].has_key(currtool):
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has tool change command "%s" with no corresponding translation' % (fullname, currtool)
currtool = self.apxlat[layername][currtool]
# Add it to the list of things to write out
# Add it to the list of all apertures needed by this layer
# Move on to next match, if any
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
# Is it a simple draw command?
I = J = None # For circular interpolation drawing commands
match = drawXY_pat.match(sub_line)
isLastShorthand = False # By default assume we don't make use of last_x and last_y
if match:
x, y, d = map(, match.groups())
match = drawX_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
x, d = map(, match.groups())
y = last_y
isLastShorthand = True # Indicate we're making use of last_x/last_y
match = drawY_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
y, d = map(, match.groups())
x = last_x
isLastShorthand = True # Indicate we're making use of last_x/last_y
# Maybe it's a circular interpolation draw command with IJ components
if match is None:
match = cdrawXY_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
x, y, I, J, d = map(, match.groups())
match = cdrawX_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
x, I, J, d = map(, match.groups())
y = last_y
isLastShorthand = True # Indicate we're making use of last_x/last_y
match = cdrawY_pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
y, I, J, d = map(, match.groups())
x = last_x
isLastShorthand = True # Indicate we're making use of last_x/last_y
if match:
if currtool is None:
# It's OK if this is an exposure-off movement command (specified with D02).
# It's also OK if we're in the middle of a G36 polygon fill as we're only defining
# the polygon extents.
if (d != 2) and (last_gmode != 36):
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has draw command %s with no aperture chosen' % (fullname, sub_line)
# Save last_x/y BEFORE scaling to 2.5 format else subsequent single-ordinate
# flashes (e.g., Y with no X) will be scaled twice!
last_x = x
last_y = y
# Corner case: if this is the first flash/draw and we are using shorthand (i.e., missing Xxxx
# or Yxxxxx) then prepend the point X0000Y0000 into the commands as it is actually the starting
# point of our layer. We prepend the command X0000Y0000D02, i.e., a move to (0,0) without drawing.
if (isLastShorthand and firstFlash):
if updateExtents:
self.minx = min(self.minx,0)
self.maxx = max(self.maxx,0)
self.miny = min(self.miny,0)
self.maxy = max(self.maxy,0)
x = int(round(x*x_div))
y = int(round(y*y_div))
if I is not None:
I = int(round(I*x_div))
J = int(round(J*y_div))
firstFlash = False
# Update dimensions...this is complicated for circular interpolation commands
# that span more than one quadrant. For now, we ignore this problem since users
# should be using a border layer to indicate extents.
if updateExtents:
if x < self.minx: self.minx = x
if x > self.maxx: self.maxx = x
if y < self.miny: self.miny = y
if y > self.maxy: self.maxy = y
# Move on to next match, if any
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
# If it's none of the above, it had better be on our ignore list.
for pat in IgnoreList:
match = pat.match(sub_line)
if match:
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has uninterpretable line:\n %s' % (fullname, line)
sub_line = sub_line[match.end():]
# end while still things to match on this line
# end of for each line in file
if 0:
print layername
print self.commands[layername]
def parseExcellon(self, fullname):
#print 'Reading data from %s ...' % fullname
fid = file(fullname, 'rt')
currtool = None
suppress_leading = True # Suppress leading zeros by default, equivalent to 'INCH,TZ'
# We store Excellon X/Y data in ten-thousandths of an inch. If the Config
# option ExcellonDecimals is not 4, we must adjust the values read from the
# file by a divisor to convert to ten-thousandths. This is only used in
# leading-zero suppression mode. In trailing-zero suppression mode, we must
# trailing-zero-pad all input integers to M+N digits (e.g., 6 digits for 2.4 mode)
# specified by the 'zeropadto' variable.
if self.ExcellonDecimals > 0:
divisor = 10.0**(4 - self.ExcellonDecimals)
zeropadto = 2+self.ExcellonDecimals
divisor = 10.0**(4 - config.Config['excellondecimals'])
zeropadto = 2+config.Config['excellondecimals']
# Protel takes advantage of optional X/Y components when the previous one is the same,
# so we have to remember them.
last_x = last_y = 0
# Helper function to convert X/Y strings into integers in units of ten-thousandth of an inch.
def xln2tenthou(L, divisor=divisor, zeropadto=zeropadto):
V = []
for s in L:
if not suppress_leading:
s = s + '0'*(zeropadto-len(s))
return tuple(V)
for line in fid.xreadlines():
# Get rid of CR characters
line = string.replace(line, '\x0D', '')
# Protel likes to embed comment lines beginning with ';'
if line[0]==';':
# Check for leading/trailing zeros included ("INCH,LZ" or "INCH,TZ")
match = xzsup_pat.match(line)
if match:
# LZ --> Leading zeros INCLUDED
suppress_leading = False
# TZ --> Trailing zeros INCLUDED
suppress_leading = True
# See if a tool is being defined. First try to match with tool name+size
match = xtdef_pat.match(line) # xtdef_pat and xtdef2_pat expect tool name and diameter
if match is None: # but xtdef_pat expects optional feed/speed between T and C
match = xtdef2_pat.match(line) # and xtdef_2pat expects feed/speed at the end
if match:
currtool, diam = match.groups()
diam = float(diam)
raise RuntimeError, "File %s has illegal tool diameter '%s'" % (fullname, diam)
# Canonicalize tool number because Protel (of course) sometimes specifies it
# as T01 and sometimes as T1. We canonicalize to T01.
currtool = 'T%02d' % int(currtool[1:])
if self.xdiam.has_key(currtool):
raise RuntimeError, "File %s defines tool %s more than once" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
# Didn't match TxxxCyyy. It could be a tool change command 'Tdd'.
match = xtool_pat.match(line)
if match:
currtool =
# Canonicalize tool number because Protel (of course) sometimes specifies it
# as T01 and sometimes as T1. We canonicalize to T01.
currtool = 'T%02d' % int(currtool[1:])
# Diameter will be obtained from embedded tool definition, local tool list or if not found, the global tool list
diam = self.xdiam[currtool]
if self.ToolList:
diam = self.ToolList[currtool]
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in the job's tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
diam = config.DefaultToolList[currtool]
#print config.DefaultToolList
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in default tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
# Plunge command?
match = xydraw_pat.match(line)
if match:
x, y = xln2tenthou(match.groups())
match = xdraw_pat.match(line)
if match:
x = xln2tenthou(match.groups())[0]
y = last_y
match = ydraw_pat.match(line)
if match:
y = xln2tenthou(match.groups())[0]
x = last_x
if match:
if currtool is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has plunge command without previous tool selection' % fullname
except KeyError:
self.xcommands[currtool] = [(x,y)]
last_x = x
last_y = y
# It had better be an ignorable
for pat in XIgnoreList:
if pat.match(line):
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has uninterpretable line:\n %s' % (fullname, line)
def hasLayer(self, layername):
return self.commands.has_key(layername)
def writeGerber(self, fid, layername, Xoff, Yoff):
"Write out the data such that the lower-left corner of this job is at the given (X,Y) position, in inches"
# Maybe we don't have this layer
if not self.hasLayer(layername): return
# First convert given inches to 2.5 co-ordinates
X = int(round(Xoff/0.00001))
Y = int(round(Yoff/0.00001))
# Now calculate displacement for each position so that we end up at specified origin
DX = X - self.minx
DY = Y - self.miny
# Rock and roll. First, write out a dummy flash using code D02
# (exposure off). This prevents an unintentional draw from the end
# of one job to the beginning of the next when a layer is repeated
# due to panelizing.
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (X, Y))
for cmd in self.commands[layername]:
if type(cmd) is types.TupleType:
if len(cmd)==3:
x, y, d = cmd
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD%02d*\n' % (x+DX, y+DY, d))
x, y, I, J, d, s = cmd
fid.write('X%07dY%07dI%07dJ%07dD%02d*\n' % (x+DX, y+DY, I, J, d)) # I,J are relative
# It's an aperture change, G-code, or RS274-X command that begins with '%'. If
# it's an aperture code, the aperture has already been translated
# to the global aperture table during the parse phase.
if cmd[0]=='%':
fid.write('%s\n' % cmd) # The command already has a * in it (e.g., "%LPD*%")
fid.write('%s*\n' % cmd)
def findTools(self, diameter):
"Find the tools, if any, with the given diameter in inches. There may be more than one!"
L = []
for tool, diam in self.xdiam.items():
if diam==diameter:
return L
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter, Xoff, Yoff):
"Write out the data such that the lower-left corner of this job is at the given (X,Y) position, in inches"
# First convert given inches to 2.4 co-ordinates. Note that Gerber is 2.5 (as of GerbMerge 1.2)
# and our internal Excellon representation is 2.4 as of GerbMerge
# version 0.91. We use X,Y to calculate DX,DY in 2.4 units (i.e., with a
# resolution of 0.0001".
X = int(round(Xoff/0.00001)) # First work in 2.5 format to match Gerber
Y = int(round(Yoff/0.00001))
# Now calculate displacement for each position so that we end up at specified origin
DX = X - self.minx
DY = Y - self.miny
# Now round down to 2.4 format
DX = int(round(DX/10.0))
DY = int(round(DY/10.0))
ltools = self.findTools(diameter)
if config.Config['excellonleadingzeros']:
fmtstr = 'X%06dY%06d\n'
fmtstr = 'X%dY%d\n'
# Boogie
for ltool in ltools:
if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
x, y = cmd
fid.write(fmtstr % (x+DX, y+DY))
def writeDrillHits(self, fid, diameter, toolNum, Xoff, Yoff):
"""Write a drill hit pattern. diameter is tool diameter in inches, while toolNum is
an integer index into strokes.DrillStrokeList"""
# First convert given inches to 2.5 co-ordinates
X = int(round(Xoff/0.00001))
Y = int(round(Yoff/0.00001))
# Now calculate displacement for each position so that we end up at specified origin
DX = X - self.minx
DY = Y - self.miny
# Do NOT round down to 2.4 format. These drill hits are in Gerber 2.5 format, not
# Excellon plunge commands.
ltools = self.findTools(diameter)
for ltool in ltools:
if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
x, y = cmd
makestroke.drawDrillHit(fid, 10*x+DX, 10*y+DY, toolNum)
def aperturesAndMacros(self, layername):
"Return dictionaries whose keys are all necessary aperture names and macro names for this layer"
if self.apertures.has_key(layername):
apdict = {}.fromkeys(self.apertures[layername])
apmlist = [GAT[ap].dimx for ap in self.apertures[layername] if GAT[ap].apname=='Macro']
apmdict = {}.fromkeys(apmlist)
return apdict, apmdict
return {}, {}
def makeLocalApertureCode(self, layername, AP):
"Find or create a layer-specific aperture code to represent the global aperture given"
if AP.code not in self.apxlat[layername].values():
lastCode = aptable.findHighestApertureCode(self.apxlat[layername].keys())
localCode = 'D%d' % (lastCode+1)
self.apxlat[layername][localCode] = AP.code
def inBorders(self, x, y):
return (x >= self.minx) and (x <= self.maxx) and (y >= self.miny) and (y <= self.maxy)
def trimGerberLayer(self, layername):
"Modify drawing commands that are outside job dimensions"
newcmds = []
lastInBorders = True
lastx, lasty, lastd = self.minx, self.miny, 2 # (minx,miny,exposure off)
bordersRect = (self.minx, self.miny, self.maxx, self.maxy)
lastAperture = None
for cmd in self.commands[layername]:
if type(cmd) == types.TupleType:
# It is a data command: tuple (X, Y, D), all integers, or (X, Y, I, J, D), all integers.
if len(cmd)==3:
x, y, d = cmd
# I=J=None # In case we support circular interpolation in the future
# We don't do anything with circular interpolation for now, so just issue
# the command and be done with it.
# x, y, I, J, d, s = cmd
newInBorders = self.inBorders(x,y)
# Flash commands are easy (for now). If they're outside borders,
# ignore them. There's no need to consider the previous command.
# What should we do if the flash is partially inside and partially
# outside the border? Ideally, define a macro that constructs the
# part of the flash that is inside the border. Practically, you've
# got to be kidding.
# Actually, it's not that tough for rectangle apertures. We identify
# the intersection rectangle of the aperture and the bounding box,
# determine the new rectangular aperture required along with the
# new flash point, add the aperture to the GAT if necessary, and
# make the change. Spiffy.
# For circular interpolation commands, it's definitely harder since
# we have to construct arcs that are a subset of the original arc.
# For polygon fills, we similarly have to break up the polygon into
# sub-polygons that are contained within the allowable extents.
# Both circular interpolation and polygon fills are a) uncommon,
# and b) hard to handle. The current version of GerbMerge does not
# handle these cases.
if d==3:
if lastAperture.isRectangle():
apertureRect = lastAperture.rectangleAsRect(x,y)
if geometry.isRect1InRect2(apertureRect, bordersRect):
newRect = geometry.intersectExtents(apertureRect, bordersRect)
if newRect:
newRectWidth = geometry.rectWidth(newRect)
newRectHeight = geometry.rectHeight(newRect)
newX, newY = geometry.rectCenter(newRect)
# We arbitrarily remove all flashes that lead to rectangles
# with a width or length less than 1 mil (10 Gerber units).
# Should we make this configurable?
if min(newRectWidth, newRectHeight) >= 10:
# Construct an Aperture that is a Rectangle of dimensions (newRectWidth,newRectHeight)
newAP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Rectangle, 'D??', \
util.gerb2in(newRectWidth), util.gerb2in(newRectHeight))
global_code = aptable.findOrAddAperture(newAP)
# We need an unused local aperture code to correspond to this newly-created global one.
self.makeLocalApertureCode(layername, newAP)
# Make sure to indicate that the new aperture is one that is used by this layer
if global_code not in self.apertures[layername]:
# Switch to new aperture code, flash new aperture, switch back to previous aperture code
newcmds.append((newX, newY, 3))
pass # Ignore this flash...area in common is too thin
pass # Ignore this area in common
elif self.inBorders(x, y):
# Aperture is not a rectangle and its center is somewhere within our
# borders. Flash it and ignore part outside borders (for now).
pass # Ignore this flash
# If this is a exposure off command, then it doesn't matter what the
# previous command is. This command just updates the (X,Y) position
# and sets the start point for a line draw to a new location.
elif d==2:
if self.inBorders(x, y):
# This is an exposure on (draw line) command. Now things get interesting.
# Regardless of what the last command was (draw, exposure off, flash), we
# are planning on drawing a visible line using the current aperture from
# the (lastx,lasty) position to the new (x,y) position. The cases are:
# A: (lastx,lasty) is outside borders, (x,y) is outside borders.
# (lastx,lasty) have already been eliminated. Just update (lastx,lasty)
# with new (x,y) and remove the new command too. There is one case which
# may be of concern, and that is when the line defined by (lastx,lasty)-(x,y)
# actually crosses through the job. In this case, we have to draw the
# partial line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) where (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) lie on the
# borders. We will add 3 commands:
# X(x1)Y(y1)D02 # exposure off
# X(x2)Y(y2)D01 # exposure on
# X(x)Y(y)D02 # exposure off
# B: (lastx,lasty) is outside borders, (x,y) is inside borders.
# We have to find the intersection of the line (lastx,lasty)-(x,y)
# with the borders and draw only the line segment (x1,y1)-(x,y):
# X(x1)Y(y1)D02 # exposure off
# X(x)Y(y)D01 # exposure on
# C: (lastx,lasty) is inside borders, (x,y) is outside borders.
# We have to find the intersection of the line (lastx,lasty)-(x,y)
# with the borders and draw only the line segment (lastx,lasty)-(x1,y1):
# then update to the new position:
# X(x1)Y(y1)D01 # exposure on
# X(x)Y(y)D02 # exposure off
# D: (lastx,lasty) is inside borders, (x,y) is inside borders. This is
# the most common and simplest case...just copy the command over:
# X(x)Y(y)D01 # exposure on
# All of the above are for linear interpolation. Circular interpolation
# is ignored for now.
if lastInBorders and newInBorders: # Case D
# segmentXbox() returns a list of 0, 1, or 2 points describing the intersection
# points of the segment (lastx,lasty)-(x,y) with the box defined
# by lower-left corner (minx,miny) and upper-right corner (maxx,maxy).
pointsL = geometry.segmentXbox((lastx,lasty), (x,y), (self.minx,self.miny), (self.maxx,self.maxy))
if len(pointsL)==0: # Case A, no intersection
# Both points are outside the box and there is no overlap with box.
d = 2 # Command is effectively removed since newcmds wasn't extended.
# Ensure "last command" is exposure off to reflect this.
elif len(pointsL)==1: # Cases B and C
pt1 = pointsL[0]
if newInBorders: # Case B
newcmds.append((pt1[0], pt1[1], 2)) # Go to intersection point, exposure off
newcmds.append(cmd) # Go to destination point, exposure on
else: # Case C
newcmds.append((pt1[0], pt1[1], 1)) # Go to intersection point, exposure on
newcmds.append((x, y, 2)) # Go to destination point, exposure off
d = 2 # Make next 'lastd' represent exposure off
else: # Case A, two points of intersection
pt1 = pointsL[0]
pt2 = pointsL[1]
newcmds.append((pt1[0], pt1[1], 2)) # Go to first intersection point, exposure off
newcmds.append((pt2[0], pt2[1], 1)) # Draw to second intersection point, exposure on
newcmds.append((x, y, 2)) # Go to destination point, exposure off
d = 2 # Make next 'lastd' represent exposure off
lastx, lasty, lastd = x, y, d
lastInBorders = newInBorders
# It's a string indicating an aperture change, G-code, or RS-274X
# command (e.g., "D13", "G75", "%LPD*%")
if cmd[0]=='D' and int(cmd[1:])>=10: # Don't interpret D01, D02, D03
lastAperture = config.GAT[cmd]
self.commands[layername] = newcmds
def trimGerber(self):
for layername in self.commands.keys():
def trimExcellon(self):
"Remove plunge commands that are outside job dimensions"
keys = self.xcommands.keys()
for toolname in keys:
# Remember Excellon is 2.4 format while Gerber data is 2.5 format
validList = [(x,y) for x,y in self.xcommands[toolname] if self.inBorders(10*x,10*y)]
if validList:
self.xcommands[toolname] = validList
del self.xcommands[toolname]
del self.xdiam[toolname]
# This class encapsulates a Job object, providing absolute
# positioning information.
class JobLayout:
def __init__(self, job):
self.job = job
self.x = None
self.y = None
def canonicalize(self): # Must return a JobLayout object as a list
return [self]
def writeGerber(self, fid, layername):
assert self.x is not None
self.job.writeGerber(fid, layername, self.x, self.y)
def aperturesAndMacros(self, layername):
return self.job.aperturesAndMacros(layername)
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter):
assert self.x is not None
self.job.writeExcellon(fid, diameter, self.x, self.y)
def writeDrillHits(self, fid, diameter, toolNum):
assert self.x is not None
self.job.writeDrillHits(fid, diameter, toolNum, self.x, self.y)
def writeCutLines(self, fid, drawing_code, X1, Y1, X2, Y2):
"""Draw a board outline using the given aperture code"""
def notEdge(x, X):
return round(abs(1000*(x-X)))
assert self.x and self.y
radius = config.GAT[drawing_code].dimx/2.0
# Start at lower-left, proceed clockwise
x = self.x - radius
y = self.y - radius
left = notEdge(self.x, X1)
right = notEdge(self.x+self.width_in(), X2)
bot = notEdge(self.y, Y1)
top = notEdge(self.y+self.height_in(), Y2)
BL = ((x), (y))
TL = ((x), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
TR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
BR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y))
if not left:
BL = (BL[0]+2*radius, BL[1])
TL = (TL[0]+2*radius, TL[1])
if not top:
TL = (TL[0], TL[1]-2*radius)
TR = (TR[0], TR[1]-2*radius)
if not right:
TR = (TR[0]-2*radius, TR[1])
BR = (BR[0]-2*radius, BR[1])
if not bot:
BL = (BL[0], BL[1]+2*radius)
BR = (BR[0], BR[1]+2*radius)
BL = (util.in2gerb(BL[0]), util.in2gerb(BL[1]))
TL = (util.in2gerb(TL[0]), util.in2gerb(TL[1]))
TR = (util.in2gerb(TR[0]), util.in2gerb(TR[1]))
BR = (util.in2gerb(BR[0]), util.in2gerb(BR[1]))
# The "if 1 or ..." construct draws all four sides of the job. By
# removing the 1 from the expression, only the sides that do not
# correspond to panel edges are drawn. The former is probably better
# since panels tend to have a little slop from the cutting operation
# and it's easier to just cut it smaller when there's a cut line.
# The way it is now with "if 1 or....", much of this function is
# unnecessary. Heck, we could even just use the boardoutline layer
# directly.
if 1 or left:
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TL)
if 1 or top:
if not left: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TR)
if 1 or right:
if not top: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BR)
if 1 or bot:
if not right: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BL)
def setPosition(self, x, y):
def width_in(self):
return self.job.width_in()
def height_in(self):
return self.job.height_in()
def drillhits(self, diameter):
tools = self.job.findTools(diameter)
total = 0
for tool in tools:
total += len(self.job.xcommands[tool])
return total
def jobarea(self):
return self.job.jobarea()
def rotateJob(job, degrees = 90, firstpass = True):
"""Create a new job from an existing one, rotating by specified degrees in 90 degree passes"""
GAT = config.GAT
GAMT = config.GAMT
##print "rotating job:",, degrees, firstpass
if firstpass:
if degrees == 270:
J = Job('*rotated270')
elif degrees == 180:
J = Job('*rotated180')
J = Job('*rotated90')
J = Job(
# Keep the origin (lower-left) in the same place
J.maxx = job.minx + job.maxy-job.miny
J.maxy = job.miny + job.maxx-job.minx
J.minx = job.minx
J.miny = job.miny
RevGAT = config.buildRevDict(GAT) # RevGAT[hash] = aperturename
RevGAMT = config.buildRevDict(GAMT) # RevGAMT[hash] = aperturemacroname
# Keep list of tool diameters and default tool list
J.xdiam = job.xdiam
J.ToolList = job.ToolList
J.Repeat = job.Repeat
# D-code translation table is the same, except we have to rotate
# those apertures which have an orientation: rectangles, ovals, and macros.
ToolChangeReplace = {}
for layername in job.apxlat.keys():
J.apxlat[layername] = {}
for ap in job.apxlat[layername].keys():
code = job.apxlat[layername][ap]
A = GAT[code]
if A.apname in ('Circle', 'Octagon'):
# This aperture is fine. Copy it over.
J.apxlat[layername][ap] = code
# Must rotate the aperture
APR = A.rotated(RevGAMT)
# Does it already exist in the GAT?
hash = APR.hash()
# Yup...add it to apxlat
newcode = RevGAT[hash]
except KeyError:
# Must add new aperture to GAT
newcode = aptable.addToApertureTable(APR)
# Rebuild RevGAT
#RevGAT = config.buildRevDict(GAT)
RevGAT[hash] = newcode
J.apxlat[layername][ap] = newcode
# Must also replace all tool change commands from
# old code to new command.
ToolChangeReplace[code] = newcode
# Now we copy commands, rotating X,Y positions.
# Rotations will occur counterclockwise about the
# point (minx,miny). Then, we shift to the right
# by the height so that the lower-left point of
# the rotated job continues to be (minx,miny).
# We also have to take aperture change commands and
# replace them with the new aperture code if we have
# a rotation.
offset = job.maxy-job.miny
for layername in job.commands.keys():
J.commands[layername] = []
J.apertures[layername] = []
for cmd in job.commands[layername]:
# Is it a drawing command?
if type(cmd) is types.TupleType:
if len(cmd)==3:
x, y, d = map(, cmd)
x, y, II, JJ, d, signed = map(, cmd) # J is already used as Job object
# No, must be a string indicating aperture change, G-code, or RS274-X command.
if cmd[0] in ('G', '%'):
# G-codes and RS274-X commands are just copied verbatim and not affected by rotation
# It's a D-code. See if we need to replace aperture changes with a rotated aperture.
# But only for D-codes >= 10.
if int(cmd[1:]) < 10:
newcmd = ToolChangeReplace[cmd]
except KeyError:
# (X,Y) --> (-Y,X) effects a 90-degree counterclockwise shift
# Adding 'offset' to -Y maintains the lower-left origin of (minx,miny).
newx = -(y - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy = (x-job.minx) + job.miny
# For circular interpolation commands, (I,J) components are always relative
# so we do not worry about offsets, just reverse their sense, i.e., I becomes J
# and J becomes I. For 360-degree circular interpolation, I/J are signed and we
# must map (I,J) --> (-J,I).
if II is not None:
if signed:
J.commands[layername].append((newx, newy, -JJ, II, d, signed))
J.commands[layername].append((newx, newy, JJ, II, d, signed))
if 0:
print job.minx, job.miny, offset
print layername
print J.commands[layername]
# Finally, rotate drills. Offset is in hundred-thousandths (2.5) while Excellon
# data is in 2.4 format.
for tool in job.xcommands.keys():
J.xcommands[tool] = []
for x,y in job.xcommands[tool]:
newx = -(10*y - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy = (10*x - job.minx) + job.miny
newx = int(round(newx/10.0))
newy = int(round(newy/10.0))
# Rotate some more if required
degrees -= 90
if degrees > 0:
return rotateJob(J, degrees, False)
##print "rotated:",
return J