#!/usr/bin/python """ Creates receipts in TAMI's accounting provider, from bank-reports. input: (XXXXX) bank's transactions list, in Excel format [currently: TSV from google-sheets] output: a new donation-recepit (type#405) at GreenInvoice.co.il usage: bank2invoice.py real [ ...] bank2invoice.py search # get latest existing receipts bank2invoice.py test # *REAL vs TEST modes:* by default, running in TEST mode (inside a sandbox). if you want to get things into the real accounting system, add the command line argument: real The "test" command is using built-in data file, which is embedded in this module. started by shaharr.info, on request of yair, 2023-02-15 """ import os, re, sys, time from os.path import expanduser, expandvars, isdir, isfile, join, basename, abspath, splitext, getsize, dirname from os import mkdir, chdir, rename, unlink, walk, popen from json import dumps, loads from glob import iglob from time import sleep, time as currtime from datetime import timedelta, datetime import logging import requests import tempfile import green_invoice from green_invoice.models import ( Currency, DocumentLanguage, DocumentType, PaymentCardType, PaymentDealType, PaymentType, IncomeVatType, ) from green_invoice.resources import DocumentResource class AttrDict(dict): """ acces dictionary data (dic['key']) as objects (dic.key) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self """ # ----- copied from green_invoice/resources/resource.py, merely for documentation! ----- class DocumentType(enum.IntEnum): PRICE_QUOTE = 10 ORDER = 100 DELIVERY_NOTE = 200 RETURN_DELIVERY_NOTE = 210 TRANSACTION_ACCOUNT = 300 TAX_INVOICE = 305 TAX_INVOICE_RECEIPT = 320 REFUND = 330 RECEIPT = 400 RECEIPT_FOR_DONATION = 405 PURCHASE_ORDER = 500 RECEIPT_OF_A_DEPOSIT = 600 WITHDRAWAL_OF_DEPOSIT = 610 class DocumentStatus(enum.IntEnum): OPENED_DOCUMENT = 0 CLOSED_DOCUMENT = 1 MANUALLY_MARKED_AS_CLOSED = 2 CANCELING_OTHER_DOCUMENT = 3 CANCELED_DOCUMENT = 4 class DocumentLanguage(str, enum.Enum): HEBREW = "he" ENGLISH = "en" class Currency(str, enum.Enum): ILS = "ILS" USD = "USD" EUR = "EUR" GBP = "GBP" class PaymentType(enum.IntEnum): UNPAID = -1 DEDUCTION_AT_SOURCE = 0 CASH = 1 CHECK = 2 CREDIT_CARD = 3 ELECTRONIC_FUND_TRANSFER = 4 PAYPAL = 5 PAYMENT_APP = 10 OTHER = 11 # ----- end of documentation ---- """ # ------ CONSTs ------- flags = re.M+re.I+re.S conffile = expanduser('~/.bank2invoice.ini') #conf = Config(json_file=expanduser('~/.config/someapp.json')) payment_type_map = { # see docstring in guess_payment_type() '^bit העברת כספים$': 10, '.*מזומן.*': 1, } INITIAL_LATEST_PAYMENT = '0000-00-00' default_payment_type = 4 # bank wire default_doctype = DocumentType.RECEIPT_FOR_DONATION MAX_DAYS = 49 BACK_DAYS = 40 banks = { 4: "בנק יהב", 6: "בנק מזרחי טפחות", 9: "בנק הדואר", 10: "בנק לאומי", 11: "בנק דיסקונט", 12: "בנק הפועלים", 13: "בנק איגוד", 14: "בנק אוצר החייל", 17: "בנק מרכנתיל דיסקונט", 20: "בנק מזרחי טפחות", 22: "בנק CitiBank", 23: "בנק HSBC", 25: "בנק BNP Paribas", 26: "בנק יובנק", 27: "Barclays Bank PLC", 31: "בנק בינלאומי", 34: "בנק ערבי ישראלי", 39: "בנק SBI State of India", 43: "ג'ורדן נשיונל בנק PLC.עמאן", 46: "בנק מסד", 48: "בנק קופת העובד הלאומי", 50: 'מרכז סליקה בנקאי (מס"ב)', 52: "בנק פועלי אגודת ישראל", 54: "בנק ירושלים", 59: 'שב"א', 65: "חסך קופת חסכון לחינוך", 66: "קהיר-עומאן", 67: "בנק Arab Land", 68: "בנק אוצר השלטון המקומי", 68: "בנק דקסיה", 71: "קומרשיאל ג'ורדן", 73: "ערב איסמליק", 74: "בריטיש בנק אוף מידל איסט", 76: "השקעות פלשתין", 77: "בנק לאומי למשכנתאות", 82: "אל-קודס לפיתוח והשקעות", 83: "יוניון בנק", 84: "האוזינג", 89: "מספר בנק פלסטין", 90: "בנק דיסקונט למשכנתאות", 93: "ג'ורדן כווית", 99: "בנק ישראל", } def err(msg, fatal=False): msg = msg.strip() if msg[:5].lower() != 'error': msg = 'ERROR: ' + msg sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n') if fatal: sys.exit() def guess_payment_type(payment, conf): """ for guessing trx classification based on payment's comments. """ for key in payment_type_map.keys(): if re.match(key, payment.comments): return payment_type_map[key] return default_payment_type def read_conf(): conf = AttrDict() if not isfile(conffile): err(f'config file (with top secret data!!) is not found in {conffile} !', True) for line in open(conffile).read().splitlines(): if '=' in line and line[0]!='#': k, v = line.split('=',2) conf[k.strip()] = v.strip() return conf def normalize_dates(s): """ convert dd/mm/yyyy (eu dates) to yyyy-mm-dd (ISO dates) """ return re.sub(r'([0-3]\d)/([01]\d)/(20[23]\d)', r'\3-\2-\1', s, flags=flags) def get_existing_documents(dtype): """ purpose: to prevent duplicates, and to get last receipt date (cant add earlier reciept)""" # search documents since 100 days ago. earlier dates aren't relevant. I hope. from_date = (datetime.today() - timedelta(days=100)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') to_date = iso_date() documentResource = DocumentResource() Payment.latest = INITIAL_LATEST_PAYMENT results = [] docs = set() PAGES = 6 # just a random number; green-invoice's paging system is beyond logic. 6 sounds nice. 10 was taking too long. 1 page with pagesize 300 was giving only 25 recs per page anyway. for page in range(PAGES): print(f'downloading existing docs, page {page} / {PAGES}') params = dumps({ "page": page, "pageSize": 50, "type": [ dtype ], "sort": "documentDate", "fromDate": from_date, "toDate": to_date, }) page_results = documentResource.search_document(params) page_results = page_results['items'] if not page_results: break print(f'{len(page_results)=}') results.extend(page_results) for ret in results: # convert green-invoices entity to our Payment() object. We need that to compare -> prevent duplicates. doc = Payment( **dict( type=ret['type'], pay_date=ret['payment'][0]["date"], document_date=ret['documentDate'], amount=ret['amount'], client_name=ret['client']['name'], comments=ret['remarks'] ) ) docs.add(doc) # unique items only Payment.latest = max(Payment.latest, doc.pay_date) print(f'{Payment.latest=} vs. {doc.pay_date=}') return docs def payment_exists(payment, existing): for doc in existing: print(f'{payment.comments=} >>> {doc.comments=}') if doc==payment: return True return False def main(xl_file, conf): green_invoice.client.configure( env="sandbox", # actually i didn't test it yet in the real system. donno whats this. api_key_id = conf.api_key_id, api_key_secret = conf.api_key_secret, logger=logging.root, ) existing = get_existing_documents(default_doctype) # for preventing duplicates, later s = open(xl_file).read() s = normalize_dates(s) # convert israeli (european) dates to ISO dates: # green-invoice requires them, # plus we must sort by date. lines = s.splitlines() lines.sort() for line in lines: if not '\t' in line: continue # empty lines if line[:2] !='20': continue # must start with the year; otherwise it's a header line payment = Payment(line=line) if not payment: continue if payment_exists(payment, existing): print('payment already in the system. skip') continue id, url = create_receipt(payment, conf) # @todo: send url to donnor. but we dont have their contact here. def create_receipt(payment, conf): documentResource = DocumentResource() payment_type = PaymentType.ELECTRONIC_FUND_TRANSFER today = datetime.today() doc_date = max( Payment.latest, payment.pay_date) # latest from payment vs. latest receipt days = (today - datetime.fromisoformat(doc_date)).days # how many days ago is it? if days >= MAX_DAYS: # if too many days, doc_date = (today - timedelta(days=BACK_DAYS)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # set to 40 days ago print(f'{doc_date=} | {payment.pay_date=} | {Payment.latest=} | {iso_date()=}') doc = documentResource.create( { "type": default_doctype, # see types above "client": { "name": payment.client_name, "add": False, }, "currency": payment.currency, "lang": DocumentLanguage.HEBREW, "date": doc_date, "signed": True, "rounding": False, "remarks": payment.comments, #"income": [ # ------- according to support, this is for חשבונית מס which we don't use in our non-profit org. # { # "price": payment.amount, # "currency": payment.currency, # "quantity": 1, # "description": DEFAULT_TXN_DESCRIPTION, # "vatType": IncomeVatType.DEFAULT, # based on the business type # } #], "payment": [ # ---- according to support, this is for קבלה, which is the specific accounting status we use here. { "type": guess_payment_type(payment, conf), "date": payment.pay_date, "dealType": PaymentDealType.REGULAR, #"cardNum": "4242", #"cardType": PaymentCardType.VISA, "bankName": banks.get(payment.bank, 0), "bankBranch": str(payment.snif), "bankAccount": str(payment.account), "price": payment.amount, "currency": payment.currency, } ], } ) id = doc['id'] url = doc['id'] return id, url class Payment: """ represents a transaction's data """ latest = INITIAL_LATEST_PAYMENT # global scope def __init__(self, **kw): """parse a line from the bank report; right now i've downloaded a tab-separated file from google-spreadsheet; overloaded usage: obj = Payment(line) <- string, tab-separated, from excel obj = Payment({date:x, name:y, ...}) <- all object properties """ self.type = default_doctype if 'line' in kw: parts = kw['line'].split('\t') if len(parts) != 7: print('shit, bank data record must have 7 columns exactly') raise Exception # either a bug, or format change, must re-adapt the code ! self.pay_date, self.client_name, self.bank, self.snif, self.account, amount, self.comments = parts #self.pay_date = f'{d[6:10]}-{d[3:5]}-{d[0:2]}' # european date to ISO self.amount = float(amount) self.currency = Currency.ILS # default?!??! assumption... else: for k,v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __eq__(self, other): """ represents the unique signature for transactions; used for comparing against existing records/transactions: (pay1 == pay2) we get from the bank these items: pay_date, client_name, bank, snif, account#, amount, comments """ return (self.type == other.type and self.pay_date == other.pay_date and self.amount == other.amount and self.client_name == other.client_name and self.comments == other.comments) # this is tricky, @todo def __hash__(self): """ makes this class hashable; i'm using it to use within set() """ return hash(f'{self.pay_date}{self.amount}{self.client_name}') def iso_date(): """ todays date as ISO """ return datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') def self_test(): conf = read_conf() conf.test = True conf.api_key_id = conf.sanbox_api_id conf.api_key_secret = conf.sandbox_api_secret conf.api_url = conf.sandbox_api_url f = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='tami-kabala-test', suffix='.test') test_data = ''' # this is a comment תאריך רישום שם בנק סניף חשבון סכום הערות 29/12/2022 גגג גוגייג 10 123 3434343 200.00 במעטפות שמנות 29/12/2022 צגי גגוג גוגג 43 234 0 30.00 סדנת עיזים 21/12/2022 Amd גייג 12 345 0 50.50 bit העברת כספים 19/12/2022 גגיג גוגי 17 456 12345678 300.00 18/12/2022 גגג גגיגיג 20 567 987654 333.00 US PERSON תרומות 18/12/2026 גגג גגיגיג 20 567 987654 333.00 תאריך חדש מדי 18/12/2021 גגג גגגיג 34 567 987654 222.00 תאריך ישן מדי ''' open(f,'w').write(test_data) main(f, conf) assert True # @todo; needs much better testing; conf = read_conf() if f'{sys.version_info.major:02d}{sys.version_info.minor:02d}' < '0308': msg = f'WARNING !!! '*5 + f"\n 'bank2invoice.py' was tested on python 3.10, not on {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}. OTOH yair wants to run it on py3.8, Let's see if it really does!" print(msg) err(msg) # just a non blocking, non-fatal warning if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv[1:] conf.test = 'real' not in args conf.writing_date = None # meaning, if conf.test: conf.api_key_id = conf.sanbox_api_id conf.api_key_secret = conf.sandbox_api_secret conf.api_url = conf.sandbox_api_url print('test mode') files = set() for arg in args: # parsing command line without external tricks if 'search' in args: pass # @todo; make it print existing transactions; No use for that now. elif 'test' in args: self_test() exit() elif arg[:6]=='--date': # in case we want to register recepits as a certain date; not implemented(?) d = arg[7:] today = iso_date() if not re.match(r'^20[23]\d-[01]\d-[0-3]\d$', d) or arg <= today: err('bad writing date, or writing date in the future', True) else: conf.writing_date = arg elif isfile(arg): files.add(arg) for f in files: main(f, conf) if not files: # if no data to process print(__doc__) err('warning: no bank files provided', True) print(f'{c} records added')