#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is a web service to print labels on Brother QL label printers. """ import sys, logging, random from io import BytesIO from bottle import run, route, get, post, response, request, jinja2_view as view, static_file, redirect from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from brother_ql.devicedependent import models, label_type_specs, label_sizes from brother_ql.devicedependent import ENDLESS_LABEL, DIE_CUT_LABEL, ROUND_DIE_CUT_LABEL from brother_ql import BrotherQLRaster, create_label from brother_ql.backends import backend_factory, guess_backend from font_helpers import get_fonts logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEBUG = False MODEL = None BACKEND_CLASS = None BACKEND_STRING_DESCR = None DEFAULT_ORIENTATION = None DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE = None FONTS = None DEFAULT_FONT = None DEFAULT_FONTS = [ {'family': 'Minion Pro', 'style': 'Semibold'}, {'family': 'Linux Libertine', 'style': 'Regular'}, {'family': 'DejaVu Serif', 'style': 'Book'}, ] LABEL_SIZES = [ (name, label_type_specs[name]['name']) for name in label_sizes] @route('/') def index(): redirect('/labeldesigner') @route('/static/') def serve_static(filename): return static_file(filename, root='./static') @route('/labeldesigner') @view('labeldesigner.jinja2') def labeldesigner(): font_family_names = sorted(list(FONTS.keys())) label_sizes = LABEL_SIZES title = 'Label Designer' page_headline = 'Brother QL Label Designer' return {'title': title, 'page_headline': page_headline, 'message': '', 'font_family_names': font_family_names, 'fonts': FONTS, 'label_sizes': label_sizes, 'default_label_size': DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE, 'default_orientation': DEFAULT_ORIENTATION} def get_label_context(request): """ might raise LookupError() """ d = request.params.decode() # UTF-8 decoded form data font_family = d.get('font_family').rpartition('(')[0].strip() font_style = d.get('font_family').rpartition('(')[2].rstrip(')') context = { 'text': d.get('text', None), 'font_size': int(d.get('font_size', 100)), 'font_family': font_family, 'font_style': font_style, 'label_size': d.get('label_size', "62"), 'kind': label_type_specs[d.get('label_size', "62")]['kind'], 'margin': int(d.get('margin', 10)), 'threshold': int(d.get('threshold', 70)), 'align': d.get('align', 'center'), 'orientation': d.get('orientation', 'standard'), 'margin_top': float(d.get('margin_top', 24))/100., 'margin_bottom': float(d.get('margin_bottom', 45))/100., 'margin_left': float(d.get('margin_left', 35))/100., 'margin_right': float(d.get('margin_right', 35))/100., } context['margin_top'] = int(context['font_size']*context['margin_top']) context['margin_bottom'] = int(context['font_size']*context['margin_bottom']) context['margin_left'] = int(context['font_size']*context['margin_left']) context['margin_right'] = int(context['font_size']*context['margin_right']) def get_font_path(font_family_name, font_style_name): try: if font_family_name is None or font_style_name is None: font_family_name = DEFAULT_FONT['family'] font_style_name = DEFAULT_FONT['style'] font_path = FONTS[font_family_name][font_style_name] except KeyError: raise LookupError("Couln't find the font & style") return font_path context['font_path'] = get_font_path(context['font_family'], context['font_style']) def get_label_dimensions(label_size): try: ls = label_type_specs[context['label_size']] except KeyError: raise LookupError("Unknown label_size") return ls['dots_printable'] width, height = get_label_dimensions(context['label_size']) if height > width: width, height = height, width if context['orientation'] == 'rotated': height, width = width, height context['width'], context['height'] = width, height return context def create_label_im(text, **kwargs): label_type = kwargs['kind'] im_font = ImageFont.truetype(kwargs['font_path'], kwargs['font_size']) im = Image.new('L', (20, 20), 'white') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # workaround for a bug in multiline_textsize() # when there are empty lines in the text: lines = [] for line in text.split('\n'): if line == '': line = ' ' lines.append(line) text = '\n'.join(lines) linesize = im_font.getsize(text) textsize = draw.multiline_textsize(text, font=im_font) width, height = kwargs['width'], kwargs['height'] if kwargs['orientation'] == 'standard': if label_type in (ENDLESS_LABEL,): height = textsize[1] + kwargs['margin_top'] + kwargs['margin_bottom'] elif kwargs['orientation'] == 'rotated': if label_type in (ENDLESS_LABEL,): width = textsize[0] + kwargs['margin_left'] + kwargs['margin_right'] im = Image.new('L', (width, height), 'white') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) if kwargs['orientation'] == 'standard': if label_type in (DIE_CUT_LABEL, ROUND_DIE_CUT_LABEL): vertical_offset = (height - textsize[1])//2 vertical_offset += (kwargs['margin_top'] - kwargs['margin_bottom'])//2 else: vertical_offset = kwargs['margin_top'] horizontal_offset = max((width - textsize[0])//2, 0) elif kwargs['orientation'] == 'rotated': vertical_offset = (height - textsize[1])//2 vertical_offset += (kwargs['margin_top'] - kwargs['margin_bottom'])//2 if label_type in (DIE_CUT_LABEL, ROUND_DIE_CUT_LABEL): horizontal_offset = max((width - textsize[0])//2, 0) else: horizontal_offset = kwargs['margin_left'] offset = horizontal_offset, vertical_offset draw.multiline_text(offset, text, (0), font=im_font, align=kwargs['align']) return im @get('/api/preview/text') @post('/api/preview/text') def get_preview_image(): context = get_label_context(request) im = create_label_im(**context) return_format = request.query.get('return_format', 'png') if return_format == 'base64': import base64 response.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') return base64.b64encode(image_to_png_bytes(im)) else: response.set_header('Content-type', 'image/png') return image_to_png_bytes(im) def image_to_png_bytes(im): image_buffer = BytesIO() im.save(image_buffer, format="PNG") image_buffer.seek(0) return image_buffer.read() @post('/api/print/text') @get('/api/print/text') def print_text(): """ API to print a label returns: JSON Ideas for additional URL parameters: - alignment """ return_dict = {'success': False} try: context = get_label_context(request) except LookupError as e: return_dict['error'] = e.msg return return_dict if context['text'] is None: return_dict['error'] = 'Please provide the text for the label' return return_dict im = create_label_im(**context) if DEBUG: im.save('sample-out.png') if context['kind'] == ENDLESS_LABEL: rotate = 0 if context['orientation'] == 'standard' else 90 elif context['kind'] in (ROUND_DIE_CUT_LABEL, DIE_CUT_LABEL): rotate = 'auto' qlr = BrotherQLRaster(MODEL) create_label(qlr, im, context['label_size'], threshold=context['threshold'], cut=True, rotate=rotate) if not DEBUG: try: be = BACKEND_CLASS(BACKEND_STRING_DESCR) be.write(qlr.data) be.dispose() del be except Exception as e: return_dict['message'] = str(e) logger.warning('Exception happened: %s', e) return return_dict return_dict['success'] = True if DEBUG: return_dict['data'] = str(qlr.data) return return_dict def main(): global DEBUG, FONTS, DEFAULT_FONT, MODEL, BACKEND_CLASS, BACKEND_STRING_DESCR, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION, DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--port', default=8013) parser.add_argument('--loglevel', type=lambda x: getattr(logging, x.upper()), default='WARNING') parser.add_argument('--font-folder', help='folder for additional .ttf/.otf fonts') parser.add_argument('--default-label-size', default="62", help='Label size inserted in your printer. Defaults to 62.') parser.add_argument('--default-orientation', default="standard", choices=('standard', 'rotated'), help='Label orientation, defaults to "standard". To turn your text by 90°, state "rotated".') parser.add_argument('--model', default='QL-500', choices=models, help='The model of your printer (default: QL-500)') parser.add_argument('printer', help='String descriptor for the printer to use (like tcp:// or file:///dev/usb/lp0)') args = parser.parse_args() DEBUG = args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel) try: selected_backend = guess_backend(args.printer) except: parser.error("Couln't guess the backend to use from the printer string descriptor") BACKEND_CLASS = backend_factory(selected_backend)['backend_class'] BACKEND_STRING_DESCR = args.printer MODEL = args.model if args.default_label_size not in label_sizes: parser.error("Invalid --default-label-size. Please choose on of the following:\n:" + " ".join(label_sizes)) DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE = args.default_label_size DEFAULT_ORIENTATION = args.default_orientation FONTS = get_fonts() if args.font_folder: FONTS.update(get_fonts(args.font_folder)) if not FONTS: sys.stderr.write("Not a single font was found on your system. Please install some or use the \"--font-folder\" argument.\n") sys.exit(2) for font in DEFAULT_FONTS: try: FONTS[font['family']][font['style']] DEFAULT_FONT = font logger.debug("Selected the following default font: {}".format(font)) break except: pass if DEFAULT_FONT is None: sys.stderr.write('Could not find any of the default fonts. Choosing a random one.\n') family = random.choice(list(FONTS.keys())) style = random.choice(list(FONTS[family].keys())) DEFAULT_FONT = {'family': family, 'style': style} sys.stderr.write('The default font is now set to: {family} ({style})\n'.format(**DEFAULT_FONT)) run(host='', port=args.port, debug=DEBUG) if __name__ == "__main__": main()