#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is a web service to print labels on Brother QL label printers. """ import sys, logging, socket, os, subprocess, functools from bottle import run, route, response, request from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np import markdown from brother_ql.devicedependent import models from brother_ql import BrotherQLRaster, create_label from brother_ql.backends import backend_factory, guess_backend MODEL = None BACKEND_CLASS = None BACKEND_STRING_DESCR = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # globals: DEBUG = False FONTS = None DEFAULT_FONT = None DEFAULT_FONTS = [ {'family': 'Minion Pro', 'style': 'Semibold'}, {'family': 'Linux Libertine', 'style': 'Regular'}, {'family': 'DejaVu Serif', 'style': 'Book'}, ] @route('/') def index(): INDEX_MD = __doc__ + """ Go to [/api/print/text/Your_Text](/api/print/text/) to print a label (replace `Your_Text` with your text). """ return markdown.markdown(INDEX_MD) def get_fonts(folder=None): """ Scan a folder (or the system) for .ttf / .otf fonts and return a dictionary of the structure family -> style -> file path """ fonts = {} if folder: cmd = ['fc-scan', '--format', '"%{file}:%{family}:style=%{style}\n"', folder] else: cmd = ['fc-list', ':', 'file', 'family', 'style'] for line in subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').split("\n"): logger.debug(line) line.strip() if not line: continue if 'otf' not in line and 'ttf' not in line: continue parts = line.split(':') path = parts[0] families = parts[1].strip().split(',') styles = parts[2].split('=')[1].split(',') if len(families) == 1 and len(styles) > 1: families = [families[0]] * len(styles) elif len(families) > 1 and len(styles) == 1: styles = [styles[0]] * len(families) if len(families) != len(styles): if DEBUG: print("Problem with this font:") print(line) continue for i in range(len(families)): try: fonts[families[i]] except: fonts[families[i]] = dict() fonts[families[i]][styles[i]] = path if DEBUG: print("Added this font:") print(families[i], styles[i], path) return fonts @route('/api/print/text') @route('/api/print/text/') @route('/api/print/text/') def print_text(content=None): """ API to print a label returns: JSON Ideas for additional URL parameters: - alignment """ return_dict = {'success': False} if content is None: return_dict['error'] = 'Please provide the text for the label' return return_dict threshold = 170 fontsize = int(request.query.get('font_size', 100)) label_size = "62" width = 720 margin = 0 height = 100 + 2*margin try: font_family = request.query.get('font_family') font_style = request.query.get('font_style') if font_family is None: font_family = DEFAULT_FONT['family'] font_style = DEFAULT_FONT['style'] if font_style is None: font_style = 'Regular' font_path = FONTS[font_family][font_style] except KeyError: return_dict['error'] = "Couln't find the font & style" return return_dict im = Image.new('L', (width, height), 'white') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) im_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, fontsize) textsize = draw.textsize(content, font=im_font) vertical_offset = (height - textsize[1])//2 horizontal_offset = max((width - textsize[0])//2, 0) if 'ttf' in font_path: vertical_offset -= 10 offset = horizontal_offset, vertical_offset if DEBUG: print("Offset: {}".format(offset)) draw.text(offset, content, (0), font=im_font) if DEBUG: im.save('sample-out.png') qlr = BrotherQLRaster(MODEL) create_label(qlr, im, label_size, threshold=threshold, cut=True) if not DEBUG: try: be = BACKEND_CLASS(BACKEND_STRING_DESCR) be.write(qlr.data) be.dispose() del be except Exception as e: return_dict['message'] = str(e) logger.warning('Exception happened: %s', e) response.status = 500 return return_dict return_dict['success'] = True if DEBUG: return_dict['data'] = str(qlr.data) return return_dict def main(): global DEBUG, FONTS, DEFAULT_FONT, MODEL, BACKEND_CLASS, BACKEND_STRING_DESCR import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--port', default=8013) parser.add_argument('--loglevel', type=lambda x: getattr(logging, x.upper()), default='WARNING') parser.add_argument('--font-folder', help='folder for additional .ttf/.otf fonts') parser.add_argument('--model', default='QL-500', choices=models, help='The model of your printer (default: QL-500)') parser.add_argument('printer', help='String descriptor for the printer to use (like tcp:// or file:///dev/usb/lp0)') args = parser.parse_args() DEBUG = args.loglevel == logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel) try: selected_backend = guess_backend(args.printer) except: parser.error("Couln't guess the backend to use from the printer string descriptor") BACKEND_CLASS = backend_factory(selected_backend)['backend_class'] BACKEND_STRING_DESCR = args.printer MODEL = args.model FONTS = get_fonts() if args.font_folder: FONTS.update(get_fonts(args.font_folder)) for font in DEFAULT_FONTS: try: FONTS[font['family']][font['style']] DEFAULT_FONT = font logger.debug("Selected the following default font: {}".format(font)) break except: pass if DEFAULT_FONT is None: sys.stderr.write('Could not find any of the default fonts') sys.exit() run(host='', port=args.port, debug=args.loglevel==logging.DEBUG) if __name__ == "__main__": main()