# Stepcraft GRBLizer A GRBL compatible controller for use as a drop-in replacement for the SC100 USB standard controller deliverd with Stepcraft CNC machines. This Arduino Uno compatible controller is wired conforming the GRL v0.9+ standard. The controller can be used with the GRBL firmware and with EstlCAM. ## Features - The PC is fully electrically isolated from the CNC machine (optional). - All inputs protected with clamping diodes and resistors. - Probe inputs have a 100 Ohm / 100nF low pass filter to suppress spurious triggering. (Filter values may be experimented with.) - 3.5mm Jack for spindle / laser / hot-end control - 3.5mm Jack input for 2 probes. - Serial interface fed out the back (TTL, not protected). For people in a hurry: CP2102 and isolator ICs can be left unpopulated. - Standard 6 pin ISP programming connector fed out the back (not protected). - Some juper block for IO-config Alvast een leuk plaatje: ![PCB Render](images/render2_composit_web.png)