This commit is contained in:
ariel s 2023-07-22 21:53:27 +03:00
parent 55c568b277
commit 9a1e3f5f8a
3 changed files with 4446 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
[env:nodemcuv2] [env:nodemcuv2]
platform = espressif8266 platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2 board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino framework = arduino
lib_deps = crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266@^2.8.5 lib_deps =
monitor_speed = 115200 WifiManager@>=0.16.0
monitor_speed = 115200

src/IRMQTTServer.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
* Send & receive arbitrary IR codes via a web server or MQTT.
* Copyright David Conran 2016-2021
#if defined(ESP8266)
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#endif // ESP8266
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <IRtext.h>
#include <IRtimer.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
#include <IRac.h>
// ---------------- Start of User Configuration Section ------------------------
#define MQTT_ENABLE true // Whether or not MQTT is used at all.
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
// Whether or not examples are included. `false` saves ~2.5K of program space.
#define EXAMPLES_ENABLE true
// Uncomment one of the following to manually override what
// type of persistent storage is used.
// Warning: Changing filesystems will cause all previous locally
// saved configuration data to be lost.
// #define FILESYSTEM LittleFS
// Set the default filesystem if none was specified.
#ifdef ESP8266
#define FILESYSTEM LittleFS
#endif // defined(ESP8266)
#endif // FILESYSTEM
#if (FILESYSTEM == LittleFS)
#define FILESYSTEMSTR "LittleFS"
// ---------------------- Board Related Settings -------------------------------
// NOTE: Make sure you set your Serial Monitor to the same speed.
#define BAUD_RATE 115200 // Serial port Baud rate.
// Change if you need multiple independent send gpios & topics. (MQTT only)
const uint8_t kNrOfIrTxGpios = 1;
// Default GPIO the IR LED is connected to/controlled by. GPIO 4 = D2.
// For an ESP-01 we suggest you use RX/GPIO3/Pin 7. i.e. kDefaultIrLed = 3
// Note: A value of -1 means unused.
const int8_t kDefaultIrLed = 4; // <=- CHANGE_ME (optional)
// **DANGER** Optional flag to invert the output. (default = false)
// `false`: The LED is illuminated when the GPIO is HIGH.
// `true`: The LED is illuminated when GPIO is LOW rather than HIGH.
// Setting this to something other than the default could
// easily destroy your IR LED if you are overdriving it.
// Unless you *REALLY* know what you are doing, don't change this.
const bool kInvertTxOutput = false;
// Default GPIO the IR demodulator is connected to/controlled by. GPIO 14 = D5.
// Note: GPIO 16 won't work on the ESP8266 as it does not have interrupts.
const int8_t kDefaultIrRx = 14; // <=- CHANGE_ME (optional)
// Enable/disable receiving/decoding IR messages entirely.
// Note: IR_RX costs about 40k+ of program memory.
#define IR_RX true
// Should we use PULLUP on the IR Rx gpio?
#define IR_RX_PULLUP false
// --------------------- Network Related Settings ------------------------------
const uint16_t kHttpPort = 80; // The TCP port the HTTP server is listening on.
// Change to 'true'/'false' if you do/don't want these features or functions.
#define USE_STATIC_IP false // Change to 'true' if you don't want to use DHCP.
// We obtain our network config via DHCP by default but allow an easy way to
// use a static IP config.
const IPAddress kIPAddress = IPAddress(10, 0, 1, 78);
const IPAddress kGateway = IPAddress(10, 0, 1, 1);
const IPAddress kSubnetMask = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);
#endif // USE_STATIC_IP
// See: for these settings.
#define HIDE_DUPLICATE_NETWORKS false // Make WifiManager hide duplicate SSIDs
// #define MIN_SIGNAL_STRENGTH 20 // Minimum WiFi signal stength (percentage)
// before we will connect.
// The unset default is 8%.
// (Uncomment to enable)
// Do you want/need mdns enabled? (
#define MDNS_ENABLE true // `false` to disable and save ~21k of program space.
#endif // MDNS_ENABLE
// ----------------------- HTTP Related Settings -------------------------------
#define FIRMWARE_OTA true // Allow remote update of the firmware via http.
// Less secure if enabled.
// Note: Firmware OTA is also disabled until
// a password is set.
#define HTML_PASSWORD_ENABLE false // Protect access to the HTML interface.
// Note: OTA & GPIO updates are always
// passworded.
// If you do not set a password, Firmware OTA & GPIO updates will be blocked.
// ----------------------- MQTT Related Settings -------------------------------
// A value of 768 handles most cases easily. Use 1024 or more when using
// `REPORT_RAW_UNKNOWNS` is recommended.
#define MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE 768 // Default MQTT packet buffer size.
const uint16_t kMqttBufferSize = MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE; // Packet Buffer size.
const uint32_t kMqttReconnectTime = 5000; // Delay(ms) between reconnect tries.
#define MQTT_ACK "sent" // Sub-topic we send back acknowledgements on.
#define MQTT_SEND "send" // Sub-topic we get new commands from.
#define MQTT_RECV "received" // Topic we send received IRs to.
#define MQTT_LOG "log" // Topic we send log messages to.
#define MQTT_LWT "status" // Topic for the Last Will & Testament.
#define MQTT_CLIMATE "ac" // Sub-topic for the climate topics.
#define MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "cmnd" // Sub-topic for the climate command topics.
#define MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT "stat" // Sub-topic for the climate stat topics.
// Sub-topic for the temperature/humidity sensor stat topics.
#define MQTT_SENSOR_STAT "sensor"
// Enable sending/receiving climate via JSON. `true` cost ~5k of program space.
#define MQTT_CLIMATE_JSON false
// Use Home Assistant-style operation modes.
// TL;DR: Power and Mode are linked together. One changes the other.
// i.e.
// - When power is set to "off", the mode is set to "off".
// - When the mode changes from "off" to something else, power is set to "on".
// See:
// *** WARNING ***
// This setting will cause IRMQTTServer to forget what the previous operation
// mode was. e.g. a power "on" -> "off" -> "on" will cause it to use the
// default mode for your A/C, not the previous mode.
// Typically this is "Auto" or "Cool" mode.
// Change to false, if your home automation system doesn't like this, or if
// you want IRMQTTServer to be the authoritative source for controling your
// A/C.
// Do we send an IR message when we reboot and recover the existing A/C state?
// If set to `false` you may miss requested state changes while the ESP was
// down. If set to `true`, it will resend the previous desired state sent to the
// A/C. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to change this.
#define MQTTbroadcastInterval 10 * 60 // Seconds between rebroadcasts.
#define QOS 1 // MQTT broker should queue up any unreceived messages for us
// #define QOS 0 // MQTT broker WON'T queue up messages for us. Fire & Forget.
// Enable(true)/Disable(false) the option to send a MQTT Discovery message for
// the AirCon/Climate system to Home Assistant. Note: `false` saves ~1.5k.
// Enable(true)/Disable(false) the option to clear any settings stored in MQTT
// for this device's current config. e.g. Climate states using MQTT retain.
// In theory, you shouldn't need this as you can always clean up by hand, hence
// it is disabled by default. Note: `false` saves ~1.2k.
#define MQTT_CLEAR_ENABLE false
// Whether or not MQTT Server IP is detected through mDNS
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
// ------------------------ IR Capture Settings --------------------------------
// Should we stop listening for IR messages when we send a message via IR?
// Set this to `true` if your IR demodulator is picking up self transmissions.
// Use `false` if it isn't or can't see the self-sent transmissions
// Using `true` may mean some incoming IR messages are lost or garbled.
// i.e. `false` is better if you can get away with it.
// Let's use a larger than normal buffer so we can handle AirCon remote codes.
const uint16_t kCaptureBufferSize = 1024;
// Some A/C units have gaps in their protocols of ~40ms. e.g. Kelvinator
// A value this large may swallow repeats of some protocols
const uint8_t kCaptureTimeout = 50; // Milliseconds
#else // DECODE_AC
// Suits most messages, while not swallowing many repeats.
const uint8_t kCaptureTimeout = 15; // Milliseconds
#endif // DECODE_AC
// Ignore unknown messages with <10 pulses (see also REPORT_UNKNOWNS)
const uint16_t kMinUnknownSize = 2 * 10;
#define REPORT_UNKNOWNS false // Report inbound IR messages that we don't know.
#define REPORT_RAW_UNKNOWNS false // Report the whole buffer, recommended:
// MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE of 1024 or more
// Should we use and report individual A/C settings we capture via IR if we
// can understand the individual settings of the remote.
// e.g. Aquire the A/C settings from an actual A/C IR remote and override
// any local settings set via MQTT/HTTP etc.
#define USE_DECODED_AC_SETTINGS true // `false` to disable. `true` to enable.
// Should we allow or ignore an A/C IR remote to override the A/C protocol/model
// as set via MQTT or HTTP?
// e.g. If `true`, you can use any fully supported A/C remote to control
// another brand's or model's A/C unit. `false` means change to the new
// protocol/model if we support it via `USE_DECODED_AC_SETTINGS`.
// Do we (re-)send the captured & decoded A/C message via the IR_LED?
// `false` if you don't want to repeat the captured message.
// e.g. Useful if the IR demodulator is located in the path between the remote
// and the A/C unit so the command isn't sent twice.
// `true` if you want it sent anyway.
// e.g. The IR demodulator is in a completely different location than than the
// actual a/c unit.
// ------------------------ SHT-3x Support -------------------------------------
// To enable SHT-3x sensor support (such as the Lolin SHT30 Shield), connected
// to GPIOs 4 and 5 (D2 and D1), do the following:
// - uncomment the line in platformio.ini to enable the SHT-3x library
// - uncomment the following #define line
// #define SHT3X_SUPPORT true
// Default address for SHT-3x sensor.
#define SHT3X_I2C_ADDRESS 0x44
// Requires MQTT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE to be true as well.
// If set, will send HA MQTT Discovery messages for the SHT-3x sensor.
// I2C SDA pin for SHT-3x sensor (D2).
#define SHT3X_I2C_SDA 4
// I2C SCL pin for SHT-3x sensor (D1).
#define SHT3X_I2C_SCL 5
// Check frequency for SHT-3x sensor (in seconds).
#define SHT3X_CHECK_FREQ 60
// ------------------------ Advanced Usage Only --------------------------------
// Reports the input voltage to the ESP chip. **NOT** the input voltage
// to the development board (e.g. NodeMCU, D1 Mini etc) which are typically
// powered by USB (5V) which is then lowered to 3V via a Low Drop Out (LDO)
// Voltage regulator. Hence, this feature is turned off by default as it
// make little sense for most users as it really isn't the actual input voltage.
// E.g. For purposes of monitoring a battery etc.
// Note: Turning on the feature costs ~250 bytes of prog space.
#define REPORT_VCC false // Do we report Vcc via html info page & MQTT?
// Keywords for MQTT topics, html arguments, or config file.
#define KEY_PROTOCOL "protocol"
#define KEY_MODEL "model"
#define KEY_POWER "power"
#define KEY_MODE "mode"
#define KEY_TEMP "temp"
#define KEY_HUMIDITY "humidity"
#define KEY_FANSPEED "fanspeed"
#define KEY_SWINGV "swingv"
#define KEY_SWINGH "swingh"
#define KEY_QUIET "quiet"
#define KEY_TURBO "turbo"
#define KEY_LIGHT "light"
#define KEY_BEEP "beep"
#define KEY_ECONO "econo"
#define KEY_SLEEP "sleep"
#define KEY_FILTER "filter"
#define KEY_CLEAN "clean"
#define KEY_CELSIUS "use_celsius"
#define KEY_JSON "json"
#define KEY_RESEND "resend"
#define KEY_VCC "vcc"
#define KEY_COMMAND "command"
#define KEY_SENSORTEMP "sensortemp"
#define KEY_IFEEL "ifeel"
// HTML arguments we will parse for IR code information.
#define KEY_TYPE "type" // KEY_PROTOCOL is also checked too.
#define KEY_CODE "code"
#define KEY_BITS "bits"
#define KEY_REPEAT "repeats"
#define KEY_CHANNEL "channel" // Which IR TX channel to send on.
#define KEY_SENSORTEMP_DISABLED "sensortemp_disabled" // For HTML form only,
// not sent via MQTT
// nor JSON
// GPIO html/config keys
#define KEY_TX_GPIO "tx"
#define KEY_RX_GPIO "rx"
// Miscellaneous constants
#define TOGGLE_JS_FN_NAME "ToggleInputBasedOnCheckbox"
// Text for Last Will & Testament status messages.
const char* const kLwtOnline = "Online";
const char* const kLwtOffline = "Offline";
const uint8_t kHostnameLength = 30;
const uint8_t kPortLength = 5; // Largest value of uint16_t is "65535".
const uint8_t kUsernameLength = 15;
const uint8_t kPasswordLength = 20;
// -------------------------- Json Settings ------------------------------------
const uint16_t kJsonConfigMaxSize = 512; // Bytes
const uint16_t kJsonAcStateMaxSize = 1024; // Bytes
// -------------------------- Debug Settings -----------------------------------
// Debug output is disabled if any of the IR pins are on the TX (D1) pin.
// See `isSerialGpioUsedByIr()`.
// Note: Debug costs ~6k of program space.
#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG false // Change to 'true' for serial debug output.
#endif // DEBUG
// ----------------- End of User Configuration Section -------------------------
// Constants
#define _MY_VERSION_ "v1.8.2"
const uint8_t kRebootTime = 15; // Seconds
const uint8_t kQuickDisplayTime = 2; // Seconds
// Common bit sizes for the simple protocols.
const uint8_t kCommonBitSizes[] = {
12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 35, 36, 42, 48, 56, 64};
// Gpio related
#if defined(ESP8266)
const int8_t kTxGpios[] = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16};
const int8_t kRxGpios[] = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15};
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(ESP32)
// Ref:
const int8_t kTxGpios[] = {
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,
25, 26, 27, 32, 33};
const int8_t kRxGpios[] = {
-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,
25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39};
#endif // ESP32
// JSON stuff
// Name of the json config file in SPIFFS.
const char* const kConfigFile = "/config.json";
const char* const kMqttServerKey = "mqtt_server";
const char* const kMqttPortKey = "mqtt_port";
const char* const kMqttUserKey = "mqtt_user";
const char* const kMqttPassKey = "mqtt_pass";
const char* const kMqttPrefixKey = "mqtt_prefix";
const char* const kHostnameKey = "hostname";
const char* const kHttpUserKey = "http_user";
const char* const kHttpPassKey = "http_pass";
const char* const kCommandDelimiter = ",";
// URLs
const char* const kUrlRoot = "/";
const char* const kUrlAdmin = "/admin";
const char* const kUrlAircon = "/aircon";
const char* const kUrlSendDiscovery = "/send_discovery";
const char* const kUrlExamples = "/examples";
const char* const kUrlGpio = "/gpio";
const char* const kUrlGpioSet = "/gpio/set";
const char* const kUrlInfo = "/info";
const char* const kUrlReboot = "/quitquitquit";
const char* const kUrlWipe = "/reset";
const char* const kUrlClearMqtt = "/clear_retained";
const uint32_t kBroadcastPeriodMs = MQTTbroadcastInterval * 1000; // mSeconds.
// How long should we listen to recover for previous states?
// Default is 5 seconds per IR TX GPIOs (channels) used.
const uint32_t kStatListenPeriodMs = 5 * 1000 * kNrOfIrTxGpios; // mSeconds
const int32_t kMaxPauseMs = 10000; // 10 Seconds.
const char* const kSequenceDelimiter = ";";
const char kPauseChar = 'P';
#if defined(ESP8266)
const uint32_t kChipId = ESP.getChipId();
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(ESP32)
const uint32_t kChipId = ESP.getEfuseMac(); // Discard the top 16 bits.
#endif // ESP32
static const char kClimateTopics[] PROGMEM =
static const char* const kMqttTopics[] = {
KEY_JSON}; // KEY_JSON needs to be the last one.
void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);
String listOfCommandTopics(void);
void handleSendMqttDiscovery(void);
void subscribing(const String topic_name);
void unsubscribing(const String topic_name);
void mqttLog(const char* str);
bool mountSpiffs(void);
bool reconnect(void);
void receivingMQTT(String const topic_name, String const callback_str);
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);
void sendMQTTDiscovery(const char *topic, String id_channel);
void doBroadcast(TimerMs *timer, const uint32_t interval,
IRac *climates[], const bool retain,
const bool force);
stdAc::state_t jsonToState(const stdAc::state_t current, const char *str);
void sendJsonState(const stdAc::state_t state, const String topic,
const bool retain = false,
const bool ha_mode = MQTT_CLIMATE_HA_MODE);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
String vccToString(void);
#endif // REPORT_VCC
bool isSerialGpioUsedByIr(void);
void debug(const char *str);
void saveWifiConfigCallback(void);
void saveWifiConfig(void);
void loadWifiConfigFile(void);
void doRestart(const char* str, const bool serial_only = false);
String msToHumanString(uint32_t const msecs);
String timeElapsed(uint32_t const msec);
String timeSince(uint32_t const start);
String gpioToString(const int16_t gpio);
uint8_t getDefaultIrSendIdx(void);
IRsend* getDefaultIrSendPtr(void);
int8_t getDefaultTxGpio(void);
String genStatTopic(const uint16_t channel = 0);
String listOfTxGpios(void);
bool hasUnsafeHTMLChars(String input);
String htmlHeader(const String title, const String h1_text = "",
const String headScriptsJS = "");
String htmlEnd(void);
String htmlButton(const String url, const String button,
const String text = "");
String htmlMenu(void);
void handleRoot(void);
String addJsReloadUrl(const String url, const uint16_t timeout_s,
const bool notify);
String getJsToggleCheckbox(const String functionName = TOGGLE_JS_FN_NAME);
void handleExamples(void);
String htmlOptionItem(const String value, const String text, bool selected);
String htmlSelectBool(const String name, const bool def);
String htmlDisableCheckbox(const String name, const String targetControlId,
const bool checked,
const String toggleJsFnName = TOGGLE_JS_FN_NAME);
String htmlSelectClimateProtocol(const String name, const decode_type_t def);
String htmlSelectAcStateProtocol(const String name, const decode_type_t def,
const bool simple);
String htmlSelectModel(const String name, const int16_t def);
String htmlSelectMode(const String name, const stdAc::opmode_t def);
String htmlSelectFanspeed(const String name, const stdAc::fanspeed_t def);
String htmlSelectSwingv(const String name, const stdAc::swingv_t def);
String htmlSelectSwingh(const String name, const stdAc::swingh_t def);
void handleAirCon(void);
void handleAirConSet(void);
void handleAdmin(void);
void handleInfo(void);
void handleReset(void);
void handleReboot(void);
bool parseStringAndSendAirCon(IRsend *irsend, const decode_type_t irType,
const String str);
uint16_t countValuesInStr(const String str, char sep);
uint16_t * newCodeArray(const uint16_t size);
bool parseStringAndSendGC(IRsend *irsend, const String str);
bool parseStringAndSendPronto(IRsend *irsend, const String str,
uint16_t repeats);
#endif // SEND_PRONTO
bool parseStringAndSendRaw(IRsend *irsend, const String str);
#endif // SEND_RAW
void sendMQTTDiscoverySensor(const char *topic, String type);
#endif // SH3X_SUPPORT
void handleIr(void);
void handleNotFound(void);
void setup_wifi(void);
void init_vars(void);
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
uint32_t maxSketchSpace(void);
uint64_t getUInt64fromHex(char const *str);
bool sendIRCode(IRsend *irsend, decode_type_t const ir_type,
uint64_t const code, char const * code_str, uint16_t bits,
uint16_t repeat);
bool sendInt(const String topic, const int32_t num, const bool retain);
bool sendBool(const String topic, const bool on, const bool retain);
bool sendString(const String topic, const String str, const bool retain);
bool sendFloat(const String topic, const float_t temp, const bool retain);
void updateClimate(stdAc::state_t *current, const String str,
const String prefix, const String payload);
bool cmpClimate(const stdAc::state_t a, const stdAc::state_t b);
bool sendClimate(const String topic_prefix, const bool retain,
const bool forceMQTT, const bool forceIR,
const bool enableIR = true, IRac *ac = NULL);
bool decodeCommonAc(const decode_results *decode);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff