Nathan Moore 80522477e0 submit
2023-02-08 11:57:50 -06:00

1108 lines
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%% This is file `iopart.cls'
%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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%% Current Maintainer: IOP Publishing Ltd
%% \CharacterTable
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
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% Headings for all pages apart from first
% Headings for first page
% \maketitle just ends page
% Article titles
% Usage: \title[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
% Can use \paper instead of \title
% Generic title command for articles other than papers
% Usage: \article[Short title]{Article Type}{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
{\parindent=\mathindent \bf #2\par}%
{\parindent=\mathindent \bf #1\par}%
% Letters to the Editor
% Usage \letter{Full title}
% No short title is required for Letters
\def\letter#1{\article[Letter to the Editor]{Letter to the Editor}{#1}}
% Fast Track Communications (added by sxb 9 March 2011)
% Usage \ftc{Full title} - there's no short title
\def\ftc#1{\article[Fast Track Communication]{Fast Track Communication}{#1}}
% Review articles
% Usage: \review[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
\def\@sreview[#1]#2{\@sarticle[#1]{Review Article}{#2}}
\def\@freview#1{\@farticle{Review Article}{#1}}
% Topical Review
% Usage: \topical[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
\def\@stopical[#1]#2{\@sarticle[#1]{Topical Review}{#2}}
\def\@ftopical#1{\@farticle{Topical Review}{#1}}
% Comments
% Usage: \comment[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
% Rapid Communications
% Usage: \rapid[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
\def\@srapid[#1]#2{\@sarticle[#1]{Rapid Communication}{#2}}
\def\@frapid#1{\@farticle{Rapid Communication}{#1}}
% Notes
% Usage: \note[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
% Preliminary Communications
% Usage: \prelim[Short title]{Full title}
% [Short title] is optional; use where title is too long
% or contains footnotes, 50 characters maximum
\def\@sprelim[#1]#2{\@sarticle[#1]{Preliminary Communication}{#2}}
\def\@fprelim#1{\@farticle{Preliminary Communication}{#1}}
% List of authors
% Usage \author[Short form]{List of all authors}
% The short form excludes footnote symbols linking authors to addresses
% and is used for running heads in printed version (but not on preprints)
\def\@sauthor[#1]#2{\markright{#1} % for production only
\def\@fauthor#1{%\markright{#1} for production only
% Affiliation (authors address)
% Usage: \address{Address of first author}
% \address{Address of second author}
% Use once for each address, use symbols \dag \ddag \S \P $\|$
% to connect authors with addresses
\item[]\rm\raggedright #1
% American Mathematical Society Classification Numbers
% Usage: \ams{57.XX, 58.XX}
\item[]\rm AMS classification scheme numbers: #1\par
% A single Physics & Astronomy Classification Number
% Usage \pacno{31.10}
\item[]\rm PACS number: #1\par
% Physics & Astronomy Classification Numbers (more than one)
% Usage \pacs{31.10, 31.20T}
\item[]\rm PACS numbers: #1\par
% Submission details. If \jl command used journals name printed
% otherwise Institute of Physics Publishing
\def\submitted{\vspace{28pt plus 10pt minus 18pt}
\noindent{\small\rm Submitted to: {\it \journal}\par}}
\def\submitto#1{\vspace{28pt plus 10pt minus 18pt}
\noindent{\small\rm Submitted to: {\it #1}\par}}
% For articles (other than Letters) not divided into sections
% Usage \nosections Start of text
\def\nosections{\vspace{30\p@ plus12\p@ minus12\p@}
% Acknowledgments (no heading if letter)
% Usage \ack for Acknowledgments, \ackn for Acknowledgement
% Footnotes: symbols selected in order \dag (1), \ddag (2), \S (3),
% $\|$ (4), $\P$ (5), $^+$ (6), $^*$ (7), \sharp (8), \dagger\dagger (9)
% unless optional argument of [<num>] use to specify required symbol,
% 1=\dag, 2=\ddag, etc
% Usage: \footnote{Text of footnote}
% \footnote[3]{Text of footnote}
\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent
\footnotesize\rm #1}
\def\@fnsymbol#1{\ifcase#1\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or \S\or
\|\or \P\or ^{+}\or ^{\tsty *}\or \sharp
\or \dagger\dagger \else\@ctrerr\fi\relax}
% IOP Journals
\def\journal{\ifnum\thejnl=0 Institute of Physics Publishing\fi
\ifnum\thejnl=1 J. Phys.\ A: Math.\ Gen.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=2 J. Phys.\ B: At.\ Mol.\ Opt.\ Phys.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=3 J. Phys.:\ Condens. Matter\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=4 J. Phys.\ G: Nucl.\ Part.\ Phys.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=5 Inverse Problems\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=6 Class. Quantum Grav.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=7 Network: Comput.\ Neural Syst.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=8 Nonlinearity\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=9 J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=10 Waves Random Media\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=11 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=12 Phys. Med. Biol.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=13 Modelling Simul.\ Mater.\ Sci.\ Eng.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=14 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=15 Physiol. Meas.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=16 Combust. Theory Modelling\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=17 High Perform.\ Polym.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=18 Public Understand. Sci.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=19 Rep.\ Prog.\ Phys.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=20 J.\ Phys.\ D: Appl.\ Phys.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=21 Supercond.\ Sci.\ Technol.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=22 Semicond.\ Sci.\ Technol.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=23 Nanotechnology\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=24 Measur.\ Sci.\ Technol.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=25 Plasma.\ Sources\ Sci.\ Technol.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=26 Smart\ Mater.\ Struct.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=27 J.\ Micromech.\ Microeng.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=28 Distrib.\ Syst.\ Engng\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=29 Bioimaging\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=30 J.\ Radiol. Prot.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=31 Europ. J. Phys.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=32 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.\ \fi
\ifnum\thejnl=33 New. J. Phys.\ \fi}
% E-mail addresses (to provide links from headers)
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\def\ead#1{\vspace*{5pt}\address{E-mail: \mailto{#1}}}
\def\mailto#1{{\tt #1}}
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\Alph{section}\arabic{equation}\fi} % Comment A\arabic{equation} maybe
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% Added redefinition of \@caption so captions are not written to
% aux file therefore less need to \protect fragile commands
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January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\newcommand{\Tables}{\clearpage\section*{Tables and table captions}
\newcommand{\Figures}{\clearpage\section*{Figure captions}
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% Macro to used for references in the Harvard system
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$$\halign to
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\mathindent = 6pc
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% 2012: if you have an eqn numbered by parts (eg eqn 6a, 6b) this allows
% you to refer to it by just the number (eg eqn 6) if the label is between
% the \multiparteqn and the \numparts
\newcommand{\tdot}[1]{\stackrel{\dots}{#1}} % Added 1/9/94
\newcommand{\Or}{\mathord{\mathrm{O}}} %changed from \mathop 20/1/95
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\newcommand{\Eref}[1]{Equation (\ref{#1})}
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% Tables rules %
% Width of bold rule in tabular environment.
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% Rules for tables with extra space around
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% Extra spaces for tables and displayed equations
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\newcommand{\etal}{{\it et al\/}\ }
\newcommand{\nonum}{\par\item[]} %\par added 1/9/93
% abbreviations for IOPP journals
\newcommand{\CQG}{{\it Class. Quantum Grav.} }
\newcommand{\CTM}{{\it Combust. Theory Modelling\/} }
\newcommand{\DSE}{{\it Distrib. Syst. Engng.\/} }
\newcommand{\EJP}{{\it Eur. J. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JNE}{{\it J. Neural Eng.} } %added 30/11/2004 GMD
\newcommand{\PB}{{\it Phys. Biol.} } %added 30/11/2004 GMD
\newcommand{\SMS}{{\it Smart Mater. Struct.} } %added 30/11/2004 GMD
\newcommand{\HPP}{{\it High Perform. Polym.} } % added 4/5/93
\newcommand{\IP}{{\it Inverse Problems\/} }
\newcommand{\JHM}{{\it J. Hard Mater.} } % added 4/5/93
\newcommand{\JO}{{\it J. Opt.} }
\newcommand{\JOA}{{\it J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.} }
\newcommand{\JOB}{{\it J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt.} }
\newcommand{\JPA}{{\it J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.} } % superseded by \jpa below
\newcommand{\JPB}{{\it J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys.} } %1968-87
\newcommand{\jpb}{{\it J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.} } %1988 and onwards
\newcommand{\JPC}{{\it J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys.} } %1968--1988
\newcommand{\JPCM}{{\it J. Phys.: Condens. Matter\/} } %1989 and onwards
\newcommand{\JPD}{{\it J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JPE}{{\it J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.} }
\newcommand{\JPF}{{\it J. Phys. F: Met. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JPG}{{\it J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys.} } %1975--1988
\newcommand{\jpg}{{\it J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.} } %1989 and onwards
\newcommand{\JMM}{{\it J. Micromech. Microeng.\/} }
\newcommand{\MSMSE}{{\it Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.} } % sxb changed to 'Simul' 15 Mar 2011
\newcommand{\MST}{{\it Meas. Sci. Technol.} } %1990 and onwards
\newcommand{\NET}{{\it Network: Comput. Neural Syst.} }
\newcommand{\NJP}{{\it New J. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\NL}{{\it Nonlinearity\/} }
\newcommand{\NT}{{\it Nanotechnology} }
\newcommand{\PAO}{{\it Pure Appl. Optics\/} }
\newcommand{\PM}{{\it Physiol. Meas.} } % added 4/5/93
\newcommand{\PMB}{{\it Phys. Med. Biol.} }
\newcommand{\PPCF}{{\it Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion\/} } % added 4/5/93
\newcommand{\PSST}{{\it Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.} }
\newcommand{\PUS}{{\it Public Understand. Sci.} }
\newcommand{\QO}{{\it Quantum Opt.} }
\newcommand{\QSO}{{\em Quantum Semiclass. Opt.} }
\newcommand{\RPP}{{\it Rep. Prog. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\SLC}{{\it Sov. Lightwave Commun.} } % added 4/5/93
\newcommand{\SST}{{\it Semicond. Sci. Technol.} }
\newcommand{\SUST}{{\it Supercond. Sci. Technol.} }
\newcommand{\WRM}{{\it Waves Random Media\/} }
% Other commonly quoted journals
\newcommand{\AC}{{\it Acta Crystallogr.} }
\newcommand{\AM}{{\it Acta Metall.} }
\newcommand{\AP}{{\it Ann. Phys., Lpz.} }
\newcommand{\APNY}{{\it Ann. Phys., NY\/} }
\newcommand{\APP}{{\it Ann. Phys., Paris\/} }
\newcommand{\CJP}{{\it Can. J. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JAP}{{\it J. Appl. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JCP}{{\it J. Chem. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JJAP}{{\it Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JP}{{\it J. Physique\/} }
\newcommand{\JPhCh}{{\it J. Phys. Chem.} }
\newcommand{\JMMM}{{\it J. Magn. Magn. Mater.} }
\newcommand{\JMP}{{\it J. Math. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\JOSA}{{\it J. Opt. Soc. Am.} }
\newcommand{\JPSJ}{{\it J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.\/} }
\newcommand{\JQSRT}{{\it J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer\/} }
\newcommand{\NC}{{\it Nuovo Cimento\/} }
\newcommand{\NIM}{{\it Nucl. Instrum. Methods\/} }
\newcommand{\NP}{{\it Nucl. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\PL}{{\it Phys. Lett.} }
\newcommand{\PR}{{\it Phys. Rev.} }
\newcommand{\PRL}{{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} }
\newcommand{\PRS}{{\it Proc. R. Soc.} }
\newcommand{\PS}{{\it Phys. Scr.} }
\newcommand{\PSS}{{\it Phys. Status Solidi\/} }
\newcommand{\PTRS}{{\it Phil. Trans. R. Soc.} }
\newcommand{\RMP}{{\it Rev. Mod. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\RSI}{{\it Rev. Sci. Instrum.} }
\newcommand{\SSC}{{\it Solid State Commun.} }
\newcommand{\ZP}{{\it Z. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\GRG}{{\it Gen. Rel. Grav.} }
\newcommand{\PF}{{\it Phys. Fluids\/} }
\newcommand{\SPJ}{{\it Sov. Phys.--JETP\/} }
% More journals added 8 Mar 2011, below (sxb)
\newcommand{\jpa}{{\it J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.} }
\newcommand{\BF}{{\it Biofabrication\/} }
\newcommand{\BB}{{\it Bioinspir. Biomim.} }
\newcommand{\BMM}{{\it Biomed. Mater.} }
\newcommand{\CSD}{{\it Comput. Sci. Disc.} }
\newcommand{\ERL}{{\it Environ. Res. Lett.} }
\newcommand{\JBR}{{\it J. Breath Res.} }
\newcommand{\JGE}{{\it J. Geophys. Eng.} }
\newcommand{\JOPT}{{\it J. Opt.} }
\newcommand{\JRP}{{\it J. Radiol. Prot.} }
\newcommand{\MET}{{\it Metrologia\/} }
\newcommand{\NF}{{\it Nucl. Fusion\/} }
\newcommand{\PED}{{\it Phys. Educ.} }
% More journals added 6 Feb 2014, below (sxb)
\newcommand{\TDM}{{\it 2D Mater.} }
\newcommand{\MRE}{{\it Mater. Res. Express\/} }
\newcommand{\MAF}{{\it Methods Appl. Fluoresc.} }
\newcommand{\TMR}{{\it Transl. Mater. Res.} }
\newcommand{\STMP}{{\it Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop.} }
% The following journals are externally-edited and the usual IOP Publishing
% submission guidelines do *not* apply if you're submitting to them.
\newcommand{\AJ}{{\it AJ\/} }
\newcommand{\APJ}{{\it ApJ\/} }
\newcommand{\APJL}{{\it ApJL\/} }
\newcommand{\APJS}{{\it ApJS\/} }
\newcommand{\ANSN}{{\it Adv. Nat. Sci: Nanosci. Nanotechnol.} }
\newcommand{\CJCP}{{\it Chin. J. Chem. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\CPB}{{\it Chinese Phys. B\/} }
\newcommand{\CPC}{{\it Chinese Phys. C\/} }
\newcommand{\CPL}{{\it Chinese Phys. Lett.} }
\newcommand{\CTP}{{\it Commun. Theor. Phys.} }
\newcommand{\EPL}{{\it EPL\/} }
\newcommand{\FDR}{{\it Fluid Dyn. Res.} }
\newcommand{\IZV}{{\it Izv. Math.} }
\newcommand{\JOS}{{\it J. Semicond.} }
\newcommand{\PHU}{{\it Phys.-Usp.} }
\newcommand{\PST}{{\it Plasma Sci. Technol.} }
\newcommand{\QEL}{{\it Quantum Electron.} }
\newcommand{\RAA}{{\it Res. Astron. Astrophys.} }
\newcommand{\RCR}{{\it Russ. Chem. Rev.} }
\newcommand{\RMS}{{\it Russ. Math. Surv.} }
\newcommand{\MSB}{{\it Sb. Math.} }
\newcommand{\SFC}{{\it Science Foundation in China\/} }
\newcommand{\STAM}{{\it Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.} }
\newcommand{\LP}{{\it Laser Phys.} }
\newcommand{\LPL}{{\it Laser Phys. Lett.} }
\newcommand{\APEX}{{\it Appl. Phys. Express\/} }
% SISSA journals
\newcommand{\JCAP}{{\it JCAP\/} }
\newcommand{\JHEP}{{\it J. High Energy Phys.\/} }
\newcommand{\JSTAT}{{\it J. Stat. Mech.} }
\newcommand{\JINST}{{\it JINST\/} }
% These are the IOP Conference Series journals: again, if you're
% submitting to one of these journals you shouldn't be using iopart.cls
\newcommand{\JPCS}{{\it J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.} }
\newcommand{\EES}{{\it IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.} }
\newcommand{\MSE}{{\it IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.} }
% 2012 new option for twocolumn output
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbers
%% End of file `iopart.cls'.