Frontend / Backend merged into Input / Output
- Let me know if I got the ins and the outs in the correct spot.
TV shows alphabetized and organized
Bugfix: Books shares B with Beard
- Books relabeled to BK
Relationships, Sex, and Gender all merged into one category. No need to define sex and lack of sex twice.
Bug: Computers and Clothing share the same letter
- Fixed: CM = Computers
Welcome back to the Geek Code, Microsoft!
- You have given too many geeks headaches for us to ignore you any longer
Had to revamp this because I that old code made me think of other things...
- bb is a droid on Star Wars
- bm is bowel movement
- bs is... well, you get the idea.
New expression for b allows for multiple areas to be defined for hair growth
Doesn't need to be HTML since these were originally released on UseNet message boards. Any HTML that exists in the file will be preserved for posterity
Updating towards v5
- New introduction with more older geek code examples than even Wikipedia bothers to include.
- Backed up geek code examples to GitHub so that they won't disappear along with old web pages.
- Tried to summarize the major changes between each version concisely
Why link to examples of Geek Code on the web when we maintain geek code on the web?
Here's a backup of the geek code version 2.1, now archived on GitHub where it belongs.
Why link to examples of Geek Code on the web when we maintain geek code on the web?
Here's a backup of the geek code version 1.0.1, now archived on GitHub where it belongs.
Why link to examples of Geek Code on the web when we maintain geek code on the web?
Here's a backup of the oldest example of geek code, now archived on GitHub where it belongs.