Fix Diode symbol (was reversed), input dcouple caps value, X1 caps value, minor routing improvement.
Fix Diode symbol (was reversed), input dcouple caps value, X1 caps value, minor routing improvement.
Stepcraft GRBLizer
A GRBL compatible controller for use as a drop-in replacement for the SC100 USB standard controller deliverd with Stepcraft CNC machines. This Arduino Uno compatible controller is wired conforming the GRL v0.9+ standard. The controller can be used with the GRBL firmware and with EstlCAM.
- The PC is fully electrically isolated from the CNC machine (optional).
- All inputs protected with clamping diodes and resistors.
- Probe inputs have a 100 Ohm / 100nF low pass filter to suppress spurious triggering. (Filter values may be experimented with.)
- 3.5mm Jack for spindle / laser / hot-end control
- 3.5mm Jack input for 2 probes.
- Serial interface fed out the back (TTL, not protected). For people in a hurry: CP2102 and isolator ICs can be left unpopulated.
- Standard 6 pin ISP programming connector fed out the back (not protected).
- Some juper block for IO-config
Replacement ('Arduino') controller that fits inside a Stepcraft CNC machine. Comptatible with GRBL and EstlCAM
KiCad Layout